Pisces horoscope for may Globe. Horoscope for May - Pisces

Each person from the new year expects changes in his life in a positive direction, so many people are looking for answers in their horoscopes, it became known to the rsute.ru portal. The famous Russian astrologer Tamara Globa compiled a horoscope for 2019 for typical representatives of all signs of the zodiac. She has long become the most popular astrologer in the country, whose stellar predictions come true with high probability.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)
At the very beginning of the year, there will be a real chance to move up the career ladder. The abilities and talents of the representatives of this zodiac sign will be appreciated by the leader, which will find its reflection in financial terms. Lonely Aries will be able to meet their soul mate under the most unexpected circumstances, a relationship with which will lead to marriage in a short time.

a lion (July 23 - August 23)
For Lviv, 2019 will be held under the sign of love. Many representatives of this zodiac sign will become parents of twins this year. Most Lions will change their jobs to find peace of mind. In the love sphere, a wave of vivid emotions will pass, and family representatives will be able to light a new fire in a relationship with their soul mate.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)
At the beginning of 2019, Sagittarius will have a chance to change their lives for the better. Spring will bring solutions to problems in your personal life, and autumn will start with unexpected changes in work. The year will be difficult in terms of mutual understanding in the family, so you need to try to avoid conflicts and smooth out all the rough edges in relations with your partner.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)
High activity and calmness will help to achieve high results in work and business in 2019. The year will bring some instability, and the black stripe will change to white. For single Taurus, this period will bring new fateful acquaintances, vivid emotions and new impressions. But do not forget about health, because at the end of the year the emotional state will be at the limit, which can lead to deep depression.

Virgo (August 24 - September 23)
This year is suitable for acquiring new knowledge and spiritual development. Virgo women will be influenced by Uranus and Pluto, which will turn them into a lump of passions. In the spring, you should refrain from large and rash spending. It will not be easy to make money, so only the maximum manifestation of hard work will lead to success.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)
In 2019, the representatives of this zodiac sign are waiting for the vicissitudes of fate, which must be approached philosophically. Capricorns will have great difficulties at work in the middle of summer, but do not give up, hard work and calmness will help to resolve all issues by the fall. Blood pressure surges and insomnia can knock you out of your working condition, so you should not ignore the health problems that have arisen.

Twins (May 21 - June 21)
From February 2019, a successful period will begin for changes in professional activity or work. In the spring, it is worth keeping yourself in control in relation to family and friends, as the emotional state will be on the verge. The end of 2019 will bring Gemini a long-awaited financial reward for the patience and hard work shown over the past few months.

scales (September 24 - October 23)
In 2019, Libra will have some events that can throw them off balance. Events that will take place throughout the year will lead to an increase in business activity in Libra. But this activity will lead to global results only in 2020. At the beginning of the year, deep conflicts in relations with a partner are possible, but by the end of spring, mutual understanding will nevertheless come.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 20)
The whole year will be calm and measured. Unexpected twists of fate or meetings are not expected. The financial condition will stabilize by the summer. During the year, you should not borrow large amounts of money, as this can lead to serious conflicts with loved ones.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)
In 2019, there is a high probability of a successful change of place of residence and work. In March, a successful period in his career will begin and finally Rakov will appreciate the leadership at its true worth. It is advisable to make large purchases in the summer. The love relationship of lonely Cancers will be of a short-term nature.

Scorpion (October 24 - November 22)
Already in January, a new period will begin both in relationships and in work. Finally, the difficulties will end and the Scorpios will feel a surge of strength and new ideas. Serious changes in work can be expected in May. In a love relationship, a period of renewal of feelings will begin, partners will look at each other from a different angle. One must be wary of adventures and dubious agreements.

Fishes (February 21 - March 20)
At the beginning of the year, there will be many chances to change your life for the better, both in work and in family relationships. Spring will bring new acquaintances with interesting people, and in summer the time will come for the implementation of the most daring plans.

Fish prefer to go with the flow, not really caring about tomorrow. A rich imagination draws them pleasant pictures of the distant future, and the tendency to dream of the unrealizable prevents them from soberly assessing the situation. Astrologers warn that this behavior is fraught with consequences. Pisces' favorite pastime is communicating with children and loved ones in the bosom of the family. In the coming days, the stars are not advised to change their lifestyle and enter into dubious enterprises.

Horoscopes for Pisces

Pisces horoscope for today by Pavel Globa

Dreamy and pensive Pisces will spend the day in bliss and meditation. Let yourself relax and be in a serene state. By the evening Pisces will feel energized... Go for a walk or visit your friends. The stars do not advise ending this day alone.

For unmarried Pisces, fate has prepared a pleasant surprise. Perhaps it will be a new acquaintance or a meeting with an old friend to whom you were partial. Unleash your feelings and emotions - this is your chance. Business meetings on this day should be postponed. Visits to a doctor and a beauty salon will be unsuccessful.

Pisces tomorrow horoscope by Pavel Globa

On this day, it is unsafe to engage in intrigue or enter into questionable enterprises. Try to avoid people you don't like and keep your mouth shut. Quarrels in the morning can escalate into real enmity that will stretch over many years. In the afternoon, try to pay more attention to your loved ones. Spend the evening with your family and end your dinner with a soothing chamomile and mint tea.

Famous astrologer Tamara Globa warns that emotional upheavals are possible on this day. With what they will be connected, she does not specify, but advises to beware of quarrels and visiting crowded places. Spend the day reading your favorite book or doing household chores.

Horoscope for the week for Pisces women

Another forecast from Pavel Globa is a horoscope for a week. Both success and disappointment await Pisces this week. At work, everything will turn out just fine. You will receive interesting offers, perhaps your work will be appreciated by your superiors. Born in February can safely participate in lotteries and sweepstakes, and those born in March make purchases and send resumes. All matters related to a career and financial situation will be safely resolved during this period. Do not be afraid to take risks, a greater chance of getting success is not expected in the near future.

In his personal life, minor troubles are expected, which, however, will not develop into a serious quarrel or even a breakup. Try to control emotions, behave more restrained and more tolerant towards loved ones. Lonely Pisces are not advised by the stars to trust new acquaintances and listen to the advice of friends. Beware of Lions and Sagittarius, unless they are your loved ones.

At the beginning of the week, you will need a lot of information and you will feel the role of the Internet in your life. The desire to educate yourself will get so strong that you would like to study languages ​​or complete any courses. By the end of the week, the mood from the worker will have changed to romantic. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of visiting an exhibition or theater. It is better to leave club parties for the next time, this week is not the most favorable for stormy fun and new acquaintances.

Pavel Globa advises: devote this week to important matters. It is not recommended to borrow or go for large purchases. Any financial affairs will bring disappointment and loss, and disagreements will arise in the family over money.

In the love sphere, the situation is more favorable. Single Pisces can be carried away by new relationships, and married ones can feel increased attention from their spouse. This week, Pisces will sparkle and captivate.

For a month

This month gives you a chance to show yourself. If you use it, you will reap the benefits of success and recognition for a long time to come. Be bolder and more confident in yourself. Probably, you will have envious people who will not hesitate to insert sticks into the wheels. Be careful and watch out for people born under the sign of Leo.

Throughout the first ten days of the month, you will be exclusively interested in your financial situation. Perhaps there will be a desire find additional work or do business... Any undertaking this month will be a success. Do not be afraid of unusual projects and trust your intuition. Remember that of all the signs of the zodiac, she is the most developed in you.

Do not give up on business trips and long trips. There is every chance of acquiring useful acquaintances or just good friends on whom you can rely in the future.

To pay attention health, in particular, kidneys and liver... Watch your diet and refrain from drinking alcohol. Fish often suffer from swelling, so drink diuretic tea and avoid stressful situations. You should not look for salvation from trouble in alcoholic beverages.

The beginning of the month promises romantic acquaintances or an easy affair. Married Pisces should be careful not to be seduced. Be in shape, do not forget to take care of the failure and monitor your health. Perhaps a sharp turn of fate awaits you, which will change the previous worldview.

Fish born in February will have the inspiration and desire to draw, write poetry or prose. Try your hand at art and who knows, perhaps this is what you have been missing all your life.

  • Auspicious days: 1, 5, 7, 12, 26.
  • Unfavorable: 2, 6, 13, 17, 21, 29.

Forecast for 2018

The coming 2018 of the Yellow Earth Dog promises a lot of pleasant adventures for Pisces. All the behavior of the representatives of this sign will be dictated by the desire to surprise others. The stars will favor Pisces, but only if they take the first step themselves... People around you will be surprisingly supportive and no special obstacles are foreseen. This year can be considered to some extent decisive. Representatives of this sign will have a chance to make a fateful decision that will be successful.

Love relationship

Show as much initiative and activity as possible. Your partner has long been waiting for radical action. Lonely Pisces will have a lot of new acquaintances, which, if desired, can develop into something more. Important the meeting can take place in the first half of the year... Do not give up long trips and business trips, you, more than ever, have a high probability of starting a romantic relationship with a pleasant fellow traveler. And who knows, perhaps this acquaintance will become that promising gift of fate that the Yellow Earth Dog has prepared for you.

Finance and career

Representatives of this sign will face a busy financial period, which will last until the middle of the year. Careers and work will be time-consuming and not always successful. Stabilization and tangible material success are possible only by the end of the year. The most successful year will be for Pisces born in the year of the Monkey.

  • In winter, Pisces will need additional training.... These can be language courses or trainings. Athletes will noticeably improve their results, and representatives of the creative profession will have inspiration.
  • In the spring, expenses will exceed income, which will push you to take risky actions. Do not take loans and do not invest in dubious businesses. During this period, any financial transactions will bring loss and disappointment.
  • In the summer, do not hesitate for a long time, but get down to business... You will have a lot of opportunities, but the main thing is to make the right choice.
  • Avoid scammers and adventurers in autumn... After a successful summer, the financial situation will stabilize and by December you will forget about the failures of the first half of the year.

This is the year of careerists and people prone to adventures and intrigues. Many Pisces will think that they will succeed if they just take the risk. The stars warn: you should not blindly trust the crooks, but it is better to listen to your own female intuition, because you have it very developed.

If you are thinking of making a large purchase, then the most favorable month will be February or the summer months. To start your own business the best period will be November and December. By this time, your financial situation will stabilize, and failures will leave you.

At the end of the summer, you will want additional earnings. September is the most favorable month for finding a new job.


Pisces should constantly monitor their weight and control bad habits. Unfortunately, weak willpower does not allow this sign to completely abandon them.

  • In winter, you will have to completely rethink your diet. and lifestyle, otherwise health problems will not be long in coming. Don't take too many medications, it will damage your liver. It is better to use the advice of traditional medicine and do cleansing procedures.
  • Weight loss diet won't hurt you in spring... Go in for sports or just visit the fitness club. With your inclination to be overweight, it will come in handy.
  • Oddly enough, but in the summer, Pisces will have a risk of catching colds. that develop into bronchitis or pneumonia. Avoid drafts as the summer heat is very insidious. Throughout the summer months, you will be haunted by minor health troubles, and visiting a doctor will become something of a daily routine. Do not worry, as no serious problems are foreseen and by the end of the summer everything will stabilize.
  • Autumn does not bode well... This is the most favorable period of the Dog year for you. The vitality will be at its best. You will feel a surge of vivacity and energy. To avoid emotional overload, practice yoga or meditation.

Attention, only TODAY!

Your professional life will become more fulfilling and interesting as you get creative and redefine your goals. For some, this step will push them to a new job or more vigorous activity.

In May, you will not have to communicate a lot with colleagues and spend time on sorting out relationships and quarrels, both with colleagues and with your bosses. In work, new perspectives will open up in front of you, or the business will take an unexpected turn and force you to re-engage in active activity.

Don't let laziness change your life and stay away from the events: being active will expand your professional opportunities, even if success is not close. In any case, your efforts will not be in vain, and you will be able to make a sharp leap forward in the future if you try.

Pisces Woman: Job and Career Horoscope for May 2020

A period of vigorous activity and composure will come for you. This time, you will have to be active and show character in order to win a place in the sun and feel the taste of success. New perspectives and tempting offers will again include you in an active life, and you will take additional assignments or read literature in your specialty at will. At the end of the month, you might get a promotion or a business trip that will help you succeed in the future.

The energy potential this month will be quite high, especially in the second half of May, which will allow you to achieve success and do what you have never dreamed of before. Use the time gained to fill the knowledge and skill gap: you can learn from your colleagues' experience and put it into practice. Beware only of unfair competition and dishonest methods of struggle, otherwise enemies may brutally avenge you for such behavior.

Your relationship with your superiors will remain stable and even, provided that you act within the framework of the profession and do not show initiative and arbitrariness. For those who want to stay in the same place of work or make a career, there will come a period of preparation for takeoff. But if you want to try your hand at another profession or in a different place, show character and gather information. There may be a lot of pitfalls in the coveted job that you didn't know about before.

Pisces Man: Job and Career Horoscope for May 2020

Work will again take an important place in your life, especially if new opportunities and prospects arise there. Get ready for the fact that your activity will become more intense and you will learn a lot of new things that will facilitate your path to success. Show character and perseverance if you want to get a responsible task: the bosses will appreciate it and will help you in promotion.

Those looking for their professional path will have to work hard and prove their skills. Learn to wait if there is no way to actively act and try to learn the theory of the issue. The stars promise you a lot of prospects if you become proactive and do not let laziness get in the way of achieving your goal. Creative workers will have to use new and innovative ways to fight for a place in the sun.

In relationships with colleagues, you may face coldness and unwillingness to meet you halfway. Try to understand the reason for what is happening: it is possible that you yourself offended the person with a harsh statement or a rude word. If offense is the reason for the spat, apologize to your colleague, even if you are not going to communicate with him further. This will preserve good relations between you in the future.

In the last spring month, the sociable and in the center of attention Pisces will feel like an absolute master of the situation. This statement applies not only to her professional employment, but also to her entire personal life. A creative approach to work will allow you to create a good atmosphere in your team, and your conscientious work will contribute to excellent material wealth.

There is a state of affairs that you cannot change in May. But you shouldn't be upset about it. Let your energy be directed towards achieving other good goals. Horoscope for May 2018 Pisces advises to provide support to those who need it. It was not in vain that people turned to you for help!

Pisces's complaisance and sociability will also be reflected in her love relationship. In May 2018, you may find yourself in a situation where a loved one turns away from you. The situation can be corrected, but for this you will have to forget about your pride for a while. At the end of spring you will meet interesting people. Business relationships can be struck up with them, which will imperceptibly flow into romantic relationships.

What to look for in May for the sign of Pisces:

Name: Olga

Colour: Azure

Stone: Tourmaline

Number: 13

Plant: Birch

Animal: Roe deer

Auspicious days: 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 20, 23, 26, 28, 30

Unfavorable days: 1, 6, 12, 22, 31

Family and relationship horoscope, love horoscope

Lonely Pisces, which in May 2018 will not go with the flow, the horoscope of love promises a number of exciting meetings, a lot of entertainment and a lot of romance. Start active movement, turn on your imagination to the fullest, and the sorceress-spring will become your main ally in conquering hearts.

The number of your dates can be so great that you may lose count, but it's not about quantity, it's about quality. Maybe you will be lucky and the first person you meet will be exactly the one you need, but the love horoscope in May 2018 does not recommend counting on such a miracle. Try to find out as much as possible about your new friend. If his plans are serious and honest, then he has nothing to hide from you.

Majority family Pisces will have an excellent relationship with her spouse. But some representatives of this sign, especially those born in the last decade of the month, may face problems in family life. This is, most likely, about adultery, which will be further complicated by the fact that it will become public. Not everyone will be able to survive mental pain, as well as extraneous reproaches and ridicule, and some family unions will simply collapse. But the number of such dramas from the total number of married couples will be simply negligible.

Most family Pisces will feel confident in marriage, and many of them even quite happily. Get the whole family out into nature, have picnics and various entertainment events. May your family union be strong and happy!

Work and finance, money horoscope

In May 2018, Pisces can be proud of their successes in the professional field. They may not be too large, but they are well deserved. Get ready for the changes that are already awaiting many representatives of your sign. With a great desire, you can get the maximum benefit from any situation.

Without completing their past affairs, the Pisces should not take on new projects, even if strong pressure from above will be exerted on it. You will definitely cope with your task, just do everything in order. First of all, accept offers on favorable terms for you. The vast majority of them do not contain any trick. And the career horoscope for May 2018 advises Pisces to immediately refuse offers related to risk.

In material terms, the month of May will be one of the most successful for Pisces. Even those projects and deeds for which there was no hope will bring good income. True, you will be engaged in your work on holidays and weekends. Many of those who have been busy looking for a new job will finally fulfill their dream, and everyone else should not despair.

It won't be long before you find your place in life. It may not seem as attractive to you as you would like, but you need to start somewhere. Do not cling to your past, but move firmly and confidently into the future. Time will pass and you will make him happy!

Well-being and mood in May

Unfortunately, Pisces is prone to anxiety, mood swings, and depression. All this can adversely affect their well-being in May 2018. But after all, all the ailments listed above can not be succumbed, then you won't even have to think about the problem as such. So tune in to the positive, think only of the good, and everything in this regard will be fine for you.

Start your day with an exercise and a cool shower. After you get a little stronger, you can move on to your morning run and exercises that develop flexibility. And the hardiest Pisces can engage in strength exercises of any complexity, and they will not be afraid of any depression.

The recommended cosmetic procedures for the Pisces sign in May are hair cutting, manicure (after the 20th, it is most successful). You can do a pedicure, as well as body shaping procedures. During this period, an unloading diet will work great - you will be able to lose weight by a few kilograms, which will not return.

An irresistible desire to be loved and to love themselves led Pisces to a real obsession this spring. In recent months, representatives of this zodiac sign have not been so smooth in love relationships. It is no coincidence that Pisces quite rightly hopes that the situation will change dramatically in May. Love horoscope will dispel all their doubts about the near future. The best astro predictions of love for May 2019 for their sign amorous Pisces can find out right now.

Love horoscope for Pisces for May 2019

The horoscope of love often pampers Pisces with optimistic forecasts, but the representatives of the sign do not always enjoy the favor of fate for their own good. At the end of this spring, they intend not to miss the opportunity and enjoy the chances given by heavenly patrons. Pisces has many plans for May. The love horoscope, as usual, predicts the fulfillment of only part of them.

Pisces wants to spend the last month of spring romantically. In May, many representatives of the sign dream of going to the sea or being in the company of their second half all weekend. The stars give them such an opportunity, but the love astro forecast assures - closer to the "X" hour, Pisces will have completely different ideas.

The heavenly patrons give good predictions to Pisces, who are about to marry. In May, their relationship will be a complete idyll. People of the Pisces sign who have not yet met their soul mate can count on a romantic acquaintance. According to the classics of the genre, in May it will happen at the most inopportune moment. But if Pisces responds in time, their love relationship this year will begin to develop at the speed of light.

Pisces woman love horoscope for May 2019

Pisces women will spend the last month of spring in an extraordinary way. In May, girls will rush from one extreme to another and risk again missing out on the opportunities that fate gives them. Lonely Pisces women at the very beginning of the month will begin to look for their happiness, but not at all where it is in reality. It is better for girls to hold on to their dreams, taking them into reality closer to the end of May, when the chances of a long-awaited meeting with the handsome prince will be the highest.

Feelings of recently falling in love Pisces girls will flare up with renewed vigor in May. But this will not bring them the happiness and peace that they so passionately dream of. On the contrary, the Pisces girls in May will begin to think and analyze a lot, and a little later - to pester their lovers with their suspicions, who are still showing enviable patience.

Good news is also given out by the sex horoscope for Pisces girls for May. During this period, the wards of Neptune will be able to realize a lot of their secret fantasies and receive unprecedented ecstasy from this. Particularly passionate Pisces in May need to be careful in their intimate life, so as not to find unnecessary problems.

Love horoscope for Pisces man for May 2019

Astro forecast for May gives Pisces men a lot of opportunities to become happy. But luck will not affect all the wards of Neptune. More than the rest, the lonely Pisces guys can consider themselves as minions of fate. Regardless of age, they have the right to count on good luck in their personal lives, namely, wonderful and fruitful acquaintances with the opposite sex, an interesting pastime with a logical outcome for the entire strong half, and a whole ocean of feelings.

Married men are a little less fortunate. In their marriage at the end of spring, there is a slight crisis. Time will help to overcome it. Pisces do not need to take hasty steps to improve their relationship with their spouses to the level of ideal ones. Expensive gifts won't help either. It is better to wait a little and, as if nothing had happened, continue to build a family idyll. The heavenly patrons will definitely not build obstacles, and in some cases they will even assist the wards of Neptune.

Love horoscope for Pisces for other months of 2019

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