Ivan Kupala is a holiday of customs and magic. Magical rituals on Ivan Kupala: rites, conspiracies and love spells

The holiday of Ivan Kupala or Ivanov the day traditionally comes July 7 (according to the old style - June 24), in the midst of the summer. So, the history of Kupala begins in pagan times, when Yaril was read in Russia - the god of the Sun, fertility and awakening nature. In honor of this mighty deity, the ancient Slavs organized funny festivities, conducted rites and rituals, fortune-telling and conspiracies - for money, marriage, love. Our ancestors believed that the shortest in the Cupal night has magic power, and the collected herbs can heal any disease, attract good luck. Today, many traditions, customs and rites at Ivan Kupala have been preserved - we also offer to explore the most famous rituals who have successfully conducted in Ancient Russia. In addition, you will learn what can and cannot be done on Ivan Kupala, what customs should stick to this particular day.

With the approach of Ivan Kupala, many are interested in traditions, customs, rites of this ancient holiday. Currently, the revival of the ancient traditions, which they adhered to our ancestors - and the Kupalskaya night is not an exception. At the same time, in Ivanov, there are a number of prohibitions related to activities, human practices. So, what can not be done in Ivanov day? Let's learn more.

What can not be done on the day of Ivan Kupala by tradition

  • In antiquity, they believed that the unclean power was laughed in the bathing night - the debate, water, mermaids, wheels. So it's better not to sleep at all so that otherworldly entities did not take a person during sleep. To protect against everything Ivalized on the day of Ivan Kupala, you can follow the folk custom - put a sprig of nettle on the windowsill.
  • Bathing in any reservoirs is also prohibited, because it can drain on the bottom of water or mermaid. Therefore, until July 7, it is best not to even approach water, especially pregnant women, children, old men.
  • If you want to keep in the house of wealth and well-being, you can not bite something on Ivan, give or sell. Found money or decoration is better not to take, otherwise it promises troubles, adversity.
  • Girls and women must necessarily visit the Kupali Koston - it is believed that only witches can not approach the cleansing fire.

Day Ivan Kupala - rites, conspiracies and rituals for money

Material wealth and well-being plays a rather significant role in our lives. To attract wealth, many went to the Kupalie night in search of a magical fern flower - the one who threw him, received the ability to find places with a buried stamp. What other rites are known, conspiracies and rituals for money on the day of Ivan Kupala? We suggest familiarizing yourself with the most common ones.

What cash rituals are carried out, conspiracies and rituals in bathing night

  • To carry out the ritual, we will need a sieve, bowl, glass, water and large coins (best gold). At midnight you need to go to the balcony or simply open all the windows. Then we pour water from the glass through the sieve - to the bowl substituted below. Now you need to pour the liquid back into the glass and repeat the above procedure for another six times. Coins put in "ritual" water and leave until the morning - on the street, in the open sky. With the onset of dawn, we get a coin, wipe and hide in a secluded place. But the "sifted" water can attract even more money - pour it under a tree or plant.
  • Strong monetary success will come to your life, if on the night of July 6 to hold the next rite. We collect all coins and banknotes and "lay down" under the pillow. Early in the morning, we take out and spend out of your hand in your hand, saying: "How much fires in the Kupalskaya night burned, so much money will come to me for a good cause. How many dews fell on herbs in the fields and the forest, so much Zlata I brought my house in this year this year. Amen!".
  • We carry out this ritual for money using a bowl, earth (take under oak), coins, water (1/2 cup). We wait for the midnight on Ivana bathing and open the window on the east side. The earth is fused in a bowl, put the coins and kropim water. By kneading "dough", senten: "From John the land is drunk. I do not wash the eye, I do not walk in the forest. I reveal the key to the Golden Earth, I open the path of the path to wealth, only John is noticeable. Home will come home, dewy will find the road. Amen!". Then we leave a bowl with the contents before the window, and the next day we pour out at the crossroads - we do it secretly.

Ivan Kupala - Vintage rites, conspiracies, rituals for love

Night on Ivan Kupala is the perfect time for magical rites, rituals for marriage and love. The girl has long been in Russia waited for a bathing night to spend a special rite with a conspiracy reading using water, fire or herbs. With the help of natural elements, as well as the healing bats, you can be wary of your beloved, revive the fastened feelings.

Love plots, rites and rituals in Ivanov Day July 7

  • Kupan Bonfire - the chief attribute of the holiday, symbolizing the sun. Therefore, rites associated with the ritual fire are considered the most stronger and effective. For the love spell, you need to become near the fire and say such a conspiracy: "The fire is hot burning, the night will be brightly lit, the secret of love will help me open,
    (boyfriend's name) to himself to shock. As soon as we take Him with Him, passionate love will go away. Fire Our love is built, the hearts will connect the hearts! ". Then you should jump with your loved ones through the bonfire and, holding hands, spin in a merry dance.
  • Many strong conspiracies And rites are carried out on the water, which on the night of Ivan Klapala has strong energy. So, come in with your beloved in the river or lake and whisper pronounce conspiracy: "Water, water! Our body and souls are Oh oho, heart (guy's name) for love for me open. As soon as he is breaking into the water, it will turn to my soul and body, as we go together in the water, so in the life together pass. " After that, in love, you need to plunge into the water.
  • Healing herbs on Ivan Kupala are capable not only to cure from ailments, but also to attract love. For the ritual, we will need to gather a bouquet of 12 herbs in the Kupalskaya night, including a thistle and fern. If the girl in the evening will put a magic bouquet under the pillow, it will certainly be married soon.

Holiday Ivan Kupala - Traditions, customs of pagan rus

Many holidays of pagan Rus were associated with the Sun - as a point of reference of agricultural, economic work. So, before the arrival of Christianity, the Day of the Summer Solstice was called Sulf, because from this point on, the heavenly shouted was shown. What are the customs of pagan Russia? We will understand more.

Pagan customs and rites of ancient Russia in Kupalskaya night

Vintage festive rites and customs on Ivan Kupala were devoted to the deities of rivers and reservoirs, which on this night acquired a special strength. According to custom, in a bathing night did not go to bed, but drove away the dances around the fire, jumped through the fire to cleanse from every bad and damage. In addition, the most brave drunk to walk along the hot coals - such a rite contributed to hardening the spirit, the expulsion of bad thoughts, forces pushing a man on the dark way.

Now you know about Ivan Kupala - traditions, customs, rites, the history of this old pagan holiday successfully reached the present day. Here you will find the most famous rituals, plots of pagan Rus on a bathing night (for money, love), and also learn that it is impossible to do on the day of Ivan Kupala. Merry holiday juggling, happiness and all the best!

Summer night is full of secrets and mystical mysteries. Our ancestors believed that it was especially strong when a fern blooms in the forest for one day. The holiday of Ivan Kupala in Russia was noted even and fun. They jumped through the fires, the desires were made, learned the name of the future husband or wife. Some ancient rites reached our days in pristine form, others have changed. In 2019, Ivan Kupala celebrate July 7, but in ancient times the celebration had to be held for the period from 22 to 24 June.

In this article

History of the holiday Ivan Kupala

Holiday Ivan Kupala is a celebration dedicated to the summer, warmth, the sun. In the pre-Christian times, it is fun and noisy celebrated throughout Russia. On this day, the beauty of nature was praised, rejoiced hot long days and short warm nights. In essence, the holiday is timed to the summer solstice (according to the old calendar style).

The mystical properties of ancestors endowed the night from 6 to 7 July. It is believed that it was at that moment Mother-Earth reveals secrets to a person, helps to see the future, get rid of diseases, start a new life, find love.

In the period of summer equinox (June 21-22) an astronomical summer comes. Days are equal at night, and then the clear time of day gradually decreases. First, in seconds, then minutes. And by August 2, the Day of Ilya Prophet, the bright part is reduced by 2 hours.

Initially, the holiday of Ivan Kupala personifies the victory of the light side over the dark forces. His symbol is a huge bonfire. Flame languages \u200b\u200bget to the night sky and pierce the MGLU. With the adoption of Christianity, the day of the joons began to be considered time when the power of evil rule on Earth. The villagers at this night did not go to bed, believing that the dark essences go hunting for souls.

In the Orthodox tradition, the holiday coincides with the day of John the Baptist, who, according to legend, cut off his head. This holy is made to pray to get rid of headaches.

There are a lot of versions and legends about the origin of the name of the holiday and the Divine, which he is dedicated. In the Slavic Pantheon there was no such god of the knaps. Most likely, the name arose as a result of an error, when rewriting and decoding ancient documents. If you judge the rites associated with fire, then, most likely, is the day of the Sun.

Slavs were hunters, landpash and cattle. The holiday is the tribute, which they gave the deities of agricultural activities. It is possible to come to this conclusion by studying the calendar of the Slavic-farmers. The traditions of spring holidays that have come down to this day, associated with the dying and resurrect in spring, confirm this theory.

In this video, you will find detailed information about the history of Ivan Kupala and rites that spend on this day:

The original name of the solemn night has not been preserved. Modern interpretation of the holiday Ivan Kupala represents the symbiosis of Christian and pagan traditions and beliefs.

In the modern occult tradition, the holiday received the second birth. On this day, you can guess, burn, make rites on your loved one, learn the future and change fate.

By legend, fern blooms on this night

Protective ritual on Ivan Kupala

On the night of Ivan Kupala, it was customary to hold rites for health and protection against the encroachment of the Dark Forces. Nowadays, these rituals do not lose relevance: a person is subjected to a powerful negative effects of external factors, loses energy, sick.

Dark forces have learned to adapt to modern life, they changed the name and appearance, but not an essence. Stress, depression, chronic fatigue - this consequences lead their attacks.

The protective rite of Ivan Kupala can be group and individual. Collective rites are greater force: they concentrate the energy of like-minded people.

What will be needed for the ritual:

  1. Find a secluded place in the lap of nature in advance, at the river, where no one can prevent the conduct of witchcraft actions.
  2. Early in the morning, glowly wreaths from branches of birch. The number of wreaths is equal to the number of people involved in protective ritual.
  3. Buy three candles for each magical participant. For the purchase of a magic attribute in no case take.
  4. At the venue of the ritual, tie candles to wreaths like a triangle.
  5. Divide the fire and stand up opposite the fire.
  6. Say spell words.

I, the slave (name), the mother born, the Holy Church is set, I put the chalk on myself and slaves (slave) of God (God's names) (the names of those present). Fire Kupalsky! The name of Light John the Forerunner bless us and relieve from the enemies and opponents, from the sword and guns, from the rivers and the sorrows, from interior pain. I spell with God the unbreakable barrier for one year. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Jump over the flame. Visualize how a bright cocoon of golden or red is formed around. He symbolizes the defense that the fire of the Kupali campfire puts.

After cleansing, pay. Imagine that the water of the river wash off negative energy from the soul and body. Going ashore, read the second part of the spell.

As the Lord in Jordan was baptized, so I, the Slave of God (name) from Likha and Bridagues cleared. Amen.

Everyone together swims in the reservoir, but words-overlap read separately.

By saying the spell, burn the candles attached to the wreaths, release them downstream of the river.

Looking at the swimming lights, tell me:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. As a wreath in the water leaves, and my guard will save me. Amen.

It is believed that the defense delivered on this day will act exactly a year - until the next magic night.

Pay attention to the text, Christian traditions are clearly traced in it. If you judge the semantics, this is the late, free interpretation of the ancient Slavic conspiracy. In the pre-Christian faith, people did not consider themselves the slaves of God, but were called his children. Such an interpretation is more correct - the ancestors identified a person with nature, bowed before her, but did not work.

Popular fortune telling on the night of Ivan Kupala

On the night of July 6, July 7, it is customary to guess, burn and ask about the future. Since this is a holiday dedicated to unity with nature and worship the spirits of rivers, forests and fire, most rites are carried out outdoors. But home witchcraft is not rebored. On this day, our ancestors set protection for the dwelling, made wanings for animals, wondered and broke to ensure that luck contributes to all endeavors.

Rite for well-being in the house

The magical properties of herbs and colors are used to purify the house from evil spirits, strengthening material well-being, harmonizing relations in the family. How to hold a rite:

  • before the holiday, the Navy rosehip leaves, nettle, thistle and other plants with sharp spines and burning leaves;
  • burn them in the clay dishes;
  • sprinkle the threshold of the house or apartment;
  • do not forget about the window sills - they are also treated with ashes.

This ritual neutralizes negative energy that has accumulated over the year in the house, and will help to establish relations in the family.

Fortune telling

The way is suitable for those who believe in the virtue of herbs and plants. Collect in Ivanov day a bouquet of wildflowers: daisies, cornflowers, bells. Do not forget about the wormwood - her tart bitter fragrance scares the spirits and clean the air.

By drawing up a floral composition, completely immerse yourself in your thoughts. Turn the process of collecting herbs into meditation: do not think about anything, except the cherished desire, which was fed. Do not consider flowers in a bouquet, tear them automatically.

On the night of July 7, put them under the pillow. In the morning, when you wake up, recalculate flowers. There must be 12 species. If the number coincided - the desire will come true during the year.

Ritual for prosperity and wealth in the house

Before bedtime, carefully recalculate cash that will find in the house. Do not forget about one penny or ruble - it is important! Inspect the wallets, pockets and secluded places. All money is considered - any dignity, including currency.

Look to bed, put all the money available next to the bed: on the bedside table or near the pillow. Imagine that you are already fabulously rich: there is everything in the house that your soul and wealth grows with every hour.

In the morning, as you wake up, take coins and bills in your hands, recalculate them. If you come back - nothing terrible, the process of recalculating cash is important.

Never make a desire with the word "was." For example: "I want me to have money." It is not right. The universe will perceive the wish as a faithful fact. Request and visualize in the present time.

From this video you will learn what rituals it is useful to spend on the night of Ivan Kupala:

Fortune telling on the narrowed on Ivan Kupala

The essence of the holiday is in unity with nature and in the search for a second half, a person who will be the faithful companion, a companion or lover. The magical July night will help to find happiness and calm. In Russia, this time of the girl and guys used for a burning for a happy family life.

In a dream

Sitters and their interpretation our ancestors paid special attention. They believed that at this moment the soul of man travels far beyond the body. In a dream, you can see the future and define fate.

  1. Before you lie down in bed, ask your beloved person to comb your hair.
  2. Put a comb under the pillow, and in the morning check how it lies.
  3. The subject remained in place - marriage this year do not wait. And if you turn over or completely disappeared - the wedding is not far off.

You can pay out with playing cards.

To do this, take from the deck of four kings, gently put them under the pillow. In the morning, see how the pictures were mixed.

  • from above lies the king of peak - the husband will be older for many years;
  • trephic - means a rich and wealthy groom;
  • bubnov - marry big love;
  • chervoy - promises a young and beautiful satellite of life.

Fortune telling at wax

The rite is suitable for those who visit the Church. Before the holiday, go to the temple, put the candle from the icons you like. Sincerely ask the highest strength to send love. Do not leave a candle, take with you. Houses melt wax, pour it into cold water.
Varnish to the resulting image:

  • ring - to the emergency wedding;
  • flower wax - to a new fan;
  • heart - an unexpected meeting and a love adventure.

Traditions are honored by the asewers and guardian angels originate in ancient pagan culture. In the pantheon of the Slavic gods were creatures that were responsible for the execution of desires, patrons of family and marriage. In the Orthodox faith of marriage praying to the Most Holy Virgin. The fulfillment of the cherished desires is asked by Nicholas the Wonderworker. Saints put candles or pray at home with icons.

Fortune telling on wreath

This fortune telling is the original Slavic. His roots go to the depths of the centuries, when our pagan ancestors worshiped the forces of nature and had hopes for their patronage in heart matters.

An hour before the magical night, the gossip of a large wreath of wildflowers. It should have at least seven different herbs and plants.

Before the sun goes beyond the horizon, release a wreath down the river:

  • flower garland sailed away - you will definitely meet this year a loved one;
  • the wreath returned or stayed on the spot - not think about marriage;
  • if the flowers nailed to another river bank - dear somewhere far away and it still needs to be found;
  • the wreath remained in the middle of the reservoir and did not save anywhere - the year will be successful, but the love will not appear in the near future on the horizon.

Fortune telling

Fire is the main symbol of the night holiday. Slavs-Fireplates read and immortalized the element of the flame. From here a lot of rites and rituals associated with the campfire magic.

Jumping through the fire

An important condition for the fulfillment of the desire - it cannot be told about him. Think about something and jump through the bonfire. It is believed that if the flame does not burn a person and there will be no sparks, then the desire will definitely embody.

Paired jumps

Such jumps are the most difficult part of the ritual, partners must completely trust each other. Tune in one wave, merge in a single impulse.

How to interpret the results:

  1. If a girl and a young man did not cut his fingers in the jump - they are guaranteed an ambulance and wedding. The more sparks rose from the flame, the better.
  2. I am a little - wait for the problems when preparing for the celebration.
  3. The guy and the girl opened his hands - official marriage will not.
  4. The higher the jump - the joy and more successful.

In all religions, fire is a symbol of purification. Jumping through the fire burns negative energy, purify the aura. The flame cuts off bad thoughts, relieves tension. Another value of fire is light and knowledge.

Simple fortune tells on Ivan Kupala, accessible to everyone

Easy performed and do not require special magic training. For a modern man, they are a sweat, a great opportunity to stay alone with thoughts, sit in silence, to prevail meditating water or fire candles.

Fortune telling circles on water

This fate reading ritual is accepted in nature. If there is no such possibility - stock pure spring water. Water from the tap is not suitable.

  • speak the cherished desire for water;
  • throw in a stream, river, lake or saucer small peasons;
  • the number of circles is odd - the desire will not come true;
  • if even - the cherished thoughts are necessarily implemented.

Fortune telling on the leaves of fern on the beloved

For this fortune telling, the fern leaves in the number of applicants for hand and heart.

  • each leaf is the name of the lover or potential fan;
  • mark them with color threads not to get confused;
  • lower the fern to the water and give the bottom;
  • that leaf that will be floating first, - the future husband.

Fern leaves are easy to learn in characteristic

Dandelion desire

At midnight, Ivan Kupalah, find a dandelion who has already been sf. Clean the desire and jump sharply on the flower. If parachutics bloom - conceived will turn soon.

Make a desire and jump on a fluffy flower

Fortune telling on Romashek

Take a couple of flowers meadow chamomile. Pour water in a plate and throw two inflorescences without stems. Flowers will sail apart - you are not destined to be together. If on the contrary, then the beloved is waiting for a long and happy life.

Dusting on Clean

On the night of Ivan Kupala, find a fallen leaf under the maple. Calculate the number of sharp corners. An even number - the desire will come true. An odd - alas, you will have to part with a dream.

Divination on birch

Cut from wood 7 leaves. Stir them. Do not looking out the first leaf, carefully read and consider. If he is smooth, even and beautiful - such will be life for the coming year.

Privots on Ivan Kupala

Summer guidance rites are no less effective than winter burning for baptism or christmas. Nature itself helps the sorcerers to embody the conceived in life. Privots on Ivan Kupala in Russia did all the girls, on this day each became a witch.

Love spell on a fern

To implement the conceived, remove to the night forest, find a fern bush and make a few stems. An important condition: it is necessary to do this in full solitude, away from strange eyes. Then sit back to the aspen and slightly shine yourself with these leaves by body, holding a fern in the right hand.

At the same time, shout out these words:

As the grass dries, it is faded, so you are my dear (the name of the man) will be saved while you won't be with me.

Take a plot three times. Then leaves tie to the tree. Go from the place of burning without looking around. Before dawn, it is impossible to say a word, then magic will work.

Fern - a plant that never blooms. But according to legend, if on the night of Ivana Kupala you will see his flowers - it means that the treasure will be buried at this place. The mystical properties of the fern are described in fiction. In the story of N. V. Gogol "Evening on the eve of Ivan Kupala" tells about the search for treasure in the magical night.

Present guidance potion

A guide potion is not a myth. Cook the magic drug in modern conditions.

Recipe 1.

Tradition Cooking a leading potion exists in all esoteric practices. Such magical rituals have already existed Ancient Egypt And with the light hand, the queen Cleopatra diverged the world:

  • take 13 different herbs that will be attaching to the field;
  • on the way home, pick up as many small pebbles on the road;
  • put stones and grass in deep dishes and pour clean water;
  • put on the fire and let the brave boot.

Read words:

Dawns on the ninth sky me (the name of men) sent me. If I welcome the potion the potion, then any handsome putting onto yourself. 13 herbs, 13 stones, lead to me 13 devils. Hey, the devil-brothers are here. See how my magic water boils. 13 devils, 13 brothers, appear and serve me (your name). How this water is hot, like stones strong, so I will be the words of my hot and modeling. Appear, bring before me, go to my squeezed and until it is not leaving him until it happens to me. As said it will happen. Amen.

While the potion is boil, stir it thirteen times clockwise. The decoction is hollowed where the beloved is most often. Now this person will not go anywhere - your paths are the roads forever intertwined.

Recipe 2.

Another simple and effective recipe of a guide potion, which can be done on Ivana Kupala:

  • cut clover, grass cucumber grass and thistle;
  • place the plants in the pan and bring to a boil.

As soon as water with herbs boils, tell me:

As a potion, my boils and boils, and in my heart you have feelings to boil now (name). How all people love meadows and fields, so (name) immensely love me. The potion is mine, pick up herbal dope, all delivering from the fields of pick up, collect meadow fog. As I say, it will happen. Amen.

Give the resulting liquid to drink your favorite person (groom or husband). It was believed that after a man tastes drugs, he will become kind, caring, sensitive and gentle. About cheating will not even think.

Rite with kupal dew

Rosa collected in the morning is filled with healing and magic properties. Our great-grandparents used the morning moisture to rejuvenate, attracting happiness and female attractiveness.

  1. Stand up with the first rays of the sun.
  2. Shallow fresh moisture with grass in a vessel. Do not use a bowl or bowl for home purposes. It should be new.
  3. Turn the face to the east and smear the collected dew. Rinse your hands in it.

Tell the words:

I speak (name). How the dew will dry in the sun, so let both (the name) dries without me. Let sighs, remembers all the time all the time. The dew face is washing, I urge love to your life. I will be now (name) with (name) forever and infinitely, while there are dew in the world, no one can tell our teles. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

The remaining water let's drink a man you want to shock. The legend states that the bonds created by the help of bathing dew can not be destroyed.

Witches, practicing plant magic, say that Rosa is struggling with wrinkles. For this purpose, moisture applied on the plant called the ordinary cuff.

This looks like the leaves of the plant cuffs ordinary

The video tells about the practitioners who spend on the day of summer solvent and Ivan Kupala:

What is forbidden to do on Ivan Kupala

In the esoteric tradition of Slavs there were rules prohibiting certain actions. Violation of the law led to misfortunes, diseases and poverty.

  1. On Ivan Kupala can not be offended by domestic animals and any cattle. Even the cows were not drunk on this day twig. It was believed that the crumline would not give a lot of milk.
  2. You can not take anything that lies on the road, including money. The ancestors believed that the evil spirits specifically throw things to influence the person and pick it up in the other world.
  3. In the magic night you must necessarily be in sight of the people. A person who walked around the Kupali Bonfire was considered a dark witch who was afraid of the Sacred Flame.
  4. On this day, any transactions are prohibited. Money can not be taken or give. Tradition violation threatened poverty.
  5. You have been banned before the holiday. The ancestors believed that in rivers and lakes leaning water. He could drag a person to the depth and drown. Weak health people: children, old men and pregnant women also avoided the water on the eve of the joons. According to beliefs, perfume uses weakness and penetrate into the body.

Some beliefs are still alive, but to follow them or not - the case of everyone. It is important to observe the Rule of the Golden Middle and not to fall into extremes. As for the ban on the physical or moral punishment of animals, he adhere to it not only in the magical days. Smaller brothers cannot respond their insult, so they beat them - it is considered to be sin in all religions of the world.

Turning to Ivan Kupala

The mystical night of Ivan Kupala is filled with secrets who were reflected in the beliefs of Slavs. In late rites and beliefs, the influence of Christian mythology is clearly traced. Slavic-pagans in the pre-Christian era did not perceive the nature of the hostile: they were friends with spirits, they trekted them, tried to find a common language. The view is that in the June night in the forests and fields, evil spirits are worse, gained widespread precisely with the adoption of Christianity. Until now, the folk consciousness is closely intertwined by the beliefs of Slavs with myths born by a new religion.

Most rituals that have come down to this day are transformed under the influence of Christianity. Thanks to the mutual penetration of two religious crops, we see the birth of new sacraments and rituals, which are sometimes far from the primary sources.

The main rule that the Slavs adhered to- It does not come into contact once again with a subtle world, inhabited by different creatures. Only chosen - Magi - could speak with spirits.

In modern language, a secret portal in the other world opens on Ivan Kupala, the innermost knowledge becomes available for a simple alignment. The main thing is to stop and overlap the stream of powerful energy. And if you do not own magic, it is better to protect yourself and close to the invasion of power.

To protect the house from the encroachment of the Dark Forces, I was collected in Russia, Barwin, nettle, hemp and willow. They made bunches and brooms that were hanging out on the fence at home and in Ovin.

  1. Flower Ivan-Da-Marya is an effective remedy against unclean strength - so considered ancestors. This is a plant laid out around the perimeter house, removed from the prudent Tathi (thieves).
  2. Burning nettle is the best tool from the witches, so considered ancestors. Punches of plants in the house did not give the sorcerer chances for a dark burning.
  3. Cattle on the night of Ivan Kupalah as soon as possible was drunk in the barn.
  4. According to legends, special properties at this time acquired an ant poison. He was collected on Ivan Kupala and used to treat body diseases.
  5. The wormwood is still used in plant magic as waging from hostile entities. Her sharp smell scares the evil. In everyday life, the plant is used to scare the mosquitoes and flies. And the bunch of wormwood, laid in bed, will save the owners from the neighborhood with the clouds.

Do not wait for the magic night. Even if you are far from esoteric, spend this day in nature. Feel how the forces of the earth help to cleanse the shipment of problems, relieve fatigue and restore the mental balance. Do not miss the opportunity to join the sacraments of the ancestors.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubayev The necessary words and your faith is the key to success in perfect ritual. I will provide information to you, but its implementation directly depends on you. But you should not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

In the early age of times, people with respect relate to holidays, rites and traditions associated with the celebration. A number of holidays people celebrate today. One of them is Ivan Kupala. On this day, people turn to nature, guess, crimp conspiracy, and believe due to their implementation. There are a number of conspiracies and rituals that need to be carried out in nature, near the water or fire, and there are those that you can perform at home. Celebrate Ivan's bathtop of the seventh of July, and conspiracies and rites are recommended to spend on the night from the sixth to the seventh of July. Holiday religious, on this day it is recommended to ask for John the Baptist (this is the name of the holiday in church events) health, well-being, money and good luck for themselves and families. Conducted rites will help multiply wealth, attract love, the attention of the second half. In the night of the celebration it is recommended to make confessions in love.

How to attract well-being

On holiday Ivan Kupala recommended to praise the summer gifts of nature, hold rites that attract well-being, money. This holiday displays christian customs and pagan culture. You can go to church, read prayer. If there is no such possibility, then spend the ritual of the house, saying:

"The memory of the righteous with praise, you will also take the testimony of the Lord, the Forerunner: I showed why the well the winning and the prophets honest, Yako and in the jets of the baptism, was involved in the preacher. The same, for the truth of the victim, rejoice, the evansed of God and in the hell of God, the peregroshi flesh, the grinding sin of the world and gives us the Grace. "

You can make a rite using nettle, it needs to be assembled before the night. The more nettle, the better. Put the grass on the windowsill and at the entrance to the house, on the threshold. This ritual will help protect the room from unclean power. In the old days, people defended themselves from the mermaids, lead, sorcerers, magicians. After the rite, let's say a plot:

"The nettle house protects, the forces are angry distinguishes. Bathing the house will save mine from the mermaids, from the devils and from the most evil guests. Amen".

The rite will bring the world to the house, there will be no quarrels between family members of the family for a whole year, and next year Ivan Kupala need to repeat the ritual. People with negative energy and bad thoughts will not be able to enter the room.

Improving wealth

You can at the night of the celebration of Ivan Kupala to read a conspiracy, which will help multiply wealth, will attract money to the house. Before reading a conspiracy, it is recommended to produce such actions:

  1. Go outside on the night of the celebration.
  2. Take twelve coins of any nominal. Keep coins need in your left hand.
  3. Stretch your left hand forward, open the palm, direct it to the moon. Light moon should illuminate coins.
  4. Slim conspiracy:

    "All that grows and lives, multiplies from sunlight, and money from the lunar. Grow, set, add me (your name) enrich me, come to me. May it be so!".

You can, on the night of the celebration of Ivan Kupala to read a plot that will help to increase wealth

After the ritual spent, the money conspired recommended to put in the wallet that you use, it must be money. You don't need to spend coins until they are with you, the money will be found in the wallet.

Additional cash rituals

On the night of the holiday of Ivan Kupala, the line between the bright and dark strength ceases to exist, and the unspected words have a great effect. Multiply can be wealth. To make money all year, you can wash with silver coins, talking words:

"How people like silver love, so let the money my wallet will not forget, go to me, sticky and stick. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit now, and are confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen".

To attract money, do the following: Put all the money that is in the room, under the pillow, they must lie there until the morning. In the morning, fold the fan from money, wait ahead, pretending that you have a lot of bills. It is recommended to hold and such a rite: type in a saucepan or a jar of flow water, put a pair of silver coins (you can use those money that is), leave until the morning. Energy that reigning at night on a holiday, charges money with positive energy. In the morning you can wash the water, saying:

"Magic water is mocked, all the secrets of wealth will open me. All the business commercials will be submitted to me, there will be my wallet to fill with a kilt! ".

The result of actions will feel from the first days, you will be accompanied by luck in all financial endeavors. If you have a fireplace or stove at home, you can spend a ritual for fire, throwing a couple of coins in it with words:

"Fire the mighty, the gift of my pick up, I will give a good luck in business so that my wealth is added to, so that any business managed, so that the money flooded with my hands to be for the ideas to be lucky. Kohl perform everything, as I say, you will thank you generously. "

The result of the conspiracy for money will feel from the first days

Getting rid of ailments and problems

Day of Ivan Kupala is associated with water. Young girls lowered wreaths at night, asked for health water. Water will help get rid of problems, ailments, envious. If you do not have the opportunity to go to the river, then you can make a ritual at home, wash or take a bathroom. At the moment when you take the bathroom, say the plot:

"Kupala needs to be cleaned, so that it was not necessary to wash it around."

On Ivan Kupala Nature has a special force and energy. In the bathroom with water, it is recommended to add decoction of herbs. Positively affects the female birch body. You can scold branches and birch leaves, add to the water during bathing in the bathroom. Birch will help not only preserve beauty and youth, it helps from infertility. If women have problems in terms of health, desire, you need to ask for this from the water while taking the bath. Wreaty, can pronounce such a plot:

"The power of the royal, the power of the earth! Give the beauties endless. Youth eternal. "

You can go to the bath, making broys from birch branches, linden or oak. It will bring health, will help protect youth and beauty. Walking ritual was recommended seven times, and it is necessary to do it before sunset. Vital energy will be cleaned, it will be rebirth for your aura.

Rite to attract love

In order to attract love, it is important to choose a conspiracy correctly, because there are words that can read the unmarried girl, women who already live with a man or women who wish to marry a concrete man. If you wish to meet the soul mate soon, then it is recommended to hold such a ritual:

  1. Prepare a glass of water.
  2. Throw the words three times:

    "(Choseln's name) Here is your water, come here."

  3. Glass with water put on the windowsill window, which goes outside.

There are several rites to attract love

  1. Prepare church candles (better take thin), twist them.
  2. Take a plate and spoonful of honey.
  3. Prepare a photo of the beloved and yours (if there are no pictures, then at the time of the ritual, imagine you together) and tell me:

    "These are not candles burn wax as a bright, this is the heart of the slave of God (the name of the beloved) burns with love with the roast of God (his name). As a candle fire flies together with the wind, so let the slave of God (the name of the beloved) will be with the slave of God (its name). "

Thrust the conspiracy should still be lit candles. After recommended to eat honey and speak the words:

"Not on bitterness is said, but for a sweet life."

The remnants of the candles should be hidden, and keep in the house until the moment of complete reconciliation or the return of the beloved. If the ritual did not help at night Ivan Kupala, then repeat the rite for the new moon.

Rite for a speedy marriage

Conduct a rite to get married carefully, it is important to take into account the position of the pair, you live together or not. If the girl lives alone and no one calls her married, on the night of Ivan Kupala, you need to speak Moto:

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen! Batyushki-matchmaker, do not go sideways, fill up. Before my hut, go, grooms to collect me. How millet is the Birds of the Birds, so to me, God's slave (name) Svaty-father will come. The key to my speeches. Castle to my words. At now, for centuries, all bright times. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen!".

Words will spoke three times, Pshota Pleep at the crossroads of roads at night. When choosing a pair, a girl can expect recognition from his chosen one for a long time. Accelerate the process will help the spell, spoken at the night of Ivan Kapov:

"Aminea for Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. The verb you, listen to the word sent me! I dress the crown on the slaves of God (names), I close this word on the castles, in the ocean-sea throw the keys. Keys in a dumb fish, fish in the sands, sleeps on my locks and keys. As long as the whole ocean-sea do not dare, as long as all the water from the ocean does not eat, the slave of God (name) will always love me, with me under the crown will go, and not one step from me, the slaves of God (name) will not go away. Word - Amen, Amen case, and three times for Amen - Amen. "

For a rite for a speedy marriage used millet

Conducting a ritual, you need to buy a lock, open it, read three times a spell, close the lock and throw. To strengthen the effect, you can throw the lock to the river.

Women living with a man, but without entered into marriage, can let the pies on the celebration, uttering the words on the dough. It is necessary to pronounce the words at the time of the test of the test when the pies will be baked, and at the moment of treats:

"Lord Jesus Christ, I call you. I urge you give me my castles, give me my keys. I'll throw locks on God. We will collect strength and spirit. Go, my spirit-puff, where there is a cute gate. Take with me longing, cardiac week. Slave of God (name) Find. In the heart and soul, his engines. On all God's locks and keys. Enter into it, cute mine. Trying it to me, God's slave (name) so that he is hard to start. He climbed badly, the Duma thought about me and suffered. For himself (his name) married me called me, did not lag behind. Saw did not drink, ate, did not start. In all centuries, the eternal did not forget. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen!".

It is forbidden to use the rite.

There are the days of such days that are rightly called magic. They are sheepdown by some kind of incredible power. Our ancestors knew it, they felt, because they had not yet lost their congenital intuition of civilization technique. Take, for example, rites on Ivan Kupala. It's just the witchcraft. In twenty-four hours you can completely change your life, get rid of problems. Interesting?

About timing

Literally in a nutshell. There are few people who are absolutely not understanding what is being spent. Associate on the seventh of July. The ancient rules believed that this day comes the "maturity of summer". Wonderful time when the most important field work is behind. Plants were filled with juice and ready for birth. People are simple - time to relax and enjoy the intimient magic of nature, let her forces in their own body. Then, they were held on Ivan Kupalah, people called on love and wealth, got rid of diseases and enemies, purified their aura from negative. Believe me, all this was done tremble and at the same time fun and mischievous. The purity of consciousness then people had much higher than the current one. They trusted the ancestors who were transmitted from generation to generation secret knowledge about how to hold rites on Ivan Kupala. No doubt in the minds arose. And why? So did everything - parents and their ancestors. And they were satisfied with their life. In general, it is worth believe in magic, and it begins to occur. This is the main mission of this paragraph.

Slightly theories for incredulous

Conspiracies and rites on Ivan Kupala now largely rely on the Orthodox religion. Here, the main argument of critics of Old Slavic magic is swallowed. They are trying to prove that before the baptism of Russia could not be. Historians have long revealed this fact that Conductors of Christianity had to be reckoned with the traditions of pagans. Those too survivors were. That fell into the rites on Ivan's elements of Orthodoxy. Not vice versa! Do not confuse. In the temple before the appearance of Christianity in our territory did not go. But through the bonfire jumped, the herbs were collected and so on. The second argument of unbelievers is that no magic exists. And then how to be with doctors recommending herbal infusions? Are they also "shamans"? After all, most of the ceremonies below are built on the living properties of plants, fire and water. And this science of the technocratic world does not deny. Even in magic, an understanding of the complexity of the structure of the human body was added. This refers to the presence of aura. So this is also a proven fact. Therefore, it is not worth listening to anyone. Magic days, open ancestors, are not so frequent. Our rapids carefully collected many information about them and kept happiness for our with you. Take and boldly embody in my life!

Ritals and rituals on Ivan Kupala

Now let's talk about practice. You probably faced various descriptions of rituals. Narkets are so much that it is difficult to figure it out. Let's see which rites do to Ivan Kupala. They have one sign - communication with nature. They should be carried out either in open areas, or using their own collected herbs. That's all the wisdom. You ask why the descriptions have cardinal differences? So the birth was many. Each of his rites created. We now receive information from all these most valuable sources. Rites on the night of Ivan Kupala are spent on love and loyalty, wealth and profit, stability and success, to fulfill the desire and getting rid of enemies (real and virtual). No one forbids to spend at least one hundred rituals in this magical time. The main thing is that Silenok is enough. There are no restrictions. Want - Bind love, money and travel around the world by Skop. And if you think a well-minded, start with cleansing. Then all conceivable and so far the impossible desires themselves will fulfill. Do not trust the words. Check! The magic world is not even behind the turn. He is right here, next to you.


It is necessary to go to the meadow at the dawn or in the field and collect a bouquet of three herbs. Choose those that like. Be sure to thank the mother nature and plants for giveing \u200b\u200byou their strength. House bouquet divide in half. One part is tied by a white ribbon, the second - scarlet. Light a candle. She takes her bouquets alternately, uttering conspiracies. Above "White" should be so to speak: "Khores and troubles will not won victory. My house is silent, (your name) is afraid! Herbs beat, cleaning his fate! Sealed! " Over red whisper over. "Bucked herbs was covered, the water was washed, the stars calmed down, the health was filled. So I (name) in his footsteps I go. Forces strengthen, youth extend. From the bad heament, I will fill in health! May it be so!" In the evening, as usual, the fire is driving. The first time through the flame jump up to cleanse. Himself on the whole body is a white bouquet. The second time is cigant to clean the aura filled with a red bouquet of themselves. And for the third time, the desire is made. Store herbal bouquets. They will defend the house.

On love

Here it is necessary to make a reservation. Rites on Ivan Kupala for love are designed for people who were found in various situations. Consequently, there are many of them. For example, those who do not meet with fate (not lucky, in general), you should rip the twig of the Verban. Mock her hairs, torn off your own head. How brightly and playfully dreamed in the meadow, throw a cooked St. John's wort. Ask a sunny deity (the highest strength, the universe) to lead you on the way to mutual love. If in the heart of the feeling turned into a terrible wound because there is no response, then you need to cook a photo or any thing belonging to the subject of passion. Throw into the fire, accompanying this action with such words: "Zoryana gave, she took away! Heart free! "

Rites on Ivana Bucked for money

You need to dial the leaves of fern and mint at night. Immediately carry this wealth home. Hold a little over fire to dried. At this time, the purse prepare. It should be squeezed by smoke from the warmed herbs. At the same time mentally ask for bills in the wallet. Then on the leaf of dried fern and mint placed in the purse. Signs and rites on Ivan Kupala are still connected no longer with material, but with spiritual development, or health if you want. It is desirable to carry out purification. Only after that, ask for wealth and well-being, career or project implementation. To then do not replenish the ranks of critics that do not know how to correctly perceive the information.

We call on women's fate

It so far it turns out that we, convinced to adherents of the ideas of emancipation and it is difficult to understand the simplicity and harmony of the morals of the creators of folk traditions. Nevertheless, rites on Ivan Kupala to marriage to many help to open their own feminine fate. If you are from their number, then go to this magic night on the meadow. Narvit seven types of herbs and glowly wreath. Think about the future family. Try to present it in detail. You can cry if tears knocked into the eyes. And then let the wreath on the water. So tell me: "Kupala, you trust the fate. His roads are happy, pathways are lucky, to a nice house. Good to me (name) will be in it! "


In self-defined item described - only a small part of folk customs. Rites are a lot. But they do not help everyone. It is necessary to catch this incredible magic energy. Believe in its undoubted existence. Those - you will be happy. It will not work - wait for the next Kupalnaya night. But the grasses necessarily dial. They, as science says, work in decoction without faith. Good luck!

The day of Ivan Kupala is the symbol of the summer sun and cleansing, in which 2 elements are combined: water and fire. Kupali fire burn the night from 6 to 7 July. To honor the water element launch wreaths from herbs on the river bank.

The mandatory element of the holiday is weaving wreaths of 12 herbs, one more tradition is jumping through the fire, which is the rite of purification. If the lovers jump in a pair through fire and hands will remain connected - they will live together all their lives.

Ancient magic ritual

On this day, nature is in the peak of his power, and all otherworldly creatures roam through the forest. On the day of Ivan Kupala spend bathing in dew, it is very important that this happens before the first bird falls in the morning. The rite recommends that people who suffer from infertility and other severe diseases, since Kupalskaya Rosa has a healing effect.

Many people have gained health in Kupalskaya dew. It possesses an extraordinary energy force, with its help even cause rain and thunderstorms. If a person does not torment serious illnesses, you can simply be like bare feet on the Kupalskaya dew to gain additional immunity. Also in the dew dip the hands and wipe the face to preserve youth.

For burning a fire, a large number of firewood from different trees is selected. Men's trees should be included in the fire: oak, beech, maple, and female: Rowan, Aspen, Kalina. When burning a campfire, it is necessary to build firewood in the form of a pyramid. The fire is settled, there are having fun around him, sing songs, make various fun.

There is a belief that the fire clears the body of people from illness, and the soul from black. Not only the deities dolls are burned in the fire, but also stuffed up various diseases and troubles.

Herbs in the night of Ivan Kupala

In Ivan Kupalah collect a large number of herbs, because in this holiday, each bladeing has healing and magical properties.

If at night I was used to collect wormwood - it is possible to drive out an unclear strength and to treat the evil eye. A special wreath, woven from Kupalskaya wormwood, hang on the door to protect the accommodation for a whole year.

If a negative person (Witch, a black magician or just a detractor) comes to the house - a wreath will fall and thus will give a warning that the guest wishes evil to this house.

Pregnant women collect mint for the first bathing of their future child.

Flowers of fern

It is very dangerous to walk and search at night the color of the fern, since the Ivan's holiday baths in the forest focuses all the non-pure power from which you can meet. But even the greens of fern brings happiness and monetary well-being.

The collected greens of fern on the night of Ivan Kupala will be an excellent monetary magnet in the office of the businessman, if he will make a wreath out of him, dries and hangs in his office.

Rites and fortune telling on the day of Ivan Kupala


The collected plantain will protect travelers, will protect the soldier in battle. The plantain needs to be sorting near the house to return home healthy and will not meet with problems on the road.

The plantain is spoken to find out for what person the girl will marry. For the rite you need to disrupt 4 of the plantain near your home, fold together 2 pairs of sheets to each other and say:

"You see everything, you all hear, in a dream I will tell me about the groom",

after that, the leaves of the plantain put under the pillow.

If a man came in a dream and really liked - this plantain can be brew and serve in tea when the groom comes in reality.

Attraction of narrowed wreath

On the day of Ivana, the girls wreathing wreaths from wild herbs, adding leaves of men's trees: oak, maple.

Fortune telling on the narrowed

The branches of male trees symbolize the girl's desire to marry a strong man. A candle is added to a wreath of herbs, ignite and descend along the river.

If a wreath is sinking - it bad signthat the girl will not get married soon. If the wreath swam quickly and confidently - it good sign, It was said that with where the wreath will float, on the other side and the groom will come out. It was also believed that if a candle burns on a wreath - then the life of the girl will be long and happy.

Wreath woven not only for allowing to water, a few more wreaths leaves to dry and store at home if the groom comes to visit. The guy brew tea from Kupaal herbs, and he will not even notice how falls in love with a girl. If for the year the groom did not come, the old wreath is started on the water, and the fresh woven again, as the bathing herbs lose their strength in a year and need to collect new ones.

Ritals for urban girls

For the behavior of the rite, take 5 coins of 5 kopecks or 5 rubles. 5 is a very strong magic number that brings good luck. 5 coins - 5 desires.

In the Kupalie night you need to come home, and before going to sleep on every coin and make a desire. Pyataki is put on the number down. It is not necessary to make a desire to just get rich in dollars, euro, etc., there may be other wishes: success in securities trading, success in the work, buying the desired home. On the fives you can make any material plans. When all the desires are migrated, you need to take coins in your hand, and pour 5 times in a row on a fist with coins.

In the morning after sleep, throw each coin into the river. Throw need right hand Through the left shoulder, standing back to the river.

Kupali ribbons

On small segments, the girls are writing their desires. On the one hand writes its name, and with another desire in a few words. The wish can be made not only for yourself, but also for a friend, but the main thing is that the girlfriend does not know that there is a desire for her.

The rite uses 12 tapes, on which the girl comes down 12 desires. After ridding, the ribbons are tied to the tree, and they are removed in the morning. They are brought home, and stored until the desires come true. When the desire was fulfilled, the ribbon burns. For the rite, it is best to use red ribbons and tie them to branches only on 1 node.

Foreign on Kupal Fire

It is necessary to look at the Kupali fire and make a desire if the fire after the mounted desire began to burn brighter - the desire will come true, and if the flame began to plump - it means there is no.

Even the asola from the Kupali fire has therapeutic properties, it solves the problems with the gastrointestinal tract, especially after the hangover.

Fortune telling on the candle

Girls hope to get married with the help of the rite for the holiday of Ivan Kupala. For fortune telling on the candle, you need to do such actions:

  1. Felt a thin candle into several pieces.
  2. Put a piece of wax candle in a spoon and melt the wax over the fire, you can apply the flame burning next to the candles.
  3. When the wax becomes liquid - pour it into a bowl with water, it immediately hardens and the signs of fate can guess in the wax figures.

Fortune telling on Romashek

Water is closed in a bowl, preferably from the river or source, but it is possible from under the tap. The chamomile is thrown into the bowl, if the chamomile floats to the girl - a man will come to her, if it means to leave. For each daisy flower, one man is embedded, the better the chamomile floats to the girl - the better the relationship with the mandated man will be.

If the chamomile spins when throwing into the water - this means that the man is destined to have a distant journey. Chamomile after fortune telling from the bowl, dried and leave in the house, as they have the properties of the overag. Men who were produced by the rite will always be protected from any trouble.

Two flower can be thrown into the water at once and look like they will sail. If the flowers float nearby - then the mandated couple will live together all my life.

Slavic tradition

On the day of summer solstice, the admirers of the Slavic tradition revive an ancient culture. Young people prove that knowledge of their ancestors is not forgotten, the holiday of love continues from year to year.

Each action has its meaning and even clothing in ritual dolls special. Shirts are not fully sewn - it is designated that the essence from the other world.

There are many legends on the day of Ivan Kupala, the time of summer solstice is magical and miracles can occur. For example, our ancestors believed that at night, the trees go to the place in Ivan, they rustle leaves and talk to each other.

It is impossible to sleep on this night, it is impossible to go to the gifts to make a special power that is able to seduce innocent girls.

The ancient Slavs knew that this is the time of the largest power of nature and tried to charge him for a year ahead. The wisdom of ancestors helps young people still strengthen the Spirit, who falls for the holiday at least once - returns here again and again.

Ivan Kupala is one of the main holidays of the calendar of Slavs. On this day there are many rites with water, because water acquires healing properties.

A large vintage holiday is filled with a huge meaning. It is the night of folk festivities, excellent mood and cheerful dance, sullen and sad to the holiday, the entry is prohibited. Ivan Kupala's Day loves for the recklessness and simplicity of tradition.

Fortune telling on the narrowed

If the wreath is bold to the shore - then there are soon guests wait to the house. If a wreath floats far away - the girl will marry not soon. Before putting a wreath, a girl can make a groom's name and see how the wreath will behave in the water.

After laying a wreath on the water, the narrowed should catch it on the other shore or below the flow. If the wreath was caught a guy - the girl will marry this year.

Three sides of being

On Ivan's Day, the longest day was bathing and the shortest night. How many Christian church did not try to cancel this holiday - nothing happened. In Russia, this holiday even after the introduction of Christianity was on a par with Merry Christmas, and for someone he was even greater than Christmas.

Ivan's day Ivan Kupala erases the border between the three worlds: Jaw, right and Nava. Yava is the reality that exists around us. Right is some truth, laws that manage reality. These are not the laws that the person writes, but the space laws of the Universe. Nava is an overwhelming world, which is beyond reality. On the night of Ivan the battered all these 3 worlds are connected.

Ivan Kupala coincides with the Christmas of John the Baptist.

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