Deciphering the date of birth by numerology. Numerology: the meaning of numbers in human life

This number is ruled by the sun. He is an ambitious and aggressive person who constantly strives for leadership. He is ambitious and determined. People born under the sign of one have tremendous internal energy. They are assertive, cheerful, confident and determined. Although, their desire to get what they want is sometimes overkill. They are able to walk over their heads.

Lucky numbers - the most successful partners are born on the 1st number: like is drawn to like; also born 10, 19, 28 (the sum of the numbers is 1; although zero matters, it does not affect numerology); 4, 13, 22, 31 (sum of 4 digits).

Lucky stones - topaz, yellow diamond and all stones of these shades (worn in contact with the body).

Emotional features. The main emotion of these people is excessive ambition, and they use all their mental faculties to achieve it. This naturally leaves little time for love and romance. If an emotional passion can arise, it is transitory, secondary and always subordinated to the main goal: the satisfaction of ambitions. Therefore, the object of interest should be subordinate, obscure and undemanding. Sex for such people is also one-sided, passing, aimed at self-gratification. Caring for your partner is hardly considered important. Therefore, the marriage of such people is rarely successful, unless the partner shows understanding and respect for the extreme qualities of the personality of the person born on the first number.

Disadvantages. As mentioned above, satisfying ambitions is the main goal in the lives of these people. Such people show firm determination and resilience, and do not give up on what was planned. All this is good if softened by the judgment that such people rarely possess.

Recommendations. Numerologically, the number 1 is one of the best. People born on this day are outstanding personalities, full of firm determination and creativity. Personal qualities are of the highest order, but such a person experiences enormous difficulties in relations with other people. (People around you should be understanding, since number 1 people are not cruel by nature, but simply careless in their treatment.)

This number is influenced by the Moon. Such a person is gentle and balanced. He always strives for harmony and calmly compromises. Numerology of numbers endowed people born under this number with poise and peacefulness. They are very diplomatic, outgoing and kind. But there is also a downside to the coin, people of deuce are insecure and indecisive.

Lucky numbers- people of number 2 meet the greatest understanding among those born on the 2nd number; born 7, 16, 25 (the sum of the numbers is 7); born 9, 18, 27 (sum of numbers 9).

Lucky stones- pearls, moonstone, emerald and all green stones. You need to wear them on the body.

Emotional features. These people are looking for spiritual communion with a partner. Their love arises in the mind, and they do not recognize physical intimacy without a spiritual connection. Therefore, their sexual power is rather an exception. Physical satisfaction is always secondary - after spiritual satisfaction. For such people, sex is the culmination of a feeling born in the mind, and it is not necessarily a culmination. They are already happy if there is a spiritual closeness with a partner. Whether this connection turns into a physical one is not so important for them. Their marriage is successful if the partner is at the same spiritual height. If they are married to someone who is physically stronger and spiritually weaker, they become discouraged and depressed.

Disadvantages. These people are dreamers. Possessing a powerful intellect and high imagination, such a person is ingenuous and impractical. His creative and inventive abilities are of the highest order, but he is completely devoid of the ability to translate his thoughts and plans into reality. Dreams remain just dreams due to the inability to make them come true. Even with the means, physical weakness prevents such a person from acting. He becomes discouraged when faced with an obstacle and cannot act if the conditions are not ideal. At the same time, of course, disappointment sets in, since success almost always eludes them, since they lack the assertiveness and initiative to put their ideas into practice. Eventually, they lose confidence and become restless, deeply depressed and pessimistic.

Harmonious relationships. The main thing for these people is the ability to surround themselves with people of the same spiritual height. Their strength is the power of the brain; therefore, they need companions with whom they can spiritually communicate. This is their main need. Interests can be different, they can have different views on things, but intelligence is the main thing that a partner who is born 2. Due to the inability to implement their ideas, these people rarely achieve success in life, and therefore remain insecure. They need a partner who can instill confidence, someone who encourages them, nudges them; they themselves are not capable of it.

These people are very sensitive and those around them should refrain from casual insults in a conversation. Being unsure of themselves, they are easily offended and always understand everything as directed against them. They should not be given this opportunity.

Due to a lack of self-confidence and an inability to succeed, these people are restless and float in a sea of ​​uncertainty. They inevitably become slaves to mood and temperament. The partner needs calmness and tact, they should be reassured on "bad" days.

These people are nonsexual due to their physical delicacy. Their partners should not be people with high sexual desires. It will always be in a low key. The difference in temperaments will lead to trouble, so the partner should be more spiritually than physically oriented person.

Recommendations. People born on the 2nd should be treated with courtesy and tact. They can bring themselves to a deep depression, make everyone around them suffer. They need to keep themselves busy with art so that they don't have time for daydreaming and depression. And you need to try to develop the power of logic in yourself so that, using your strong mind, you can understand everything, instead of seeing all things in a sad light. If they do not do this, they will be disappointed and even more suffering.

The patron saint of this number is the planet Mars. This is the number of a talented person. He is optimistic about life, easily adapts to any situation. But it can be unbalanced. People of this number are very optimistic, impetuous, persistent, while they are kind, sincere and responsive. Sometimes they can be too gullible and naive. And internal energy deprives them of perseverance and ability to concentrate.

Lucky numbers – 3, 12, 21, 30; 5, 14, 23; 6, 15, 24.

Lucky stones- sapphire, amethyst.

Emotional features. The main emotion of number 3 is aggressiveness combined with ambition. Like number 1, such people have little time for love and romance, but if this happens, then they love to be hunters. The pleasure of the chase is as great as the satisfaction of passion. As with the number 1, the object of their emotional attraction must obey. They don't like it when a partner plays the same role or generally strives to be equal. The partner should set off and complement, but never exceed.

In sexual life, they are strong and earthly. Aggressive and dominant: hunter, not prey. Most often, after catching prey, they lose interest in it.

Disadvantages. Too much good becomes bad. Therefore, the very strength of the character of the number 3 can cause trouble. These people are born dictators and set their own laws. When carrying out their plans in life, they, like a steam roller, remove any opposition, completely not thinking about the consequences. It is good to be a leader, but uncontrolled leadership becomes dictatorship, which is undesirable.

Although these people are not quarrelsome by nature, they have the ability to create enemies for themselves. They are intolerant of the less energetic and powerful, and their bulldozing methods turn people against them. They are hot-tempered and proud, and do not like to be obliged to others.

Harmonious relationships. Their partners need to be gentle and agreeable if they want to keep the spouse's passing affection. By no means should they strive for equality. Number 3 should be the leader. No one should encroach on his freedom or try to steal his fire. Relationships can be good when the partner agrees to be content with second place.

Recommendations. Such people must learn to moderate their temper, intolerance and excessive ambition. If they do not, they will become victims of their own characters. The number 3 is an exaggerated form of the number 1. They have almost the same qualities, but the number 3 borders on overkill. If this is controlled - which is possible, such a person can become an outstanding person and achieve the success he aspires to.

This number is ruled by Mercury. This is the number of a stable and balanced person. He is reliable, hardworking, and tries to avoid risks. People born under this number are very sociable and versatile. They are smart, interesting, have a good sense of tact. But sometimes they are characterized by pettiness, which originates from a constant desire for order.

Lucky numbers – 1, 10, 15, 28; 4, 8, 17, 26.

Lucky stones- aquamarine (white and dark sapphires that should be worn on the body).

Emotional features. Number 4 is not easy to get carried away, but if you get carried away, then for life. Such people are faithful not out of duty, but because it is very difficult for them to fall in love. They have an average sexual mappetite, but they are by no means weak. They are sexually moderate and do not have much difficulty finding a partner. At the same time, they are born pessimists and live in constant sadness. It is very difficult for those around you, as it is very difficult to be around pessimists and insecure people. These two traits lead to a very unpleasant emotion - the green-eyed monster - jealousy. Not believing in themselves too much, they need constant approval, and if they don't get it, they become prickly and hot-tempered. With all this, they feel good if there is someone nearby who supports them.

Disadvantages. Despite its many positive qualities, the number 4 rarely achieves much success in life due to overturning pessimism. Because of their tendency to always see the dark side and lack of confidence, they often miss out on good opportunities. Instead of trying their best and taking advantage of the opportunity, they do nothing at all, believing that nothing will come of it anyway. They lack the strength to deal with setbacks, and in order not to suffer defeat, they prefer not to do anything.

The number 4 is the waster. They do not know how to save at all, and in times of need they are extremely depressed if they cannot find funds for their expenses. This, in turn, makes them even more frustrated, and their uncertainty increases.

Harmonious relationships. Number 4 partners and friends should cheer them up, and they should always have someone to lean on. Deprived of support, they are lost and sink even deeper into the sea of ​​uncertainty that they themselves have created. Everyone around should be the embodiment of patience and strength, because it is very difficult to live with a person who constantly needs moral support. But in return, you can get impeccable devotion, because such people do not easily become attached, but, having become attached, they preserve this forever and do not abandon their partner.

Jupiter patronizes this number. And Five is the luckiest number of destiny. People with this number are resourceful, optimistic, unpredictable and cheerful. They are able to take risks and get involved in adventures. The people of Jupiter have great authority in society, they are independent and willful. They are always guided only by personal experience. Overconfidence makes them unpredictable and quick-tempered. Sometimes they do not disdain hypocrisy.

Lucky numbers – 5, 14, 23; 3, 12, 30; 9, 18, 27.

Lucky stones- diamond, brilliant in silver or platinum. (And it's best to wear it on your body.)

Emotional features.... These people are guided only by the lust for money. Any action is subordinated to the desire to make money. A strange feature of their spiritual life is that even their sexual desire is colored by a love of money and success in business. For them, sexual attraction is proportional to the wealth possessed by the object of their desire. A woman or a man who was physically unattractive will be desirable if they are wealthy. Of course, they desire those who are beautiful, but if that person has no material wealth, then the attraction is much less. This is characteristic only of people born on the 5th. Just like number 2 people need a partner's mind, 5 needs a partner to be rich, otherwise nothing good will come of it. Physical beauty alone is not enough for such a person; it must necessarily be accompanied by wealth.

Disadvantages. Although such people can quickly rise up after any blows of fate, they are completely demoralized if they lose their money or business. Unfortunately, they repeat their mistakes, don't learn from experience, and easily succumb to the temptation to make money and bet everything on it. They are incorrigible gamblers, whether at the table, at the stock exchange, or at the racetrack. They cannot resist the big jackpot. Another negative trait is their high excitability, and if it is not sufficiently mitigated by their good qualities - intelligence and logic, they completely lose their sense of proportion and fail.

Harmonious relationships. It is easy to get along with people born on the 5th. They are gentle, diplomatic and docile. But these traits are subordinated to the thirst for money and come out only if the goal is the acquisition of wealth. Therefore, the people around them soon become disgusted with their mercantile nature. Only those who are mercantile themselves can understand them. Superficially, the number 5 gets along with everyone, but in reality such people are in harmony only with the same mercantile people and best of all with the number 5. Sexually, they are selfish, but even here they are dominated by the love of money. It is unlikely that they will be attracted by a poor partner. On the other hand, having money can very much make a person sexually attractive to them, despite being physically unattractive.

Recommendations. These people are great materialists, and all their thoughts and actions are subordinated to the desire to make money. The thirst for money is so great that they will go to any extreme in order to acquire wealth. If this cannot be done in an honest way, they will not hesitate to resort to dishonest and often become victims of the law. They can be ruthless in their pursuit of money and will not spare anyone who gets in their way. They cannot lead a beggarly life. They should not let their material aspirations go out of control, otherwise it will lead to collapse. They should look more calmly at money and not lose their temper in pursuit of them. They have a subtle mind, and it is pleasant to deal with them, if only they are reasonable in their material views.

This number was taken under her wing by Venus. This number speaks of the reliability and stability of a person. Those born under the sign of six are very nice and attractive people. Their life is always full of love. They are kind and sincere, always ready to listen to a person and help him. But don't abuse their kindness. Betrayal and deception can provoke strong hatred in their souls and turn a sweet person into a worst enemy. Such people have a magnetic personality and great sex appeal. They may be physically imperfect, but at the same time they can have a memorable appearance and have a phenomenal charm. With their manners and mannerisms, they attract people of the opposite sex to them, like a flame attracts moths. These people are romantic and idealistic and almost become slaves to those they love. They are very sensitive to the atmosphere and surround themselves with beautiful things, if they have the means. The rich enough can become patrons of the arts. The woman, born on the 6th, is proud of her home and loves to entertain guests. She loves decorating her home, sparing no effort to make it even more beautiful, and loves to invite guests.

Lucky numbers – 6, 15, 24; 7, 16, 25.

Lucky stones- turquoise, emerald (emerald to a lesser extent).

Emotional features. All of these people live full emotional lives. They are romantic in nature and idealistic in inclinations. Their emotional and sexual passions are carefully balanced, and they need both. They love equally with heart and body. They are passionate lovers. Their love arises in the mind as well as in the body. They have tremendous physical attractiveness to the opposite sex and charm. It cannot be explained, it can only be felt. They love nature, flourish under the influence of everything beautiful. They are very responsive to music and great aesthetes. They are sincere in their affection, because they sigh for the ideal and will never betray someone who can rely on them. They are decisive and firm in making decisions and can think clearly. Despite idealism and romanticism, they are also practical and hardworking in any endeavor. This is one of the best numbers because it has almost all the traits: temperament, personality, practicality and romance, sincerity, attractiveness and devotion - combinations close to the ideal.

Disadvantages. If a person who is born on the 6th is betrayed by a person whom he trusts, he becomes vindictive, and his hatred is as great as love. In other words, such people go to extremes. Their hostility does not diminish over time, but may, on the contrary, intensify. They will fan this enmity to the last, not thinking about the consequences harmful to themselves.

Harmonious relationships. These people get along well with all people. They are loving and love to be loved in return, which is usually the case. Their magnetic personality and charm attract people to them. In relationships with partners, they need only one quality - the ability to control their temperament. They are not that bad or hot-tempered, but if turned on, they can go to extremes.

Recommendations. This is one of the best numbers. Such people are sincere and firm, loving and loved. They are unforgettable. Everyone around them should be caring and should appreciate their qualities, not offend them for no reason, because they are as bad as enemies, as good as friends. If they get angry, they lose control, and this weakness they need to overcome. Then they will become the most pleasant people, friends and lovers.

Seven is ruled by the planet Saturn. This is the number of secrets and aspirations for new knowledge. People of this number are very intelligent, they have many talents. This planet has endowed people born under the sign of the seven with originality and a penchant for the arts. They are also independent and tend to analyze everything around. They are so eager to achieve their goals that they are capable of meanness.

Lucky numbers – 7, 16, 19; 2, 11, 29, 20.

Lucky stones- moonstone, cat's eye, pearls (and it is better to wear them on the body).

These people usually undergo many changes in their lives and very often change their surroundings, they travel a lot. They are philanthropists by nature and if they are rich, they make large donations to charity. Their religion is humanity. And their love for their neighbor is almost spiritual, although they are not overly religious in the usual sense of the word. They have strong intuition and quickly sense the mood of others, which gives them a great advantage in relationships with people, because being one step ahead, they can anticipate reactions.

Emotional features. Those born on the 7th are very changeable and restless by nature. They therefore hesitate and are rarely attached to one person for a long time in the early period of their lives. It is not uncommon for a person born 7 to marry repeatedly in search of the right person. Such people are constantly looking for security and are always thinking about the future. Thanks to volatility, such people are very interesting and sexually arousing, because you can never know what they will do next. They have a great sexual appetite, but they are not rude or animals to handle. They like to change partners from time to time. Such deviations do not affect persistent connections. Those married to such a person should not pay attention to petty infidelities, as they help satisfy the desire for change. These adventures will make your spouse more interesting.

Disadvantages. These people have many attractive qualities, but their volatility can do them great damage if consistency does not run through their lives. If they rush from one to another, they only get worse. Change is good, but you need to have a solid anchor, otherwise nothing good will come of it.

Harmonious relationships. Others should do so that it is always possible to prevent the partner's hesitation. Born 7 needs an anchor, and he is constantly looking for it. You should not pay attention to treason and not make a big fuss out of it. The sexual partner must be strong and active, because such people have a great appetite. They have no restrictions, and the partner must comply with this.

Recommendations. Number 7 is a very good number with mysterious powers. These people are gifted with the intuitive knowledge of their neighbors, very creative and inventive. The only drawback is the love of change, which can take it to the extreme. They need to make sure that the change they want is really reasonable, or they might hurt themselves. Otherwise, they are charming people and easy to deal with. No one ever knows what will happen tomorrow with such a person, and this element of surprise makes them absolutely delightful. Number 7 people are usually wealthy or can improve their well-being, and more often than not they live better in the second half of their lives than in the first. Overall, this is a good number, and number 7 people are lucky.

This number is patronized by Uranus. The number of strong and strong-willed people. They are successful, tough and purposeful, sometimes even ruthless. Numerology of numbers considers the eight to be the most unpredictable. People of this number are very changeable, shrewd and far-sighted. They can be very vigorous and active in the morning, and become depressed in the evening. Such mood swings can be difficult for loved ones to tolerate.

Lucky numbers- (which can be in any agreement with 8) - 17 and 26.

Lucky stones- black diamond and black pearls; amethyst and dark sapphire (worn on the body).

They are maximalists, and if the materialistic side of their nature comes forward, then they will have tremendous success, since they are smart and can work very hard. If they do not have brilliant success, then they, on the contrary, fail terribly, because they rarely have something in between. Due to their dichotomy and misunderstanding by others, they can be victims of persecution. As deep people, they perceive such persecution as torture, and very often they can rebel in despair. This makes their situation even worse, because if they do not find someone to punish, they punish themselves. Among them, a very large percentage of suicides, not because this is their natural inclination, but as a result of persecution. If they don't punish themselves, they punish others and become antisocial. As extremists, they stop at nothing in their revenge. The results of this are easy to predict.

Emotional features. Number 8 people are very strong characters capable of deep emotional attachment, but they often turn out to be loyal because they are difficult to understand and love. They may seem cold, but they are actually cordial, as they do not know how to show their feelings. They can express their feelings only through actions that those around them usually misunderstand. They are capable of great sacrifices and are often exploited by those to whom they are attached. This brings them great misfortune, because if they love, they do not deny the object of their love in anything and as a result give more than they receive. They have a magnetic personality and are very attractive to the opposite sex. They have great sexual strength and activity, but also possessing spiritual inclinations, they are looking for a spiritual connection with a partner, otherwise the relationship will not last long. The partner should be just as strong, because not getting satisfaction, such people are looking for him on the side. They need both of them equally, and therefore they rarely find a suitable match for themselves.

Harmonious relationships. A rare person can live in harmony with them. Such a person must have a deep understanding and the ability to respect the very individual character of his partner. These people need complete freedom, because independence is the main thing for them. Those who live next to them must maintain spiritual communication, not to mention the physical side. We can say that only a few or no one at all can fully satisfy a person on the 8th. Therefore, they have been looking for a couple all their lives and very rarely find it. The only suitable option is the same person.

Disadvantages. In the world we live in, the number 8 is not very suitable for birth. Although they are highly capable people, they are rarely mistaken for such and often labeled as such. They are sincere, but persecution can lead them to self-destruction. They love deeply and are broken when betrayed. They go to extremes and may work hard today and be lazy tomorrow. They can be extremely vindictive if aroused by their hatred, and at times they can be possessed by the anger of the boar. They range from extreme joy to extreme depression. They lack balance and stability. This duality characterizes their personality, and they will always have the opposite of what is seen from the outside. Those who deal with them should always remember this. If now they are loving and kind, then at another time they are equally hating and cruel.

Recommendations. 8 people are wonderful people, but they must remember that they are unlikely to ever be understood. In their own interests, they should refuse to expect approval from others, as they go to extremes. They should try to control themselves and not let the pendulum of their emotions swing from one end to the other. They need to direct their abilities towards a common goal, and not spray them on useless emotions. If they learn to accept what comes to them without fighting the whole world, they will be much happier and can more effectively achieve their goals. They need to develop patience and rigorously balance determination and perseverance. Only then will they rise high, possessing everything that is necessary for this. They are smart, hardworking, possess great spiritual and mental strength, artistic and sensitive. They should only refrain from extremes.

This number is ruled by Neptune. People of this number are strong and successful, have good potential, they achieve a high position and well-being. Nine people are incorrigible dreamers and romantics. They are very amorous and open-minded. But they are unable to suffer for a long time because of love; they quickly find a new object for passion. Their mind should not be ignored. But even its presence sometimes does not save them from falling into religious sects.

Lucky numbers – 9, 18, 27; 2, 11, 29; 3, 12, 21, 30; 6, 15, 24.

Lucky stones- rubies, pomegranates.

They are fighters by nature, firm, do not lose heart in front of the most brutal resistance. Such resilience gives them the opportunity to continue to the end what they started. They are ambitious and because they see everything in advance, they usually achieve their goals. They have a dominant nature and instinct for leadership. They do not like to obey, and are happy when they command. Like the number 1, they can be rude to subordinates and are often deaf to the feelings of others. In the army, they reach the highest rank, even if they are not very popular. However, they are respected for their ability and strength of character.

Emotional features. These people are very sexy, but unable to express their desires. Therefore, they often fail. Expressing desire for them seems offensive. They see it as a weakness and therefore can drive themselves into deep despair instead of satisfying desire.

These people are leaders in everything other than sex; here they must be guided so that it seems to them that they are not inferior to them, but that they are inferior to another. This oddity must be reckoned with. Sometimes it may seem that they are cold and they have no desire, but this is not so. There is desire, but at the same time there is a feeling that to express desire means to lose your dignity. Emotionally, these are deep people, they do not fall in love very easily or become friends. But if that happens, they are lifelong friends. Their high sexuality often leads them astray, because with a strong physical attraction, logic recedes into the background. Their first marriage is often destroyed because they mistake physical attraction for love, and after satisfaction of desire, they do not experience any feelings. But they rarely make the same mistake twice. This does not only apply to marriage, it practically applies to all affairs. Therefore, they are successful in life, because they are smart enough, they learn not only from their mistakes, but also from others.

Disadvantages. These are people who are dominant and do not reckon with others. Therefore, they have many enemies. But they also achieve success, which they owe only to themselves, since they are hardworking and persistent natures. But having achieved success, they rest on their laurels and consider themselves superior to others. They are intolerant of those who disagree with them. This is an innate intolerance.

Harmonious relationships. These people can get along with those who are spiritually equal to them. They have strong analytical thinking and look for people with the same sharp mind. They prefer to surround themselves with people of good reputation. They do not recognize authorities, and will not trust until they are convinced of the qualities of a person. Only then will they accept a person completely and become his friend for life. They don't like whiners. Weakness is something they never put up with.

Recommendations. Number 9 is a bold number and 9 people are courageous people. But they can be cruel if pissed off, and they can speak without thinking that they are gaining enemies. They need to learn to control themselves and speech. They easily search for and find troubles on their heads out of thoughtlessness and spend a lot of time and energy on solving the created problems.

This number is good, but if its owner develops at least a little restraint and tolerance in relations with people, otherwise you can find yourself in isolation, without friends.

These are very capable people who rise to a high step in the service, they just need to try not to step on the feet of others. Men should be wary of being attracted to unworthy women, as a cunning attacker can easily lead them to a sad end. They need to show natural restraint, endurance in relationships with the opposite sex. The second half of their life is more successful. Once they overcome adversity early in their lives, they achieve success and serenity. The main thing is to restrain your tongue.

This is a tricky number. People who are fortunate enough to be born under such a sign have special abilities. They have a penchant for mysticism, hypnosis, occultism and alchemy. They can lead the masses and turn the world around. But the sum of these numbers is 2, which is diametrically opposite, so 11 people are very difficult to understand.

Lucky numbers – 1, 10, 28; 2, 11, 29; 8, 17, 26.

Lucky stones- pearls, jade and yellow topaz.

Emotional features. They are highly ambitious and cannot be satisfied with the second place. They are energetic, proactive, very individual and independent. They make tough decisions. These are positive characters, very bold, but underneath it all is sensitivity and delicacy. They plan brilliantly and fulfill their plans brilliantly if they act immediately. As soon as hesitation appears, they are gone. They make bold plans, but they often lack the courage to bring them to life. They want to impose their will on others, but are too gentle by nature to do so. They come into conflict because of the desire to freely express their views and, at the same time, are too sensitive to the feelings of others. They have to have their say, but they do it in the form of pinplugs, instead of being straightforward. Their inability to go out into the open and fight as they would like it drives them to despair, and therefore they become first-class grumblers. They will "peck" instead of "shaking out" everything at once.

In general, they are very sensitive, but since the number includes two ones, they are often completely unpredictable. Sometimes they can talk too much, and sometimes they are silent. When and what they will do, no one knows. Their colossal ambition makes them want more and more for themselves, but often their desires exceed their capabilities. This is where failure awaits them. With a total of 2, these people cannot accept defeat, but they lack the strength to fight. The slightest failure is a disaster for them. While everything is going well, they are very positive people, but at the first sign of failure or opposition, they break down and fall into deep despondency and pessimism.

Disadvantages. The main feature of the number 11 is the struggle between ambition and uncertainty. These people have the intelligence needed to succeed, but they lack a strong backbone and energy. They need support, which they, at the same time, reject as weakness. They would like to command, but are too shy to assert themselves. Indeed, they are a tangle of contradictions. They need to learn to analyze themselves and develop positive qualities. If they don't, then the success they seek will elude them. The main thing for them is to learn how to translate their ideas into reality, because they have the mind of numbers 1 and 2, and they need to stop dreaming and act.

Harmonious relationships. Anyone who deals with the number 11 needs to be monuments of patience and tact. The support that the number 11 desperately needs should be given without showing the look. If such a person feels that he is weaker, he immediately rejects this support. Friends and spouses of such people should be able to be leaders when needed and followers when needed. The main thing is to know when to lead and when to follow. In addition, the partner must be intelligent and able to communicate on a spiritual level. These people need to be constantly approved and not allowed to fall into discouragement or despair. They are very difficult due to their unpredictability, and their partners need to be always one step ahead in order to feel what is required of them. With these people, endless patience and tact, dedication and sincerity are needed. If the paths must separate, then this must be done as gently as possible. There are a lot of suicides among people on the 11th, which is caused by the constant conflict between ambitions and opportunities.

Recommendations. Number 11 is a good number. But these people should be warned against discouragement, and they should develop self-confidence, they should beware of inactivity and be ready to carry out their plans. Missed opportunities frustrate them and plunge them into despondency. They should develop patience and control ambition. Such people need to beware of foolish desires and remain within certain limits. This, of course, is easier said than done, and here the help of loved ones is needed, who tactfully and diplomatically must guide them away from unrealizable desires on a path where there are more chances for success. They need to remember the saying: "Moscow was not built right away."

This number is ruled by the planet Vulcan. People of this rare sign have a very complex and contradictory character, as well as incredible mental abilities. They know how to calculate everything incredibly accurately and analyze well. Moreover, people of this number are gentle and vulnerable, they need an understanding companion. An extremely pessimistic number, which is a combination of two twos for a total of 4. It doubles the sensitivity and uncertainty of the number 2. This number is the embodiment of femininity. It is gentle and touching. This is a weak number, almost incapable of independent action. His only salvation is his mind and high spiritual qualities, but they do not serve such people too well, since they cannot translate them into action. These people are unlikely to be lucky in life, so great disappointments await them. They are embezzlers. Money comes to them as easily as it leaves. They cannot save anything and almost always have financial difficulties. They can spend much more than what they earn.

Lucky numbers – 2, 11, 20.

Lucky stones- pearls and coral.

Emotional features. Emotionally, they are not very strong, they cannot easily fall in love, but if they love, they will be faithful to the end. In matters of the heart, they are the most reliable, since they will never leave their chosen partner, but their extreme pessimism instills in them a feeling of insecurity and jealousy. They are suspicious of those around them and because of this they lose many friends. Sexually they are average and so sensitive that the slightest hindrance deprives them of all desire, and it is very difficult to re-excite them. Even a poorly spoken word by a partner can turn them off completely. Therefore, the partner must be careful in words and deeds. The number 22 is very difficult to live with, as it requires constant approval and support, which is a great burden for others.

Harmonious relationships. They need someone to support them. It is not so difficult for a man's partner, which cannot be said for a woman. The wife of such a person should be constantly next to him for support, he himself cannot do anything. She should put her difficulties aside, so he has time only for himself, everything else is in the background. His problems are always more difficult, and his sorrows and difficulties are always exaggerated. Number 22 can be happy (if at all possible) with people to lean on. Partners, friends and associates of such a person should be the embodiment of patience and moral support.

Disadvantages. Uncertainty and pessimism are the main components of the spiritual constitution of these people. Despite many positive qualities: intelligence, dedication, efficiency, high intelligence, they rarely achieve success in life due to extreme pessimism. A tendency to always see the dark side of things, combined with insecurity, leads them to miss out on good opportunities. Instead of trying to improve their situation and take advantage of the opportunity, they do not want to try at all, believing that nothing will come of it anyway. They don't understand that not trying at all is worse than trying and failing. In the face of missed opportunities and setbacks, the sight of others who are successful in life further exacerbates their frustration and pessimism, closing a vicious circle. In extreme cases, this can lead to a very severe impact.

Recommendations. These people should be warned against discouragement, which can negate all their good qualities. Despite their unwavering dedication to friends and partner, their pessimism makes it difficult to live with them and quite often scares away the very people they need for approval. They need to learn to stand on their own two feet, not to miss an opportunity because of the lack of courage before a possible defeat. You cannot always be successful in everything you try to do, but you have to try. This is what they must learn. They should act as soon as possible. They are very smart, methodical and efficient. They should not give up due to lack of energy.

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Since ancient times, philosophers of different cultures have sought to understand the principle that orders the universe. Many of them came to the common conclusion that everything in the world can be represented as a mathematical structure with a code from a matrix of numbers from 1 to 9.

This opinion is confirmed by the fact that everything in the world is permeated with vibrations. Each thing has its own vibration frequency, which determines its essence. Vibrations can be expressed in symbolic form - a number, attributing to it a set of characteristics of this frequency. Numerologists study the influence of numerical vibrations and the possibility of their use with the greatest benefit to humans.

Numerology(magic of numbers, mysticism of numbers) it is a field of knowledge that studies the relationship between the hidden philosophical, esoteric meaning of numbers and their manifestation in the real life around us.

Exists pythagorean(western), kabbalistic, Chaldean, Vedic, chinese and other systems of numerology. Each system uses its own version of the interpretation of the values ​​of numbers, as one of the many points of view on the same idea.

One of the first researchers of the mysticism of numbers was Pythagoras. He considered numbers as symbols of world principles and considered the science of them to be the fundamental principle of all occult teachings. Pythagoras brought from Egypt to Europe ancient digital matrices, previously known only to a narrow circle of initiates. In an adapted version, the secret tables have survived to this day under the name "Cosmic Code" and are known to many occultists.

Numerologists of the Pythagorean school operate with single-digit numbers, which are obtained using the so-called "natural addition" - the summation of numbers, making up the number. This technique is used by curious passengers, calculating the lucky number of the travel ticket. For example "1234" = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1. Thus, any number can be reduced to one-digit, however, its individual components are also very important when interpreted.

In numerology odd numbers refer to masculine and are considered stronger and more dynamic, and even female- passive and perceiving.

European numerology uses the interpretation of numbers proposed in 1533 by Cornelius Agrippa in Occult Philosophy:

  1. Target number showing aggression and ambition.
  2. Responsible for contrast and balance, mixing positive and negative qualities.
  3. The number of instability, shows adaptability, optimism, creativity.
  4. The number of reliability, strength.
  5. Symbolizes risk, unpredictability.
  6. An ideal number that combines the properties of an even feminine number and an odd masculine number.
  7. Symbolizes the mystery and its comprehension.
  8. The number of material success is doubly reliability (4 + 4 = 8).
  9. A symbol of universal success, as well as the number of management and control.

The first fateful number for a person is the date of his birthday. This number is obtained by adding the digits of the day, month and year. Birthday number invariably and represents a vibrating influence on a person from the time of his birth. In many ways it determines the character and natural inclinations of the individual, however, the fate is determined by other numerological factors, for example, the number of the name.

In numerology, every word can be translated into a number. By superimposing a sequence of numbers from 1 to 9 on the alphabet, numerologists assign a numerical value to each letter: A = 1, B = 2, B = 3, etc. The sum of the numbers equivalent to the letters of the name reduced to an elementary number is name number - key to the aspirations and achievements of a person. It should either merge with the birthday number or adapt to it for the harmonious development of the personality. If a person's name does not match or contradicts his character, you can use a pseudonym that matches or complements the birthday number.

Experienced numerologists, according to the key data of a person (such as date of birth, number of first name, surname, etc.), make up number mandala - geometric pattern of it numerological horoscope, individual drawing of fate.

Numerology manifests itself in our everyday life: someone helps to make a decision with a favorite number, someone avoids the "damn dozen", as he considers the number 13 unlucky for himself, some make a wish when they see "paired" or "mirrored" watches on the electronic dial numbers, for example: 12:12 or 14:41. One way or another, we expect from the number not only its physical expression (quantity), but also mystical (sign of fate). A deeper knowledge of numerology reveals the secrets of the influence of numbers; observing the numerical signs and interpreting them correctly, including the "necessary" numerical vibrations (for example, when choosing a phone number or apartment), it is possible to direct your life in the desired direction.

Numerology - the key of knowing yourself and the world around you. With its help, you can determine the character, natural talents, strengths and weaknesses, predict significant moments of fate, choose the dates for making important decisions. Numerology helps to analyze the personal qualities of partners and the characteristics of relationships with them in business or marriage, in society. The magic of numbers helps you choose the life path that is right for you.

In this article, you will learn:

    What is the significance of numerology in human life

    How the surname affects the fate of a person

    What numerology says about the human life code

    Who are the thousand people

    How to choose a talisman stone, knowing your number

Each number has its own magic, vibration peculiar only to it, consisting of a combination of certain qualities. Having dealt with the meaning of the numbers that make up the date of birth or name, you can find out the very essence of a person, his defining quality, which is the basis of all his natural talents, his character and destiny. Let's try to find out what human numerology is.

The value of numerology in human life

To study the processes of human life, a technique is used based on a system of mystical connection with numbers, it is customary to call it numerology.

Human numerology is used as a practical method to help predict the path on which a person will achieve the greatest success in life. To draw up the so-called numerological chart of a person, you need to use the simplest arithmetic operations: find the sum of the digits of the date of birth (necessarily the month, day and year) and the sum of the numerical values ​​corresponding to the letters of your full name (full name). This technique is based on the meanings of nine numbers, which means that each letter corresponds to a certain number from 1 to 9. With the correct calculation, you will receive a characteristic of a person: numerology helps to know his capabilities and abilities.

According to the classical method of numerology, you first need to find the Destiny Number, which will tell you exactly what you can achieve success.

The numbers of Destiny in numerology are the received sums of the numerical equivalents of the letters of the name, surname and patronymic. The name must be indicated what is given to the person at birth.

What is the significance of numerology in human life? We will try to expand on this topic further.

How the surname affects the fate of a person (numerology)

The most important condition necessary for carrying out correct calculations in identifying the exact Number of a person's Destiny will be finding the digital equivalent of a surname.

Let's take the following data as an example: Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev.

First, single-digit numbers are calculated in order: first name, patronymic, last name. It turns out: Leonid - 4 + 6 + 7 + 6 + 1 + 5 = 29, then 2 + 9 = 11, 1 + 1 = 2, Ilyich - 1 + 4 + 3 + 1 + 7 = 18, then 1 + 8 = 9, Brezhnev - 2 + 9 + 6 + 8 + 6 + 6 + 3 = 41, then 4 + 1 = 5. Then add the numbers obtained: 2 + 9 + 5 = 16, 1 + 6 = 7. This is Brezhnev's Destiny Number ...

The correct date of birth of the person is always necessary for the correct calculation. Numerology as a science from year to year attracts more and more people who want to find out their prospects.

The correspondence table of the English and Russian alphabets is presented below.

Russian alphabet:

English alphabet:

What is the role of specific numbers in the fate of a person according to numerology

    It is a symbol of one's own "I", admiration for oneself, as well as power and inner strength, vitality and ambition. According to numerology, those born under this number are recommended to follow the course they have chosen and not abruptly change it. Consistent forward movement is the path that will lead them to new heights. Those born under this number can achieve a lot, following the motto: "Be careful, do not conflict, take into account both your own and others' interests."

    According to numerology, the number 2 is associated with poise, gentleness, tact, as well as the ability to find a compromise and solve acute problems. As you figure things out, you should not let doubts get the better of you, stay calm, avoid being overly rational, and not listening to the perennial advice of your friends. Two has the properties of contrast and equiprobability. It is located at the turn of light and darkness, good from evil, cold and warmth, wealth and poverty, life and death. People born under this number will be successful if they can adapt to the situation and come to terms with what they are not happy with. They cleverly decide their affairs, but these people need co-authors and performers to implement their projects.

    It assumes that a person has such qualities as insight, developed intuition, the ability to quickly respond and act. Those born under this number, according to numerology, do not look for difficult ways to achieve the goal, and, at the same time, they often fail to realize their abilities on their own. They easily adapt to a situation that promises them a profit. Life is most often taken carelessly. In the circle of communication of "triplets" there are light and pleasant people, lovers of constant entertainment. The naturally lively mind of those whose number is 3 not only helps them to achieve a high position, but also prevents them from evaluating the opportunities that other paths of development can provide, therefore planning is their weak side.

    It is a number of level-headed, hardworking and cautious people who avoid risk and adventurous ventures. They usually strive to get to the heart of the matter. The Quartet can cause financial ruin, but it can also become a solid foundation for the further development of skills and knowledge.

    These are natures filled with enthusiasm. Number 5 people, according to numerology, adore adventures and risky activities, are prone to everything unusual, love to travel, and are mobile. They are quite easy to learn foreign languages, study the traditions and cultures of other countries and peoples. They can behave impulsively, and their actions can lead to unpredictable consequences. In life, resourcefulness, sharp mind and optimism are their faithful helpers. They tend to constantly move forward, and with this there is a risk that they may lose sight of the opportunities that are available to them here and now.

    Honesty, openness, reliability and a progressive outlook on life are inherent in people of number 6. According to numerology, they are optimists and lovers of life. Thanks to these qualities, they are able to create an attractive image for themselves, so those around them treat them with sympathy and respect. These people perform their duties at a competent level, but they are not distinguished by a craving for careerism, and they have no desire to "cover themselves with eternal glory." However, they can not be denied a certain complacency and complacency. Because of their impartiality, they risk being suspected by others of hypocrisy.

    Not only mystery, but also knowledge is associated with this number. These people are contradictory by nature: diligent, poetic, and at the same time, distinguished by an analytical mind and developed intuition. "Seven" encourages to choose a creative path: most often people born under this number become composers and musicians, writers and poets, philosophers and recluses, thinkers and hermits. Thanks to their strength of character, they can achieve global recognition.

    It means business, enterprise, fearlessness in any area of ​​life. The achievements of these motivated people are surprising and admirable. "Eight" is a symbol of will, fortitude and ruthlessness not only to others, but also to oneself. Difficulties only inflame them. Number 8 people, according to numerology, have great abilities in terms of administrative work. The other side of the G8 is exactingness and even ruthlessness. They are friends with their peers in terms of social status.

    These are people with strong character, great potential in terms of intellectual development. Success accompanies them in the field of art and creativity. They are not suited for commerce, technology and military affairs. They must realize their talent and choose the right path in life - this will become the key to their success. Great musicians and inventors are born under this number.

Numerology and human life code

With the help of numerology, although in a slightly different way, you can get additional information about yourself. To do this, you need to calculate the life code of a person.

For example, a person was born on 03/12/1960. In calculations, zeros are not included in the calculations.

    Sum all the numbers of your date of birth: 1 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 6 = 22. The resulting number is the first number in the code.

    Add the digits of the result obtained (2 + 2 = 4). The result will be the second number of the code.

    Sum the digits of the third number of the code (2 + 0 = 2). The result will be the fourth number. If the number turned out to be two-digit, then you should not perform the addition operation with these digits.

As a result, we have the code 224202. Write this number, and below it - your date of birth. Calculate how often one, two, three and other numbers appear in your life code and date of birth. By their number (the presence of three is considered the norm), one can determine how much this or that quality is expressed in a person. Let's find out what numerology says about the human life code?

Availability units means the presence of spiritual consciousness, faith in oneself, willpower.

Henpecked people do not have units in their code. Three units - a person has a kind character. If there are fewer of them, then he has low self-esteem, and self-realization is “lame”. Outwardly, they give the impression of confident people, but inwardly they give in to problems. If your child has a small number of units, then he should be taught to discipline from an early age. Four units - you have a strong will, five - you are a magnetic person, six - a person seeks to make a career at all costs, seven - an imperious (almost despotic) character.

Deuces in the code number mean energy potential, charisma, temperament.

People who do not have deuces in the code and date of birth take energy from those around them. They are characterized by increased fatigue and frequent mood swings. They should practice yoga, wear red clothes. This color makes a person more energetic. As life partners, they are recommended those who have at least two deuces in the code.

The owner of two twos has an average energy, three have extrasensory abilities (his hands can heal), four - sexuality is noticeably expressed. People with a lot of twos don't like crowded places. Those with five or more twos are already dangerous: in a state of anger, they are able to destroy everything in their path.

If your life code has triplets, then you are a gifted person, with a pronounced intuition and a penchant for scientific disciplines: inner flair, talent in the sciences.

People with a deficiency of threes do not listen to others, do not have flexibility and tact, and are stubborn. This type of people is capable of meanness, without thinking that it is mean. They do not have a penchant for inventions, but they are distinguished by good performance. They love when they are flattered. We are sure that they have developed intuition, but at the same time they often make mistakes.

If your child does not have Cs, then you need to develop logic, for example, you can sign up for a chess lesson. People with four threes are natural hypnologists and clairvoyants, and with five they are already black sorcerers.

Fours in the life code, they mean pragmatism, endurance.

If the spouses do not have fours in their codes, then they will constantly swear. A person who does not have fours in the code is cowardly and does not follow through. It's hard with such people in everyday life, they often grumble, they can fall for lies. The owner of one or more fours is a peacemaker. Two or three fours - a person can achieve success by playing sports. Those who have more than three fours are lovers of lying.

If the life code contains fives, then this person is sympathetic, with a delicate taste.

A person without fives has a tough character. Two fives - he has a big and kind heart. Three - he is inclined to preaching activity, four - the very embodiment of Mother Teresa: they are able to give everything to others, and they may not be enough for themselves and their loved ones. They are distinguished by great patience, they are able to endure an inappropriate attitude towards themselves for years.

Sixes in the code, such qualities as rationalism and the desire for wealth are determined.

People who don't have sixes are lazy. Three sixes testify to the hard work of their owners, and not that they are marked with the sign of Satan. Four is already a danger: such a person is capable of being very charming, but jealous of those who surpass him. And also such people are usually distinguished by envy.

Sevens in the life code, they mean happiness, the protection of higher powers.

A person without sevens constantly experiences a sense of guilt, he does not know how to refuse people and is a godsend for a manipulator. Thus, from an early age, he must be brought up so that he can say a firm "no." The owners of two sevens are the darlings of fate, three - such a person is immensely happy, four - impudent.

Eights the code defines luck and well-being.

Two eights - career success. There are no eights or only one - they should not rely on luck: they achieve their goals only thanks to their talent, intelligence and work. Three or more eights are an indicator of great success in life. Children who were born in wealthy families usually have three eights in the code and their date of birth.

If the life code contains nines, then the person has an analytical mind.

With nines, everything is simple: the more there are, the more pronounced are analytical abilities.

Who are people - "thousand" in numerology

You already know how to calculate the life code, and it usually consists of six digits. But some people have seven-digit codes. The first or last four digits of their code are 1910, 2810, 2911, 3710, 3811, 3912.

"Thousands" - this is how people with such a code are called. Fortune favors them. Fate does not provide them with a middle path: these people will either achieve fame and recognition, or they will remain in obscurity. A modest lifestyle is not for them, because a bright future is destined for them. The most important thing is that they know about their opportunities and can use them correctly. And one more thing: the more the number of the six listed above, the more prevails the degree of exclusivity possessed by the “thousand”.

Of course, being a "thousand-year-old" is wonderful, but they must not forget about such shortcomings of theirs as ambition, pride and categoricalness.

How the numerology of a city and a person is related

Numerologists believe that numbers emit vibrations that can affect a person both positively and negatively. Using simple calculations, you can learn about a lot, including destiny and the future. Any village, village or city has its own energy, and it can be determined by numerological calculation. It is necessary to write the name of the settlement, and then determine the number corresponding to each letter in its name. Below is a list in which each letter corresponds to a specific number. With its help, we will learn how the numerology of a city and a person is related.

    A, I, C, b - 1.

    B, Y, T, Y - 2.

    B, K, Y, L - 3.

    G, L, F, E - 4.

    D, M, X, Y - 5.

    E, H, C, Z - 6.

    E, O, H - 7.

    F, P, W - 8.

    З, Р, Щ - 9.

Let's look at an example. Let's define the numerological significance of the city of Ryazan. To do this, we will use the data of the above table: P - 9, Z - 6, Z - 9, A - 1, H - 6, b - 3.

Let's sum up the numbers: 9 + 6 + 9 + 1 + 6 + 3 = 34. The number is two-digit, it should be reduced to one-digit: 3 + 4 = 7. This number is the numerological meaning of the city of Ryazan.

Having calculated the code of the city in which you live, you just have to find out what this number means.

Number 1- strong and independent people live in this city. Happiness in it will be found by those who strive to become leaders and are not afraid of difficulties. These cities form qualities such as firmness and stubbornness in their inhabitants, but they make them less flexible. Those looking for stability will not find peace in this city. Here every day everything changes, vanity reigns. This number "fills" cities with complex energy, those who are stronger survive.

Number 2 endows cities with a mysterious energy. Wealth is easily gained and also simply lost. Deception is rampant in this city. The residents have many opportunities, but at the same time, there are many obstacles. So, it's hard for loners in it. Achieving goals requires connections and flexibility. It is not easy for proud and principled people to live here. Fortune smiles in these cities to those who can merge with the bulk of the townspeople.

Number 3 fills the city with fun and joy. You can forget about boredom! In these cities, it is easy to find rest for both the soul and the body. Residents are distinguished by kindness and openness. Serious and gloomy people will hardly take root in such a city. Success will not accompany those who, in order to achieve their goals, are accustomed to concentrating and making responsible decisions.

Number 4 means stability. And if changes happen in this city, it is rare. The life of the townspeople is monotonous, and they are quite satisfied with it. There is no desire for something beyond the ordinary. An atmosphere of inaction and constancy will have a detrimental effect on active and motivated people.

Number 5- these cities are full of surprises. Something is always happening in them, for example, a natural disaster or popular unrest. There are many outcasts living in these cities: drunkards, madmen, drug addicts. Heavy energy has a negative impact on the fate of the townspeople.

Number 6- these cities are suitable for starting a family. But they are not suitable for building a career. Six cities are usually distinguished by a developed service sector. Diligence, kindness, romance, reliability and responsiveness are typical qualities of the residents.

Number 7- this number speaks of the mysticism inherent in the city. Their inhabitants strive for loneliness. Making strong friendships in a city like this is not easy. Its very energy pushes to solitude, reflection and philosophizing. It will not be easy for sociable people and those who are used to working in a group. The City of Seven is suitable for individualists and conservatives.

Number 8- these cities are in constant flux. Here you can achieve success, but everything will be determined by the actions and actions of a person. Good luck accompanies people with fearless and strong spirit.

Number 9- these are cities whose residents strive for spiritual development. The rhythm of life is slow, but the vector of its development is correct. In such cities, wealth comes without much hassle, and the energy of the number 9 contributes to the creation of a strong and reliable marriage. If the goal of your life is to stay healthy, then it is better not to live in this city all the time.

How to choose a talisman stone, knowing your number?

The writer Flavius, as early as the 1st century BC, mentions 12 stones with which soldiers adorned their armor. The author associated each stone with one of the 12 months of the year and one of the zodiac signs, of which there are also 12. Noble inhabitants of Rome used them as talismans. It could be one stone that corresponds to a given month, and sometimes two, three or more stones - this was done to solve several problems at once. The selection of stones was carried out according to the month of birth of the person who was going to wear them. You can follow these principles today, but remember that the stones must be combined with each other.

Each mascot stone corresponds to a certain month, namely:

January - hyacinths and pomegranates;

February - amethysts and hyacinths;

martu - hematites, aquamarines, jasper and amethysts;

April - diamonds, sapphires and jaspers;

mayu - emeralds, sapphires and agates;

June - agates, pearls, moonstones, alexandrites and emeralds;

July - carnelians, rubies, onyx, emeralds;

August - sardonyx, peridots, carnelian;

September - chrysolites and sapphires;

October - opals, pink tourmalines, beryls, aquamarines, chrysolites;

November - topaz, citrines, beryls;

December - turquoise, blue zircons, rubies, topaz.

Study them, get a feel for which zodiac stone you like the most, and perhaps it will become your reliable talisman.

Aries corresponds to hematites (bloodstone), diamonds, jasper, rubies.

Taurus - sapphires, turquoise, emeralds, lapis lazuli, carnelian.

Gemini - agates, pearls, moonstones, alexandrites, citrines.

Cancer - emeralds, moonstones, rubies, olivines.

Lions - agates, diamonds, sardonyx, peridots.

Virgos - jade, sapphires, carnelian, jasper.

Libra - opals, lapis lazuli, tourmalines, emeralds, aventurines, jade.

Scorpions - beryls, aquamarines, topazes, citrines, pomegranates.

Sagittarius - topaz, hyacinths, peridots, turquoises, zircons.

Capricorns - pomegranates, rubies, malachites, black onyx, jet.

Aquarius - amethysts, garnets, malachites, turquoises, zircons.

Pisces - aquamarines, hematites (bloodstone), amethysts.

A stone is chosen by the number that corresponds to the full date of birth (the number of fate).

To determine the Number of Destiny, add the numbers of the year of birth, month and day, and bring the result to a single-digit number. For example, a person was born on November 2, 1937, that is, 10/02/1937. Then his Destiny Number will be:

2 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 3 + 7 = 23 = 2 + 3 = 5.

Each number of fate has its own stones.

1 - rubies, topaz.


3 - amethysts.

4 - red and gold garnets.

5 - diamonds.

6 - emeralds, peridots.

7 - moonstones, cat eyes, tiger eyes.

8 - blue sapphires, lapis lazuli.

9 - corals.

Choosing a stone for birthday

To those who were born 1, 10, 19 or 28 numbers (no matter what month it is), you should wear jewelry (for example, a ring, cufflink, tie pin, necklace, pendant) inlaid with red corals and opal, yellow or gold topaz, rubies. But there are also exceptions. So, people whose fate numbers are equal 2, 4, 7 or 8 , don't wear rubies.

Cat's or Tiger's Eye, Green Opal, Jade, Moonstone, Pearls - for people who were born 2, 11, 20 or 29 numbers.

Amethyst, coral, emerald, topaz - for those who are born 3, 12, 21 or 30 numbers.

Blue aquamarine, diamond, garnet, light blue sapphire, red-brown and gray opals - for those who were born 4, 13, 22 or 31 numbers.

Diamond, white sapphire, zircon - born 5, 14 or 23 numbers. Note that these people are talented in making money.

To those who were born 6, 15 or 24 numbers, stones such as beryl, emerald, green aquamarine and opal, peridot should be worn. But if their number of fate is equal 3 then it is advisable to have a golden topaz and a yellow sapphire with you.

Jewelry with a cat's or tiger's eye, moonstone, white opal or pearl is recommended for people who are born 7, 16 or 25 numbers.

Blue sapphires, lapis lazuli, red-brown and gray opals - for those whose date of birth corresponds to the number 8, 17 or 26.

Corals, garnets, red opals, rubies or a ring with nine precious stones is recommended to be worn by people who were born 9, 18 or 27 numbers. In the event that the number of their fate is 2 or 7 , then they should not wear the specified stones, but jewelry with a cat's or tiger's eye, moonstone or pearls.

How to choose a stone by day of the week

There is another way that you can pick up a stone for yourself. To do this, focus on the current day of the week. This custom originated in the East, where the talisman of Saptaratna was widely known and is still considered relevant. This decoration consists of seven stones, and each one corresponds to a specific day of the week.

All gemstones of yellow or golden colors, such as amber, golden citrine, carnelian, golden topaz and others correspond to Sunday (Sun).

All white stones - cacholong, opal, moonstone, pearls and the like - Tuesday (Mars).

All blue stones correspond to Wednesday (Mercury). These are aquamarine, sodalite, lapis lazuli, blue topaz, sapphire, turquoise and others.

Thursday (Jupiter) - all purple stones: charoites, amethysts, fluorites and others.

Friday (Venus) - all stones are green: green tourmaline, chrysoprase, emerald, peridot, green jade, malachite and others.

Shabbat (Saturn) - all stones of black and white colors, of which the most famous are diamonds and smoky quartz.

Which option should you prefer?

When choosing a stone for yourself, follow your intuition. The heart will give you a sign when it hears the "voice" of the stone. Indeed, in reality, no one knows who chooses whom: a person - a stone or a stone - a person.

You will make your choice when you realize that you need this particular stone, and he needs you.

Numerology seems to be one of the most difficult esoteric sciences. Indeed, what could be more confusing than a combination of mysticism and mathematical calculations?

Don't let your first impression scare you! Studying the ancient art of numerology is now easier than ever. Take a look at the "Witch's Happiness" online store and choose the manual that is right for you. And let the numbers answer all your questions.

Numerology basics - meanings of numbers and their interpretation

Numerology is the study of numbers, or, literally, "the science of numbers." It is fundamentally different from a science like mathematics, in which numbers are used only as a way to count. Numerology is often called the magic of numbers - in this science it is assumed that all numbers have not only quantitative, but also qualitative characteristics, with the help of numbers it is possible to determine his character by the date of birth of a person. Therefore, it is quite right that numerology is attributed closer to astrology than to the exact sciences like mathematics, and they also consider numerology as a part of astrology.

In our time, there are many directions of numerology, but the foundations of the teaching were laid by the ancient civilizations of India, Tibet, China and Egypt. The modern European numerological school continues the traditions of ideas that arose under the influence of the ideas of Pythagoras, who outlined the paramount importance of the numbers from 1 to 9. Geometry and topology became important in numerology, and any numerological view of the "world around", including the so-called "life world" of a person , naturally refers to geometric constructions and fractal constructions.

Since ancient times, numerology has developed in various schools that operated independently of each other, due to which, as a result, several areas of this field of knowledge have developed.

Pythagoras, his followers and his disciples reduced all integers to single-digit ones, from 1 to 9. In Pythagorean numerology, these numbers are considered original, from which all the rest can be obtained.

Twenty centuries later, Cornelius Agrippa in 1533 in his treatise "Occult Philosophy" deciphered the meaning of these numbers.

"1" - this number is associated with the idea of ​​the material world, as the ultimate product of the Absolute. The main characteristic of the essence is the unit - equality and unity, the number "1" contains the active principle and form of everything material. Having a relationship with a unit, any things become equal to themselves.

"1" plays the role of the entity underlying the understanding of the word "number". One is absolute, unpolarized, vectorless energy. In numerology, it is believed that the unit does not refer to either even or odd numbers, because if you add it to an even number, it converts it to odd, and vice versa! Which means, in the number "1" all opposites of both even and odd numbers are combined, as well as all other opposites in the whole world.

The unit encloses the creative principle. This closure in "1" is immanent, in contrast to the number "3", for example. A unit is a potential reality, thought and energy, its quality and quantity in the released state cannot be determined in advance.

At the lowest level, the manifestation of the unit can be represented as the freedom and energy of evil or the positioning of active involutionary and chaotic principles. In a Unit, first of all, of all its qualities, impenetrability and unpredictability prevail.

"1" is the target number, it is aggressive and ambitious!

The second characteristic of the entity is the number "2". It expresses in itself absolute inequality, uncertainty and opposition. The number "2" is obtained by the sum of a unit and its image, that is, a unit that is not equal to itself. So "1" and "2" contain the main characteristics of every entity.

"2" is the basis of dual theoretical systems, meaning the struggle of two principles at the lowest level, and their synthesis and the birth of a new quality at the highest level. The number "2" is connected with twins and twins, personifies reflection and opposition, and is also considered the personification of the feminine principle and is associated with such phenomena as the moon, water, darkness.

"2" forms polarized energy. Two is a concept with the property of polarity, it is defined as “one” and “other”, it is a unit in a polarized state. Calculating pairs of opposites is an important part of understanding the world. To comprehend the human psyche, the opposites of man and woman, good and bad, sad and cheerful, day and night, truth and lie, are very important. Every pair in existence is an aspect of the fundamental principle of polarity.

Attaching quality to "1" (+1) metaphysically means to go beyond the bounds, the main manifestation of the potency that exists in a unit, a gross manifestation, it initially follows the path of negation. At a low level, "2" binds antagonistic dualism, this is a position of opposition, a denial of assistance. The “two” is often mistaken in that it depletes the potential of one, and this error of magical nature is formidable.

The difference between two and a closed unit is that the two is absolutely open, it attracts particles of absolutely any charge, since it has two poles. At a low level, two personifies decay into evolutionarily lower elements; at a high level, the number "2" personifies the result of throwing between opposite states, but still, from the outside, this situation looks, on the contrary, quite stable.

"Two" is absolutely inharmonious. The antagonism of the 2 can be alleviated, but it cannot be eradicated entirely. The deuce is attractive, open, rather tense, and completely incomplete. Even numbers begin with "2", reflecting the evil and the feminine principle, and therefore it is considered the number of vice. The characteristic features of the "deuce" are gentleness, tenderness, modesty, obedience. People born under the number "2" achieve their goals through diplomacy and persuasion, in a commercial business the 2nd number is a suitable day to increase income.

"2" maintains balance, containing both positive and negative qualities. The echo of evil and cruelty is introduced into the nature of "2" due to the fact that the deuce is associated with the devil. "Two" is considered the most sinister, and all forked objects personify the devil, since "2" is the first number that has fallen away from the Absolute. "One" is considered the number of God, "2" - the number of His main enemy. In the Middle Ages, Jews were convinced of the danger of a secondary action - for example, the danger in themselves carried even twice taking fire from the hearth if there was a sick person in the house.

Trinity is the third characteristic of an entity. In "3", as the Pythagoreans believed, the unit achieves its reality and completion. The trinity is based on the totality of the one and the plural, where "1" creates a unity with an indefinite plurality of the twins. The whole essence of the world is conditioned through the trinity, since any thing has to do with equal and unequal. The number "3" expresses the symbol of the main synthesis of opposites, the conflict marked by binary systems is exhausted. "Three" - the number of the universe, consists of three spheres, the vertical axis of the world tree gives the number "three".

3 = 2 + 1. In “3”, overcoming the main problem of confronting a two means the birth of a third, which qualitatively changes the picture of interaction. A synthesis takes place, the result of which is a triple alliance. "Three" is displayed as a flat triangle, which either does not notice or ignores the rest of the space, "3" is self-sufficient and stable. Unlike two, "three" is closed, but has a characteristic attractive harmonious quality, absorbs harmony from the surrounding world, appropriating it to itself, rebuilding it for better assimilation.

The number "3" is attributed to creation, design and destruction, which means the full cycle of the existence of an object. In general, "3" is the main characteristic of the time measurement.

The number "3" personifies instability, integrates human abilities and manifests vitality in itself.

Trinity is often found in appeals to deities. The number "3" is often used when referring to places where the deity was especially revered. Three was generally a number that carries happiness.

"4" stands for stability and strength. The reliability of the four is shown by a square - the sides of the Cosmos, the seasons and the elements of "fire", "earth", "air" and "water", this is the interpretation of Cornelius Agrippa.

“4” as an understanding of the essence reflects the doubling of the pure difference of the two, “3” reveals the material in the number “4”. "1" is thoughts, "2" is science, "3" is the subject of opinion, and "4" is sensory sensation. The number "4" personifies the material world, natural forms, the four symbolizes a rational organization. The horizontal axis of the world tree is associated with the number four, there are four elements and four cardinal points. "4" is a number that determines the period of existence of the universe.

The number "5" characterizes the risk. There is absolutely no stability in the top five, on the one hand, it risks leading to uncertainty, but, on the other hand, this number is considered the happiest, but also the most unpredictable.

"Five" in the Western tradition means bodily health, love itself and the erotic principle, there is an idea of ​​the "fifth essence" as "the soul of things." The number "five" reflects the idea of ​​the structure of the human body in five parts, since it consists of four limbs and a head; in addition to all this, the "human content" of this number is determined by the undoubted fivefold model of the anatomy of the limbs, for example, the number of fingers on each hand and foot. There are five main senses and organs of perception. In ancient times. "Five" was associated with the sacred marriage of earth and sky, which laid the foundation for creation.

The number "6" personifies the symbol of perfection, the conclusion of a cycle, complete harmony, corresponds to the six directions of space, and, of course, it was in 6 days that the world was created according to the Bible.

Six is ​​the personification of reliability, it exists in complete harmony with nature. “6”, oddly enough, is an ideal number, it is divisible by both an even (2) and an odd number (3), it has the elements of each of them, as well as an element of evenness and oddness in general.

The number "6" is an unearthly, cosmic number of the material world. He was chosen by the Egyptians to symbolize space and time.

"Seven" belongs to harmony and perfection, the personification of spiritualized matter. "7" is a dynamic number, it contains creation, the course of time, cyclicality. According to the understanding of the ancients, there were only 7 planets in the universe. The number "7" represents the number of directions in space.

Numerologically, it is represented as the sum of the numbers 3 + 4 = 7, the seven denounces the union of two principles, which means the unity of the divine and human nature. In the future, knowledge about the number "7" was enriched by the traditions of Christians - seven deadly sins, seven virtues, seven sacraments.

"7" is a symbol of peace. There are seven musical notes, seven colors of the rainbow, etc.

"7" is a sacrament, a way of exploring the unknown and invisible. Seven unites the integrity of the "one" with the ideal "six" and thus forms its own symmetry.

"Seven" encompasses development and growth, the seven underlies the creation of the cyclical aspects of the Universe. It is the number seven, as well as multiples of seven, that are used to explain the sequence of evolution.

The number "8" characterizes rebirth. Eight as the first cube (two in the third degree) brings a third dimension to numerology, thanks to it, an understanding of the volume of things appears. Pythagoras considered love and friendship to be inseparable from "8", and Plutarch considered reliability and stability. In the Christian understanding, "8" had a symbol of rebirth. "8" is a symbol of infinity. In the East, "8" is undeniably associated with the cosmogonic theme.

The G8 embodies material success. "8" is the improved reliability, as it is represented by a double square. If 8 is halved, it has equal parts (4 and 4). And if we still divide it, then the parts will still remain equal (2, 2, 2, 2), proving fourfold equilibrium.

“Nine” is a symbol of a completed cycle, a symbol of completeness. In the number "9", as in "7", there is a cosmogonic constant characterizing various technical parameters of the universe. The number "9", obtained as a result of three-fold repetition of the three, is compared with "3" in the interpretation of the understanding of symbolism and is often viewed as an image of three worlds.

The number "9" is like a symbol of success, it is the largest of the elementary numbers. The number nine embodies the features of the whole group, this makes it a controlling factor if it is fully developed. As a "threefold number 3," 9 becomes unstable in pursuit.

"9" is the number of the beginning, similar to birth, since the digits that make up the product of a nine by any number also add up to a nine (3? 9 = 27 and 2 + 7 = 9 or 6? 9 = 54 and 5 + 4 = 9, etc.).

For the convenience of understanding numerological information, it is useful to use graphic symbols of numbers.

In astrology, numerology, the principle of singularity, is graphically depicted as a point or vertical line. Duality is usually depicted by a symbol of two parallel lines.

"3", as we have already said, is graphically represented by a triangle. In this triangle, three levels of decoding are exposed. In the classical outline, when the base is at the bottom, it denoted fire, the striving characteristic of all things for the highest unity, the striving for the top.

But, for example, in a right-angled triangle with sides 3, 4, and 5, Plutarch saw the "triangle of life." The symbol "triangle" became the foundation of the alchemical symbol of water - a triangle without a top, earth - a triangle with a truncated top, air - an inverted triangle with a top down.

The quaternary principle graphically displays a square. The shape of a square on a psychological level evokes a feeling of strength and stability, which is why the square symbol is so common as a symbol of construction.

The value of strength and stability squared, as opposed to odd numbers, is added to all even numbers and shapes.

The pentagram, graphically a five-pointed star, is a geometric expression of the fivefold symbol. In the main sense, the pentagram symbolizes a perfect person, in a mediocre sense, a black sorcerer. If you compare it with a square, then the pentagram carries the character of movement and activity. In esotericism, they write about the protection function of the pentagram, about its unearthly energy field, which thanks to it is created around a person. This energy field seems to be able to protect from magical blows and protect from occult influences.

A six-pointed star, or, in another way, it is called a hexagram, obtained as a result of the superposition of two triangles, the first in the usual position, the second in inverted, means a graphic expression of the principle of six-fold. The hexagram symbolizes the human soul, freedom of will and choice.

The principle of septenary is graphically depicted by superimposing a triangle and a square (a triangle is drawn inside the square or vice versa).

The graphic expression of the octal symbol is an octagon, or in other words an eight-pointed star. The structures formed on the octagon represent spiritual rebirth.

And the last, nine-fold, is graphically displayed as a circle.

Large numbers and operations with them are described in ancient Indian writings, monuments of Buddhism, speaking about the Laws of Manu. Most of these numbers are also endowed with sacred, mystical meaning.

It is not enough for a scientist of numerology to simply reveal the meaning of numbers, he needs to understand how they are interconnected with each other, since the symbolism of their relationship is deeply sacred - the numerological "distance" separating 0 from 1 is equal to the distance from 1 to infinity. If we talk about the ratio of numbers, and their consideration of numerical ratios creates the basis for any numerological forecast, it is important to understand how these numbers are interrelated.

The problem of the ratio of the numbers "3" and "4" (which will be discussed below) plays a dominant role in numerology.

E. Blavatsky in her work "The Secret Doctrine" asserts that the numbers "3" and "4" mean masculine and feminine principles, spirituality and matter, that all this in combination symbolizes eternal life. The relationship of these numbers changes the geometry of the world, which is also confirmed in the writings of alchemists: “When Three and Four kiss each other, the Square joins its median nature to the nature of the Tregolnik (or Trinity, that is, the facet of one of its planes becomes the median facet of the other) and forms Cube; then only he (the unfolded Cube) becomes the receptacle and number of Life, Father-Mother of Seven ”.

Also, the ratio of the numbers "1" and "3" should be given an undoubtedly important meaning. In the esoteric doctrines of Europe, as in theosophy, it is believed that the numbers "1" and "3" form a unity in their divinity, they remain "3" in "1" and "1" in "3". But still, if this unity is violated, the numbers are split from "1 to 3" and as a result, the formula "1 and 3" is obtained, which is numerologically identical to "4" (since in an equilateral triangle you can see four smaller equilateral triangles hidden inside , the same "inner secret" is present in the number "7").

Also, the number is considered a measure of time. All cosmic cycles, such as the periods of rotation of the planets, rhythm and symmetry, all the principles on which all astrological predictions are built are based on numbers.

During the two millennia, the special properties of numbers were used in architecture, construction, construction, music, poetry.

Various systems have been created to reduce large numbers to elementary ones. The simplest method is to add up all the digits of the number, and in the end, when there are 10 or more, add those numbers too. This addition must be continued until you get a number from 1 to 9.

For example, to understand the principle of addition, let's take the number "135". We lay it out like this: 1 + 3 + 5 = 9. This means that the symbol for the number "125" will represent the number "9".

As well as the number "13" in the end it will be represented in 4 (1 + 3), also 31 (3 + 1). They will have no other meaning than the meaning of the number "4".

For example, dates can also be reduced to vibrating numbers by adding the numbers of the day, month, and year. For the numerological interpretation of the historical date July 4, 1776 (US Independence Day), add the numbers of the 4th day, 7th month, 1776th year: 4 + 7 + 1 + 7 + 7 + 6 = 32 = 3 + 2 = 5 ...

In historical numerology, the symbol of the number of an event correlates with the description of an exciting event (of course, such a correlation is not devoid of subjectivity). In the case of the considered example of a historical event, the decoding of the number "5" is attached, it is associated with the political qualities of the number, in this case it is a risk, as we remember, the main meaning of the "five". Because of this, it is argued that it was the five who were able to accurately express the risk and uncertainty that followed with the signing of this important document.

The decisions, what will be, favorable or threatening, numerological interpretations of historical dates, to a greater extent, of course, depend on the nature of the goal, as well as in what circumstances these decisions are made.

The opposite example, November 11, 1918, the end of the First World War, add up all the numbers and in the end we get 5: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 1 + 8 = 23 = 2 + 3 = 5. Which means: danger and uncertainty are also characteristic in this case, which is reflected in the meaning of the historical event. Indeed, instead of seeing the armistice as a step towards a fundamental victory for peace, it was accepted as a temporary armistice. Which means: he became a victim of insecurity, which is enclosed in the characteristics of the number "5". But no matter how exciting the study of history is, the main goal of numerology is human life.

We are interested in exactly how the characteristic influences inherent in numbers act on each person. And how he can use them to his own advantage.

There are dates that are in relation to the vibrating numbers of the individual. The most understandable and at the same time the most important of them - person's birthday number... This is the main "numerological" passport of an individual.

In order to assess how successful any day will be for you, use numerological equivalent of a date... For example, the closest number is 25. (25 => 2 + 5 = 7) - this means that the day will be successful for people whose number- "7".

But do not forget that both the month and the year can play the main role in such an assessment.

In order to determine name number, the sum of the numbers corresponding to each of the letters of the person's name is found, after which the sum of the numbers is again brought to the primary number.

As a name, we advise you to use a variant of it that suits the issue under study as much as possible. For example, in order to analyze the relationship with friends, the name or, perhaps, the nickname by which a person is known in a friendly company is best suited. And, for example, in order to analyze the official parties, you need to apply the full name according to the passport - name, patronymic and surname.

We also note that after the exclusion of the letters "fita", "izhitsa" "and decimal" and "yat" from the Russian alphabet in the definition of the characteristics of names, discrepancies appeared. Below we have presented the most frequently used correspondences today.

Classical interpretation of the Latin alphabet:

Modern interpretation of the Latin alphabet:

The classical interpretation of the Russian alphabet (the period before the reform of the alphabet):

Modern interpretation of the Russian alphabet

In addition to the Pythagorean school, in modern world Chaldean and Kabbalistic traditions have been preserved (three schools have common Egyptian roots).

Chaldean numerology developed for a long time along with kabbalistic astrology, in many respects it is similar to Pythagorean numerology, but it also has its own elements. Consider an example, Chaldean numerologists emphasize sounds rather than writing letters, considering the name of the person of interest.

The number "9" among the Chaldeans has nothing to do with any of the letters of the alphabet, since it is sacred. But still, if the "nine" is found in the results of calculations, then it is subject to interpretation.

And also, the Chaldean numerological doctrine is distinguished by a special distribution of the alphabet ("C" corresponds to the number "3" if it is read like the Russian "C", if it reads like the Russian "K", then it corresponds to the number "2").

Chaldean interpretation of the Latin alphabet:

The Chaldean school did not become widespread on the territory of Russia, since in its interpretation there is no any reasonable correspondence of the numbers to the letters of the Russian alphabet.

Numerology has a strong relationship with astrology. Astrology uses numerical correspondences between the planets (see description in the Secrets of Elementary Numbers section).

Number "1" (Sun)

"1" is the number of strength and power, individuality and creation. People of this number are endowed with leadership qualities. They are characterized by such qualities as activity, aggressiveness and ambition, they want to have primacy in everything, they can be absolutely ruthless and sacrifice everything for the sake of a career, and do not skimp on relationships with the people around them. One is the number of winners and tyrants. The lucky day of the week for people born under the influence of the number "1" is Sunday.

Number "2" (Moon)

Number 2 people are often sensitive, artistic and overly charming, easily adapt to new circumstances. Often they are characterized by a certain passivity and detachment. They tend to think more closely than to act. They are characterized by ingenuity and intuition, but still, they do not very often achieve their goals. These people are prone to depression. People of the number "1" often become one good friends... The lucky day of the week for people born under the influence of the number "2" is Monday.

Number "3" (Jupiter)

The number "3", as we have already said, is the number of the trinity. These people are energetic, talented, disciplined, which allows them to achieve success in their goals. They never stop at small. By nature, pride and independence are inherent in them, they get pleasure when they control the situation, command, give orders. They have pleasant relationships with those people whose number is "3", such as "6" or "9". Happy number 3 day - Thursday.

Number "4" (Uranus, in Vedic astrology - Rahu)

"4" - the number of seasons, elements and cardinal points. People with the number "4" basically look at everything from their own point of view, this gives them the opportunity to find details hidden from everyone. At the same time, this quality becomes the cause of their disputes and clashes with most of the people around them. Material success is of little interest to them; being not particularly friendly, they tend to be lonely. Possible friendships are established with people of numbers "1", "2", "7" and "8". The lucky day of the week for people born under the influence of the number "4" is Sunday.

Number "5" (Mercury)

The number "5" is the number of feelings. People with this number are too sensitive. They are very impulsive and frivolous, take risks, love pleasure. Often these people are easily excitable and easily susceptible to nervous breakdowns. Business is a favorable environment for people of the number "5", and more often than not, they succeed in it, but just as quickly recover from failures. Excellent relationships develop with people of the same number. The lucky day of the week for people born under the influence of the number "5" is Wednesday.

Number "6" (Venus)

It is believed that the number "6" is the happiest, since it is the sum of its divisors: 6 = 1 + 2 + 3. People of the number "6" are harmonious and reasonable, trusting, but often too stubborn. They are romantic natures and very amorous, as a rule, their interests are focused on home and family. They have excellent taste, they easily dispose and converge with other people.

The lucky day of the week for people born under the influence of the number "6" is Friday.

Number "7" (Neptune, in Vedic astrology - Ketu)

The number "7" is an indisputable symbol of good luck, as well as occult knowledge. People with this number often become philosophers and thinkers. They are often immersed in their thoughts and therefore somewhat detached from the world around them. They also have an interest in travel. For their own purposes, they usually succeed. The lucky day of the week for people born under the influence of the number "7" is Monday.

Number "8" (Saturn)

"8" is a rather strange and difficult number. At one point, it can be expressed as the sum of 4 + 4 and can be characterized as people of the number "4". But in another moment, the number "8" is endowed with its own properties. For example, it can mean both grief and sadness, and at the same time success, perhaps even of global significance. People of the number "8" are distinguished by an impressive willpower and a pronounced individuality, in communication they are inherent in external coldness, although in life they are capable of showing the most ardent feelings. The lucky day of the week for people born under "8" is Saturday.

Number "9" (Mars)

The number "9" is considered the main number of numerology with a special, sometimes even sacred meaning. This is explained by the fact that when multiplied by any number, the nine reproduces itself: 9 × 4 = 36 => 3 + 6 = 9. People of the number "9" are endowed with strong characteristics, they are born fighters, brave and purposeful, thanks to this they win. But at the same moment people of the number "9" find themselves in different unpleasant situations. These people are capable of the most wonderful feelings in relation to their loved ones. The lucky day of the week for people born under the influence of the number "9" is Tuesday.

Numerologists are often involved in deciphering historical events and predicting the future. But first of all, those who are fond of numerology are interested in how to use the connection between the values ​​and properties of numbers, the connection between numbers and planets to predict the character of a person and his fate, to assess favorable dates, to obtain a forecast for the execution of an event of interest.

In numerology, various methods are used to obtain information about the individual traits of a person's character. The numerologist takes the main initial data from birthday numbers, which gets from the digits of the date of birth, summing them according to a certain method.

Birthday number, in another way, "the number of personality" is compared with astrological data, which allows not only to interpret the main characteristics of a person by date of birth, but also to find out the nature of the influence of this or that name on a person.

All letters of the alphabet are associated by their numerical value with one of the nine planets: since all names consist of a specific set of letters, the set of letters in each name is also a specific set of planets that have a favorable or unfavorable effect on the bearer of the name (in accordance with the astrological characteristic planets).

The planetary influence is manifested in the following: if the planets that are part of the name are in a strong position in the horoscope of the date of birth and interact harmoniously with each other, then the name will help its owner, attract good luck to him, and affect his successful progress in life. But if the planets are in a weak position and negatively aspected, then this name will become an obstacle for the carrier, which creates difficulties in realizing life goals, in which case it is better to change the name.

Also, the chosen name can have a strong influence on the character and fate of a person through compatibility with his date of birth. Any date of birth is connected in a certain way with the corresponding governing planet. To understand which planet it is, the date of birth is numerically summed up to a prime number. The planet attached to this number is considered to be the governing planet for this date. If this planet is compatible with all the numbers (which is rare) included in the digital code of the name, then the astrological correspondence of the name to the person is allowed, that is, the name is in absolute harmony with the owner.

The planets that are part of the name of one person can be combined or not with the planets as part of the names of other people (in this case they speak of synastric compatibility of names (name + name). Harmony in the compatibility of names is as important as the compatibility of birth horoscopes, such compatibility can affect the relationship of people, on certain areas of life and joint activities of people.

The birthday number is invariable, it is constant in a person's life and represents a vibrating influence that has existed since his birth. It is believed that two people with the same birthday number can be similar in many ways. However, this happens very rarely (especially since numerology brings the date of birth of any person to nine basic numbers).

Through this "numerological analysis" of all letters of the full name in the form in which it is written in the birth certificate, the number of destiny is determined. The number of fate is used in fortune-telling practice to determine the characteristics of a person's personality.

The numerological meaning of the name comes from the fact that the name distinguishes each person from other people, therefore the name turns out to be the bearer of individual personality traits. Deciphering each meaning of the name is difficult, since there are a large variety of names. The task of analyzing all the names seems hopeless, unless we reduce them to a reasonably limited number of species. In numerology, all names are converted to numbers from 1 to 9 (sometimes with the addition of numbers 11 and 22), this operation provides an opportunity to reduce the entire variety of names to a small number of categories that allow for a successful interpretation.

Birthday number takes precedence over the number of the name, since the first takes into account more fundamental personal characteristics, a person acting contrary to natural inclinations will meet obvious obstacles in those areas that are numerologically disharmonious with his name.

The most advanced numerological methods are based on the compilation of general or special numerological matrices and the analysis of interactions between the numbers that make up this matrix.

Numbers in numerology are a system of nine signs that describe nine interrelated phenomena (phenomena) of the world. We can say that the world is divided into nine parts and denoted by numbers by means of which phenomena are systematized.

In numerology, numbers differ from the usual mathematical signs, since they have philosophical, psychological and other non-mathematical meanings. But all the same, numbers express the laws of mathematics, and therefore different values ​​can be considered numerical mathematical ratios.

Using the laws of mathematics, you can calculate the ratios of quantities that exist in the world, and numerology allows you to describe the properties that quantities have. Essentially, from the point of view of mathematics and numerology, the phenomena of the world are quantities that can be calculated.

The universal scheme of the ratios of numbers in numerology is “ magic square", or numerological matrix(fig. 1). This form of data presentation is considered fundamental in the numerological traditions of the ancient peoples of the world, where such was only known.

Rice. 1. Pythagorean numerological matrix

The numbers in the magic square are arranged in a specific order and enter into regular mathematical relationships: the sum of the numbers in all verticals, horizontals and diagonals of the square is the same.

The names of the corresponding gods of Greek mythology are written next to the numbers in the cells of the magic square.

In addition to gods, numbers in numerology can correspond to many scientific or everyday concepts that describe the philosophical or psychological phenomena of the world, but in any case, the ratios of all kinds of concepts will correspond to the regular ratios and relationships that the numbers have in the structure of the magic square, if the concepts are correctly classified and mapped to numbers.

The modern mathematical term "matrix" comes from the Indian word, which in ancient times was called magic squares. The term "magic square" was coined by medieval alchemists.

In the magic square, numbers form pairs (double combinations), which symbolize the connection of numerical values ​​(Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. The relationship between the numbers of the numerological matrix.

The first diagram (a) shows the relationship of numbers that are located in adjacent cells in the magic square: 16/61, 18/81, 38/83, 34/43, 49/94, 29/92, 27/72, 67/76, 17/71, 13/31, 39/93, 79/97, 56/65, 58/85, 45/54, 25/52, 15/51, 35/53, 59/95, 57/75.

The second diagram (b) shows the relationship of numbers, which in the structure of a magic square are located in cells opposite vertically, horizontally or diagonally: 68/86, 37/73, 24/42, 26/62, 19/91, 48/84, 46/64, 28/82.

The third diagram (c) shows the relationship of numbers, which in the structure of the magic square are located in diagonally shifted cells: 12/21, 89/98, 69/96, 14/41, 78/87, 23/32, 36/63, 47 / 74.

In total, there are 36 double combinations of numbers in the structure of the magic square, they form relationships adjacent horizontally (for example, 16/61), adjacent vertically, adjacent diagonally (56/65), opposite horizontally (24/42), opposite in verticals (48/84), diagonally opposite (46/64), offset (e.g. 12/21).

Double combinations of numbers in the magic square allow you to analyze the relationship of meanings and concepts that are compared with numbers, and also allow you to analyze the relationship of mythical gods. This makes it possible to compare the characteristics of the gods with the psychological characteristics of people and thus analyze the personal relationships of people.

Suppose if the psychological characteristics of one person are comparable to the numerological number 1, and the psychological characteristics of the second person are comparable to the numerological number 9, then perhaps the relationship of these people is ideal and harmonious, since the gods Ares and Aphrodite corresponding to these numbers are sympathetic to each other.

In the same way, the rest of the combinations of numerological numbers in the structure of the magic square symbolize the relationships that exist among the Olympian gods and exist among people.

If modern numerology is forced to compose psychological portraits of its clients in a roundabout way, then in ancient times the problem was solved simply - the psychological type of the client correlated with the archetype of one of the famous deities, whose biography and psychological portrait were generally known.

This text is an introductory fragment.



Numerology has principles and concepts common to any calculations. For example, the concept base numbers. The basic numbers in numerology are numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. They all have their own meanings (different in different calculations). If, in the calculation process, you get a number following a nine, this number is not basic and you need to add further (10 = 1 + 0 = 1). But the numbers 11 and 22 are exceptions. In numerology, they have a special meaning and are called master numbers. The master number is a higher order number. A person, in whose calculations 11 or 22 appears, must necessarily know about this and draw appropriate conclusions for himself. True, in practice, a person who received 11 or 22 in the calculations rarely fully corresponds to the concept of a master number, so you can add further (1 + 1 = 2, 2 + 2 = 4). However, the presence of these numbers, even in intermediate calculations, has a strong influence on his life.


One is a symbol of self-confidence. She emphasizes such human qualities as independence, leadership, ambition. This number is characterized by the desire to go to the goal in its own way, not counting on anyone's help, and the desire to be the first in everything.


The most important thing for the Two is the relationship with the outside world. Her well-being depends on how harmonious and strong they are. The characteristics of the Two can be expressed in words: friendliness, contact, compliance, objectivity. The deuce has the gift of maintaining relationships with people in any setting and under any conditions.


The troika is a great storyteller and an equally great listener. The area of ​​her talents is not limited, but most often manifests itself in literature. The three can turn boring everyday life into a permanent holiday. Do not be discouraged under any circumstances. Eternal optimist.


Four, at first glance, seems like an unfortunate number. This number is not associated with difficulties, but with hard work. Yes, the Four does not get anything for nothing, but the satisfaction from the result obtained is much greater than that of others. Not everyone succeeds in finding a foothold to turn the world upside down, but the Four is capable of that. Reliability, sincerity, vitality - these are the main features of this number.


Five is a parade of possibilities. Festival of abilities and interests. Always enthusiastic, people of this number prefer to be on the move. The variety of interests allows her to communicate with a variety of people and get from this not only pleasure, but also benefit.


The key concept for the Six is ​​maintaining balance in everything: it is both relationships with people of other numbers, and material well-being. For this number, for complete happiness, it is not enough just to receive, it is also necessary to give, and this applies to everything: friendship, love, knowledge.


The lot of the Seven is solitude, exploration, striving for perfection. People of this number adore everything mysterious, strive to understand the essence of all phenomena. The Seven prefers to accumulate experience and knowledge on their own, not trusting the judgments of other people. The desire for solitude becomes especially strong in difficult life situations.


Complete materialist. He does not take anything for granted, everything requires proof. Only a real, tangible, practical result is recognized as positive. The essence of this number is: determination, fearlessness, responsibility, competence. The number 8 is sometimes referred to as the "businessman number."


The defining task for the Nine is service to the people. The main difficulty in fulfilling this mission is learning to give what you already have and not demanding anything in return.

Master number Eleven

Master number. Representatives of this number usually have heightened intuition and the ability to use internal reserves inaccessible to other people. They can make various discoveries and comprehend things that are hidden for the majority. However, the possibilities of this master number are not often used in everyday life. Oftentimes, the number 11 simply boils down to Two.

Master Number Twenty Two

Another master number, even stronger than 11. A person with this master number can show extrasensory abilities, literally become a Creator and Creator. These people have charisma, a talent for organizing, they can subdue and captivate people. However, in ordinary life, the properties of the number 22 are realized very infrequently and, as a rule, 22 is reduced to an ordinary Four.

This text is an introductory fragment.
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