Dream Interpretation: what is Ballet dreaming of, to see Ballet in a dream what does it mean. The magic of numbers Ballet based on the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Winter

Unsuccessful business venture. Watching ballet in the theater - you will be let down by the person on whom you had high hopes. Participating in ballet - your undertaking will lead to financial ruin.

Imagine that the ballet suddenly stops: an entertainer comes out and announces that for technical reasons the performance is canceled, or the people dancing in the ballet turn into white birds (see Birds).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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Dream interpretation - to dance

Dance - If in a dream you danced with pleasure, then such a dream has a good meaning. All your problems that have weighed on you lately will pass, you will feel much better in communication with the opposite sex.

But do not be too zealous, otherwise you will have problems of a different kind. - If in a dream you really wanted to dance, but for one reason or another did not do it, then your dream shows that you have great, and even too great, sexual potential, but for some reason you are not realizing it in any way. Apparently, you are sure that this is not the main thing in life.

In fact, the troubles that sometimes happen to you are a consequence of this very "unspent" of yours. In a dream, you enjoyed watching someone dance well, and you got great pleasure from this spectacle - in real life, you dream of trying something that is considered forbidden by public morality.

It could be same-sex love, which you find very sexy. Make your desire come true, and then the dissatisfaction will disappear by itself.

Interpretation of dreams from

The article on the topic: "dream book to dance ballet" - provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

A dream about ballet means adultery, failure in business, commerce, quarrels and jealousy between lovers.

Freud's dream book. Why dream of a dream Ballet

Ballet - the performance symbolizes dreams and ideas about same-sex love.

Universal dream book. Why dream of a dream Ballet

When you think of ballet, the words grace, balance and grace come to mind. Ballet is also associated with discipline, endurance and flexibility.

Do you watch ballet or dance yourself? If in a dream you saw a particular ballet, for example, Romeo and Juliet or Swan Lake, it may have something to do with your real life situation. Perhaps this is a sign that you need to stay on the crest of success, or someone else is helping you to be on top.

Have you seen a prima ballerina in a dream? - she personifies an important person who takes up most of your time and energy. Those who dance in ballet are not only slender, but also flexible - perhaps the dancer in your dream symbolizes the desire to be more flexible in life's circumstances.

Esoteric dream book. Why dream of a dream Ballet

See - there is no order in your thoughts. Participate - your frivolity will lead to trouble.

Modern dream book. Why dream of a dream Ballet

Watching ballet in the theater or on TV is a pleasant acquaintance; participation in a ballet performance - a disorder of the family budget, damage in business, a disease of the legs.

Dream interpretation of Madame Hasse. Why dream of a dream Ballet

To see is to receive consolation; dance in ballet - soon you will take part in fun fun.

Family dream book. Why dream of a dream Ballet

Ballet in a dream is a symbol of failure in business, an attack of gout or disappointment in love, betrayal and betrayal of loved ones. Sometimes a dream predicts that your friends will try to comfort you in difficult times. The dream in which you are present at the ballet is a sign that illness awaits you soon.

Maybe it will be rheumatism, which will give you a lot of unpleasant minutes and pain. Dancing in ballet in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that your frivolity will lead you to sad results. See interpretation: theater, music, dance.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter. Why dream of a dream Ballet

Today, the ballet seen in a dream is a symbol of far-fetched, exaggerated emotions. You may be over-violating your feelings and wasting too much energy trying to look different from who you really are. Sleep warns you of imminent fatigue and possible disappointment.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century. Why dream of a dream Ballet

Ballet in a dream - can foreshadow events in reality that have a special, but not obvious meaning in your life. Perhaps you are facing the discovery of some kind of secret or deception in the family. Such a dream can portend marital infidelity, a quarrel between lovers, business failure.

Watching ballet in the theater - you may be let down or disappointed by the person on whom you had high hopes. Enjoying ballet on TV in a dream means having a new acquaintance in reality.

Taking part in ballet - to financial losses and losses. A dream in which you see a dancing ballerina may portend you in the future with a frequent change of luck and mood. To see a stumbling ballerina is a harbinger of failure or unfavorable circumstances.

Slavic dream book. Why dream of a dream Ballet

Ballet - to acquaintance.

Love dream book. Why dream of a dream Ballet

Ballet - The dream in which you see ballet has a negative meaning. You should prepare for the fact that your beloved decides to change you, which will lead to jealousy on your part.

Eastern dream book. Why dream of a dream Ballet

Ballet - get ready for cheating and jealousy scenes.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman. Why dream of a dream Ballet

A dream about ballet means adultery, as well as failures in business, in commerce, quarrels and jealousy between lovers. If you dreamed about ballet, it means that in real life you tend to mock yourself.

You force yourself to endure what you do not like, and even hesitate to tell your partner about the reasons for your displeasure, fearing to ruin your relationship with him. Believe that this way you will spoil them faster, because for sure the partner already feels something.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer. Why dream of a dream Ballet

Ballet to see - disappointment, infidelity in a relationship.

Intimate dream book. Why dream of a dream Ballet

If you dreamed about ballet, it means that in real life you tend to mock yourself. You force yourself to endure what you don't like, and you are also embarrassed to tell your partner about the reasons for your displeasure, fearing to ruin your relationship with him. Believe that this way you will spoil them faster, because for sure the partner already feels something.

Dream interpretation of the Canaanite. Why dream of a dream Ballet

Ballet - to get consolation - to dance in ballet - is soon to be.

Dream interpretation of Fedorovskaya. Why dream of a dream Ballet

In a dream, you found yourself in the theater and watching ballet - soon you will fail. If you dreamed that you yourself are participating in some kind of ballet production, soon your beloved (beloved) will cheat on you, and you will quarrel.

Dream interpretation of Solomon. Why dream of a dream Ballet

Ballet - damage in business, leg disease.

Dream interpretation of love relationships. Why dream of a dream Ballet

Seeing ballet in a dream means that you are used to the role of a subordinate both at work and in sex. You even tolerate what you do not like, but you cannot say about it. You are constantly afraid to ruin your relationship with your loved one and choose silence rather than a frank conversation with your partner.

Dream interpretation: dance. What is the dream of dancing in a dream?

Dance is the language of body and movement. With the help of it, you can express feelings, thoughts. Emotions can be conveyed through movement, plastics. Why do you dream of dancing?

Dream interpretation interprets such a vision as a sign of the changes that the owner of the dream can expect in reality. But for a more accurate deciphering, it is very important to take into account the small details of the plot itself and the emotions that it evokes both in it and in reality, after awakening.

Night vision interpretations

If you look into a dream book, dance means that a person knows how to adapt to the conditions of life. And it can also mean a person's penchant for adventurous adventures, reckless actions, and, perhaps, portends frivolous flirting.

If you study different interpretations, then you can see that the dance with a man seen in a woman's dream is not an unambiguous symbol. So, for example, if the partner in a dream is attractive and not familiar, then this may mean the lady's dissatisfaction with the intimate side of life.

We figured out a little what it means to dance in a dream. Why dream of the inability to move to the music? This can be explained as stiffness in real life. Something can prevent a person from doing what he wants.

What other interpretations does the dream book describe? The night vision dance can have different explanations. It is important to take into account his temperament and style. The dream interpretation interprets the waltz or slow dance seen by a girl when she is spinning with a young man she knows, as an omen of a collision in reality with serious problems regarding relations with this guy.

Dancing in a dream

Let's open the dream book. Whirling in a dance - this can mean jealousy, not supported by facts, the emergence of misunderstanding and petty quibbles. That is, to see such a dream, most likely, may mean that it is better to part with the current young man, a serious relationship will not work.

But to see a loved one dancing with a strange woman, on the contrary, portends a positive outcome of the relationship. This means that a girl in life will be able to overcome all the obstacles that hinder their happiness.

If a woman sees in a dream how she is dancing with her beloved friend, then such a dream may mean that soon one of the mutual acquaintances will do a dishonorable act towards her. Probably, this person may also be a friend, although this is not always the case. Here are some interpretations that can be found by looking through the dream book.

Dancing in a dream can mean a lot. For example, if a girl was invited to dance, but she rejected this invitation, then this sign is interpreted as evidence of many of the dreamer's novels, she has many admirers. But none of them is destined to become a husband.

And if a girl saw a dance with another woman, in real life she is lucky to have relationships with other people. It is possible that a vision means an early pleasant acquaintance.

Dancing in a dream: why is ballet dreaming?

When a girl dreams that she is dancing ballet, such a vision can be interpreted as a foreshadowing of new romantic acquaintances. If, moreover, the hostess has creative abilities and works in this area, then she should expect career growth very soon, the rise of creative forces and success in these endeavors.

Wonderful dream: dance of the East

A woman who sees herself performing dances of the East with great inspiration and feeling should reconsider her actions. Perhaps some of them turn out to be frivolous.

It is worth this woman to be more attentive to her behavior in order to avoid gossip about her own person. And if the dance is frank or close to belly dancing, then this can symbolize a persistent desire for a change in life. The real girl is not happy with it. She clearly wants to paint it in other colors, to get away from boring everyday worries.

Dance in a white dress: what does such a vision mean?

A dream where a girl dances dressed in a white dress can be called not very favorable. Such a vision is interpreted as a sign of impending trouble, trouble and even accusations against her. A wedding dress in a dream, most often, portends trouble. But this period will be short-lived. New horizons will appear very soon, which will make it possible to change life for the better.

Let's take another look at the dream book. A wedding dance may mean that someone close, trusted people will turn out to be a deceiver or be able to greatly let you down.

If you had to see yourself dancing naked in a dream, then here you should pay special attention to the emotional content of the vision. If a girl, dancing, is delighted with her forms and movements, then the interpretation of it speaks of her many admirers. But you should be careful not to become the subject of ridicule and evil tongues. And if the mistress of the vision is ashamed, feeling naked, then it can mean quarrels in reality, unpleasant conversations and gossip.

Dream for a guy: what does such a vision mean?

Why does a man dream of dancing? Such dreams, seen by guys, are interpreted in a completely different way. If in a dream he dances with a beautiful lady who is not his girlfriend or lover, then in life he should pay more attention to finances, unreasonable expenses are possible. And if a woman is his beloved or a bride, then you should pay attention to her in life. Otherwise, misunderstandings and troubles in the relationship are possible.

If a young man received an invitation to dance from a girl in a dream, then in real life, most likely, he will be surrounded by friends, sincere and caring. Dancing lezginka means that a guy needs to pay attention to his behavior. Apparently, in everyday life, he behaves a little rudely and unkindly with his lady of the heart. It is worth changing the attitude towards her so as not to destroy love and prevent discord in the relationship.

There are also dreams that are interpreted in the same way for both men and women. For example, if the dreamer sings and dances, then soon he will have to go through a period of scandals, troubles and quarrels. And to see a lot of dancing people in a dream - to good luck in business, several or only one girl - to good luck in love.


Now you know what it means to see a dance in your night vision. As you can see, there are many interpretations of such a dream. Believe it or not attach much importance to it is everyone's personal choice.

What is the dream of Ballet, dream book Ballet to see in a dream what does it mean?

Dream interpretation of Pastor Loff

Why is Ballet dreaming, what does it mean?

Ballet is a beautiful performance. But mostly for those who watch it. But for those involved in the show, it's hard work. Hence such different interpretations of dreams, including one of the symbols of ballet. If you dream that you yourself are dancing on stage as a ballerina or a dancer, then this dream may indicate that you may soon injure your legs or that some kind of disease arises in your body, which will manifest itself through your legs. If you are only a viewer, then such a dream may indicate pleasant experiences, but not just joy, but joy "with tears in your eyes", this is how this dream that you dream is interpreted.

Dream interpretation of the healer Evdokia

Why is Ballet dreaming in a dream?

Ballet. To see - to a walk, a feast, about participation in which you will later regret; warning about upset, failure. For young lovers to see ballet - to a quarrel and jealousy, for family people - the temptation of adultery, this means a dream that you had.

What is the dream of Ballet on a dream book:

Ballet - Betrayal of a loved one, difficult relationships between business partners, family discord and troubles. To see your friends or relatives in the role of dancing - friends will not support you in difficult times, you will expect minor losses. Being a ballerina - you will have fun in the company of people you like. Talking to a ballerina - a chronic leg disease or a complex fracture

Why dream and what does Ballet mean in a dream?

Ballet - Seeing ballet in a dream means that you are used to the role of a subordinate both at work and in sex. You even tolerate what you do not like, but you cannot say about it. You are constantly afraid to ruin your relationship with your loved one and choose silence rather than a frank conversation with your partner, this is how the dream that you dream is deciphered.

Why dream and how to understand Ballet?

Ballet - A dreaming ballet means that in reality you are in some way very similar in character to people belonging to masochists who are not averse to making fun of themselves. For some reason, you allow your partner to mock not only your feelings, but also your body. At the same time, it is very difficult for you to overpower yourself and tell your partner about your grievances. And all this is only because you are afraid of losing it. However, you should make an important decision for yourself and admit your dissatisfaction with your companion, because, most likely, he already suspects something like that. Otherwise, you will surely ruin your relationship with your partner.

Summer interpreter of dreams

Why is Ballet dreaming?

Ballet - Being present at the premiere of a ballet in a dream means that the right people will pay attention to you.

If you dream of Ballet, what is it for:

Ballet - To see in a dream a ballet couple performing a pas de deux - to betrayal of one of the spouses, as the dream book says about this dream.

Why is Ballet dreaming in a dream?

Ballet - Get ready for cheating and jealousy scenes

Old grandmother's dream book

Why does a sleeping man dream of Ballet?

Ballet (when you see it from the side) - a walk is expected, a feast in which you later will not approve (or will not accept) your participation. Warning, disappointment, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had.

What is the dream of Ballet on a dream book?

Ballet - Ballet portends marital infidelity, as well as failure in business, in commerce, quarrels and jealousy between lovers. In addition, a dream about ballet indicates that in ordinary life you tend to torture yourself. You often endure what you don't like. Feel free to talk about the reasons for your discomfort, it will not ruin your relationship with your loved one. They are more likely to deteriorate if you continue to play silent.

Spring interpreter of dreams

Why is Ballet dreaming?

Ballet. A hindrance in your business.

Interpretation of sleep taking into account the time, day, month

Do you dream about Ballet? Share your dream!

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Dream interpretation - ballet

ballet - A dream about ballet means adultery, as well as failure in business, in commerce, quarrels and jealousy between lovers., Miller's dream book

ballet - To see ballet soloists performing on the stage of the theater means betrayal in love affairs, discord between partners in business and, as a result, scandals, quarrels and scenes of jealousy. Seeing your acquaintances in the role of dancing the ballet part means that you will encounter ungrateful friends and unwanted companions. Commercial affairs will also decline, but fortunately for a short time. Seeing yourself as a ballerina performing in a concert in front of a large audience means that soon you will have to have fun in your cheerful company. Seeing a ballerina close or talking to her is to the detriment of business and leg illness., Dream Interpretation of Melnikov

ballet - To see in a dream a ballet couple performing pas de deux - to betrayal of one of the spouses., Family dream book

ballet - If you dreamed about ballet, it means that in real life you tend to mock yourself. You force yourself to endure what you don't like, and you are also embarrassed to tell your partner about the reasons for your displeasure, fearing to ruin your relationship with him. Believe that this way you will spoil them faster, because for sure the partner already feels something., Freud's Dream Interpretation

ballet - Seeing - getting consolation; dance in ballet - soon you will take part in fun fun., Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse

ballet or ballerina - damage in business and illness of the legs., Dream interpretation of Miss Hasse

ballet - To be present in a dream at the premiere of a ballet means that the right people will pay attention to you., Dream Interpretation Grishina

ballet - Ballet portends marital infidelity, as well as failure in business, in commerce, quarrels and jealousy between lovers. In addition, a dream about ballet indicates that in ordinary life you tend to torture yourself. You often endure what you don't like. Feel free to talk about the reasons for your discomfort, it will not ruin your relationship with your loved one. They are more likely to deteriorate if you continue to "play in silence"., Dream interpretation of Maria Kanovskaya

concert by description - Seeing and listening to a first-class concert in a dream means the time of delightful entertainment, and for writers - an interesting literary work. For a business person, this dream portends a successful trade, and for young people - pure bliss and true love. Concerts with ballet dancers and singers mean you will run into ungrateful friends and unwanted companions. Commercial affairs will also be in decline, but, fortunately, for a short time., Miller's dream book

artist by description - To see in a dream an artist of a pop genre, circus, etc., or talk to him - in reality, you are in for a surprise, either in personal matters, or in the state of health. To see him perform on stage - you will have to indulge in a trick in order to catch others in a lie. To be present in the auditorium at a concert with the participation of ballet dancers and singers means that friends will show ingratitude; in addition, it is possible to meet with unwanted companions and temporarily disrupt commercial affairs., Dream Interpretation of Melnikova

fall by description - If in a dream you stumbled over something and fell - this means that you will tarnish your reputation with an unseemly act that will cause general condemnation. Falling to the ground from a great height - in reality you will experience a strong fear. A dream in which you dream that you fell from the edge of a bottomless abyss and fall into it - in reality, this threatens with disappointment in your faithful. If you dream that splashes of water are falling on your head, this means a passionate awakening of love, which will end in the happiest way. Falling under the weight of a load in a dream means your inability to raise funds for those who are counting on your help. Seeing birds falling to the ground in a dream means that you will fall into melancholy. Falling off the fence, climbing over it, is the successful completion of an important business. To see a star falling from the sky is a harbinger of sadness and sorrow. If in a dream the fruits fall on you from a shaved tree, you will experience remorse for an unfulfilled promise in reality. Falling into a ditch in a dream, trying to jump over it - to a decline in business and personal loss. Falling into a well of water in a dream - to extreme despair, into an empty well - those who frightened you with failure will be shamed by your brilliant success. To see figure skaters or ballet dancers who have fallen while performing means that in reality you will face the ingratitude of friends. Falling from a high ladder in a dream is a harbinger of despair and unsuccessful efforts to straighten out a critical financial situation. Falling overboard into the raging sea threatens in reality with hasty and thoughtless decisions fraught with negative consequences. Falling off a kicking horse is a sign of a serious infectious disease. Seeing snow falling in large flakes or huge hailstones in a dream means that the coming troubles will not cause you any serious damage. If in a dream you are driven into despair by a sharp drop in the rate on the eve of the shares you purchased, such a dream portends severe shocks in reality, which will not be in vain for your mental health., Dream Interpretation of Melnikov

Family dream book

What is the dream of Ballet in modern times:

Ballet, ballerina - I dreamed about ballet - this means adultery, as well as the jealousy of a partner, not without reason, and quarrels between lovers.

See also: what is the dream of a slender ballerina, what is the dream of ballroom dancing, what is the dream of the theater.

T. Lagutina's pocket dream book

Why is the Ballet dreaming, how to understand the dream:

Ballet, ballerina - I dreamed of a ballet - you are waiting for the betrayal of one of the spouses and a quarrel of lovers.

Dream interpretation of A. Vasiliev

What is the dream of ballet for?

Ballet, ballerina - I dreamed about ballet - then someone is trying very hard to impress you with insidious intentions.

Dream interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why does Ballet dream in a night dream?

Ballet, ballerina - If you dreamed of ballet soloists performing on the stage of the theater, this means betrayal in love affairs, discord between partners in business and, as a result, scandals, quarrels and scenes of jealousy.

I dreamed of a dancing ballet part of my acquaintances - this means that you will face ungrateful friends and unwanted companions. Commercial affairs will also decline, but fortunately for a short time.

To see that the ballerina herself performing in a concert in front of a large audience means that soon you will have to have fun in your cheerful company. Seeing that you are talking with a ballerina is to the detriment of business and leg illnesses.

Big dream book

What is the dream of Ballet - dream analysis:

Ballet, ballerina - I dreamed about ballet - this portends marital infidelity, as well as failures in business, in commerce, quarrels and jealousy between lovers.

In addition, the dream of ballet indicates that in ordinary life you tend to torture yourself. You often endure what you don't like.

Feel free to talk about the reasons for your discomfort, it will not ruin your relationship with your loved one. They are more likely to deteriorate if you continue to play silent.

Lunar dream book

What is the dream of ballet:

Ballet - Someone is trying really hard to impress you with insidious designs.

Ballerina - don't trust a woman. Venus aspecting Neptune.

Dream interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why is the Ballet dreaming, what does it mean:

Ballet - in reality, some kind of riotous company.

Seeing that you have an invitation to the theater for ballet, you will be able to get rid of all problems in a wonderful way.

Watching ballet in the theater or on TV is a pleasant acquaintance.

Participation in a ballet performance is a disorder of the family budget, damage in business, a disease of the legs.

Ballet - For Women Only - The dream in which you see ballet has a negative meaning. You should prepare for the fact that your lover decides to change you, and you will have to be jealous and nervous.

Dream interpretation for girls

What is the dream of Ballet on a dream book:

Ballet, ballerina - Seeing anything related to ballet - a ballerina's outfit, scenery, music from any ballet - means that you will fail in one of your endeavors. Therefore, behave as carefully and prudently as possible.

To be present in a dream at a ballet means that your life needs changes. You want something interesting and exciting.

Unsuccessful business venture. Watching ballet in the theater - you will be let down by the person on whom you had high hopes. Participating in ballet - your undertaking will lead to financial ruin.

Imagine that the ballet suddenly stops: an entertainer comes out and announces that for technical reasons the performance is canceled, or the people dancing in the ballet turn into white birds (see Birds).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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Dream interpretation - to dance

Dance - If in a dream you danced with pleasure, then such a dream has a good meaning. All your problems that have weighed on you lately will pass, you will feel much better in communication with the opposite sex.

But do not be too zealous, otherwise you will have problems of a different kind. - If in a dream you really wanted to dance, but for one reason or another did not do it, then your dream shows that you have great, and even too great, sexual potential, but for some reason you are not realizing it in any way. Apparently, you are sure that this is not the main thing in life.

In fact, the troubles that sometimes happen to you are a consequence of this very "unspent" of yours. In a dream, you enjoyed watching someone dance well, and you got great pleasure from this spectacle - in real life, you dream of trying something that is considered forbidden by public morality.

It could be same-sex love, which you find very sexy. Make your desire come true, and then the dissatisfaction will disappear by itself.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream interpretation Ballet

Many associate ballet with grace and sophistication, and therefore, after what I saw in a dream, I want to know a detailed transcript. What is the dream of ballet for and what should the dreamer pay attention to? In most cases, such a sign tells that in real life a person will face troubles and conflicts, but before drawing any conclusions, it is necessary to assess the picture completely.

What should you pay attention to?

According to the dream book, ballet is a special sign that can be interpreted depending on the dreamer's personal experiences. If you dream that you are dancing in a ballet tutu, then soon financial difficulties will await you:

First of all, the family budget will be affected by negative consequences, and therefore one should not forget about the correct planning of the expenditure and income parts. It makes no sense to buy those things for which you simply do not have any money.

Where does the show take place?

If what the ballet is dreaming of has become more or less clear, then at the next stage it is necessary to reveal the peculiarities of the place in which everything happened.


According to most dream interpreters, the dreamer must begin to think through each decision, since negligence can turn into big problems. If the situation seems incomprehensible, you need to ask for help from the outside. .

A solution may be on the surface, and in order to see it, you need to stop constantly concentrating.
Ballet school

As the dream books write, dancing in a special school is a sign that heralds a fun pastime:

In addition, the dreamer must prepare for the fact that many obstacles will appear in his path, and considerable effort may be required to overcome. The main thing to remember constantly is that any problem can be solved with a great desire and diligence.

You may dream of practicing beautiful movements. This means that great efforts will soon be rewarded. Only the path of constant movement will help prevent problems.

Who dreams of ballet flats?

If you dance ballet in a dream with a girl in white ballet shoes, then, according to the dream book, constant mood swings will begin in your life, which is not so easy to get rid of. By working out the inner balance in the soul, you can get rid of such problems.

Dreamed of a beautiful dancer


If the dreamer sees a dancing image in white ballet shoes, then there is a high probability of finding out about the betrayal of his companion. There is no point in making a scandal, you need to deal with yourself and identify your problem areas.


If a representative of a strong half of humanity sees the dreaming image of a ballerina in white ballerinas, then you need to learn how to properly hide your love on the side, otherwise your spouse will just find out about her.

Other interpretations

If the dreamer enjoys ballet on TV, then in real life he will meet a very interesting person. Attending the premiere show is to find new people in your environment who can be of great help in solving your affairs.

Seeing ballet shoes - for fun adventures in a company with people of the opposite sex. Dancing with the professionals - Lack of flexibility when making decisions. At the initial stage, you need to establish your problem areas, and then draw the appropriate conclusions. Before making any decision, you will need to weigh the pros and cons, and only then proceed to implementation.

When you dream of a professional dancer who causes delight, it means that in real life, too much time is devoted to unimportant things.

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