Why dream of potato tubers in the garden. I dreamed of a large potato - what does this mean, versions of famous interpreters

Potatoes entered the diet of Russians relatively recently - at the beginning of the 18th century. However, as one of the most popular vegetable crops, it is rightfully considered the second bread. A potato in a dream may well be a reflection of the daily hassle of growing, caring for and collecting this delicious root vegetable, but at the same time, according to the interpretation various dream books this is a rather expressive symbol. So why are potatoes dreaming?

Dream interpretation: seeing potatoes in a dream

Miller's dream book suggests that when you dream of potatoes, you can expect profit. Digging it out is to achieve success.

If you dreamed of potatoes with sprouts, which the dreamer plants in the ground, this good sign... All dreams will come true soon.

According to Vanga's dream book potatoes are dreaming of the long-awaited event. This could be getting an offer to get married or raising a salary.

Ahead is a new acquaintance - this is what potatoes dream of in the opinion Ukrainian dream book... But getting tubers from a barn or cellar is a danger of getting sick.

Dream interpretation of Azar predicts that a large potato on the ground means making a profit.

By oriental dream book if you dream of potatoes in the ground, a difficult life stage awaits. However, thanks to the presence of mind, it will be possible to survive.

Family dream book warns Colorado beetles on potatoes mean damage. It can be a loss or a loss in business.

Why does a woman dream of potatoes

Potatoes unmarried a woman portends successful development in the business sphere. Very soon, in the professional field, the dreamer will be recognized.

Potato flowers dreamed of girl are the harbinger of a romantic adventure. It is even possible to receive an offer to marry.

Dreamed small potatoes married the lady signals temporary material problems. Large tubers promise a harmonious home environment and good security.

When potatoes dream pregnant a woman, she has to go through a rather difficult process of childbirth. However, the dream carries a positive omen - everything will be fine with the woman in labor and the baby.

An interesting offer will come soon if you had to plant potatoes in a dream into the ground... It can relate to both personal life and business cooperation. It is also worth remembering what color the potatoes were planted in a dream. Pink tubers delight lonely dreamers with the news of a successful romance, and for family they portend a happy period of life together. Almost white planting material predicts new perspectives. Yellow tubers suggest unexpected support from friends. Connections will help to make the planned deal very profitable.

Stable career growth predicts a dream in which you had to plant potatoes in pots... The dreamer himself limits the possibilities of his own development.

Plant potatoes in winter or burying deliberately rotten tubers in the ground is a warning sign. You can lose some of your income if you act imprudently.

The plot of a dream in which it happened to plant potatoes warns about the threat to the material condition in someone else's garden... Jobs in a good mood on their own site promise an indispensable reward for their work. If the landing was carried out through force and with reluctance, you should pay attention to other people's claims. Someone decided to take away a tidbit, and you will have to make an effort to keep your own income.

Why dream of digging potatoes

To correctly interpret what it means dig potatoes out of the ground in a dream, it is necessary to remember which tool of labor was used. If it was a shovel, in reality you will have to find out information that has long been a secret for the sleeping person, but is crucial for his well-being. Using a rake and pitchfork suggests the need to fight vanity. Digging potatoes with a toy scoop indicates ill-considered actions. Digging up root crops with your fingers symbolizes hard work, with sticks or other improvised means, hints that it is time to compare your own desires with possibilities, and correct aspirations.

It is also worth considering how much collect potatoes in a dream. Smooth beautiful tubers foreshadow a rise in strength and a successful solution to all tasks. If the potatoes turn out to be rotten, the joyful period in reality is coming to an end, and you will have to postpone the implementation of your plans.

Interpretation of sleep by the type of potatoes

As a sign of pleasant hassle associated with the acquisition of significant capital, potatoes dream large and smooth. Entrepreneurs expect very lucrative contracts, and it is worth paying attention to all incoming offers.

Big potatoes symbolize excellent profits. Everything will work out in the near future.

If you dreamed shallow potatoes, small but empty chores await ahead. This also reflects the discontent of the sleeping person with insufficient attention to his person on the part of others.

Getting good news means clean potatoes in a dream. We have to rejoice.

Against, dirty potatoes portend the onset of difficulties. Trouble ahead.

The dreamed rotten potatoes. There comes a difficult stage in life when you have to fight for your own happiness.

New source of income portends young potato. It is worth looking around, and it will turn out to find benefits in such a matter that you have not even thought about.

To important events in dreams appears old potatoes. Its quality will tell you whether they will be sad or favorable.

Great sign - raw potatoes. It signals joyful events in reality.

If you dream cleared potatoes are good. Such a vision promises good luck.

Has positive symbolism fried potatoes in a dream. It is possible to receive a tempting proposal for a new project or even a change of job.

Boiled a potato in a dream warns that in reality the sleeper fulfills the desires of others. We must devote time to our own life aspirations.

Why dream of a lot of potatoes

Bucket potatoes means the successful completion of the business. The main thing is that the roots are even and strong.

Bag Superior quality potatoes mean well-being. Spoiled or very small tubers warn of financial troubles.

It's good when you dream garden with potato. Good prospects will appear in reality.

Smooth rows in field with potatoes without weeds foreshadow the successful implementation of ideas. Projects will develop according to plan.

A lot of potatoes in the cellar symbolically displays an attempt to hide a secret.

Interpretation of sleep by actions with potatoes

In order to find out why potatoes are dreaming, you definitely need to remember your actions. It is also worth considering the occupation in reality.

For farmers and gardeners spud potatoes - a sign to prepare for a rich harvest. For businessmen, such a dream predicts significant profits.

Polish a potato is a double symbol. This is a fun meeting with friends, and the danger of skin disease.

Hard work awaits in reality, if you dreamed pick potatoes in the garden... But the material return will please.

Iterate over potatoes - worry about mistrust of someone around. There is reason to doubt if a rotten tuber is found.

You will be able to cope with bullying and angry mockery of yourself if you dreamed clean potatoes. Too small tubers indicate self-dissatisfaction.

Guests will soon appear in the house if you dream to cook potatoes. Most likely, visitors will be from afar.

Fry potatoes - a prosperous stage of life begins. But if it is burnt, it is worth keeping plans with you.

Good sign - Cook a dish of potatoes in a dream. These are positive events and decent pay for waking work.

Soon I will be able to meet with friends if I dreamed there is potatoes in a dream. It's going to be great fun. Eating baked tubers - luck accompanies everything.

To envy, a dream appears in which steal potatoes. It is worth fighting this negative feeling.

If you dream sell potatoes, in reality someone is very tired of the sleeping man. The dream suggests that it will soon be possible to part with clingy guests and acquaintances.

An unexpected find is ahead, if you dreamed buy potatoes. The smoother and larger the tubers, the more expensive it will be.

A potato in a dream is a polysemantic symbol, but mostly it carries a positive meaning.

Coming success.

There are potatoes in a dream- means significant benefit.

Cooking potatoes- promises you a suitable job.

If you plant potatoes in a dream- means. You can count on the fulfillment of your desires.

If you dream about rotten potatoes- it means that your joys and pleasures will come to an end and your future does not bode well.

Dream interpretation of lovers

Dig potatoes in a dream- promises success in matters of the heart.

Plant potatoes- to the fulfillment of desires.

However, rotten potatoes- does not bode well, he dreams of loneliness and separation of lovers.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Potatoes in a dream- indicates that happiness will not come to you by itself, and only hard work and patience can provide prosperity in your home.

Potato bush- is often a hint. If in reality you are busy solving some issue, then a dream may mean that, just like a potato tuber is hidden underground, so the solution you need can be found by digging a little deeper.

Rotten- a sign of losses and damages.

Jewish dream book

Dream interpretation of Solomon

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Potato- dreams before various events. For example, if a woman eats potatoes in a dream, then soon her professional activities will bring tangible results, which will be expressed either in an increase in salary or in moving up the career ladder.

Plant potatoes- in the near future, an interesting offer awaits her, if not hands and hearts, then a highly paid job.

And if the potatoes are rotten- then you will not have long to rejoice. So seize the moment and enjoy life.

Dream interpretation for bitches

Digging potatoes- the long-awaited success is just around the corner.

There is- profitable business, profitable business and projects.

Plant potatoes in a dream- everything planned will come true.

New family dream book

Dream about potatoes- promises various accidents; dug in a dream- success is ahead, ate- expect significant benefits; prepared- get a good job; planted- your desires will come true; decayed- portends the end of your joys and pleasures.

Modern combined dream book

Dream about potatoes- predicts changes, often pleasant ones.

Dig potatoes in a dream- promises success.

Eat potatoes- means the joy of making substantial profits.

Cook potato dishes- predicts that you will find something to your liking.

Plant potatoes- a sign of the fulfillment of desires.

Seeing rotten potatoes in a dream- portends the end of the time of pleasure and an unclear future.

Eastern female dream book

Potatoes in a dream- a dream suggests that all your undertakings, acquaintances, business, etc. will turn out to be empty, meaningless.

The newest dream book by G. Ivanov

Eat potatoes- to boredom; dig- to ailment; buy- to unexpected profit (find).

Children's dream book

Potato- to hard times.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Potatoes- a reminder that nondescript can be valuable.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of may, june, july, august

Digging up potatoes in a dream- to a rich harvest of vegetables.

Hilling potatoes- to laborious work.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Hilling potatoes- to a large harvest of potatoes.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Digging up potatoes- to the disease.

Hilling potatoes- you will row money.

Plant potatoes- to the funeral.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream you are planting potatoes- it means that in reality, arrange your affairs in the best way and you can count on the successful implementation of your plan.

Digging up potatoes- means getting a thankless and humiliating job.

Peel potatoes in a dream- it means that in reality you will avoid compulsion, having managed to stand up for yourself in such a way that you will be reckoned with. Boil potatoes- to an unpleasant visit, fry- to the pleasures, early marriage.

There are potato dishes in a dream- portends a date with friends after hours. Small potatoes in a dream- portends insufficient attention to you from a loved one just when you especially need it. Large and flawless potatoes- to good income and additional cash receipts. Rotten potatoes- portends the onset of a black streak in life, which can drag on for a long time.

Sell ​​potatoes in a dream- to compromise with your conscience, buy- be awarded a high honor.

Carry heavy bags of potatoes in a dream- to overstrain, fatigue and illness during an epidemic of colds.

Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Potato- thankless or hard work.

Potatoes also- unsatisfactory condition, useless or hard work.

Culinary dream book

There are potatoes in a dream- portends an event that at first seems important to you, but will soon disappoint.

Peel potatoes- to a change of opinion about a person from bad to good.

A lot to see- good income or harvest.

Small potatoes- lack, tears.

Sell- get rid of sorrows.

Esoteric dream book

See there are potatoes- to prosperity.

Cook, cook- to guests from afar.

Dig up, plant- you have to work hard.

Ukrainian dream book

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be discouraged - this is just a dream. Thank you for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Wherever it is night, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things leave ”.

Open the tap and tell the dream to pouring running water.

Wash your face three times with the words "Where the water flows, there the dream goes."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn the linens inside out.

Don't tell anyone your bad dream before lunchtime.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Why dream of such an ordinary product as potatoes? There are quite a few interpretations of this image, and they are not always positive. Interpretations of various dream books, taking into account the actions of the dreamer and the state of the fruits in a dream, will tell about the most relevant options.

What is the dream of potatoes according to Miller's dream book

In the creation of this American psychologist, dreams about potatoes warn you of accidents, not all of which bring positive changes.

The process of planting potatoes indicates the fulfillment in the foreseeable future of the cherished dream. At the same time, the process of digging up potatoes, according to the dream book, portends the success of the undertakings.

You can begin to prepare for receiving significant benefits if you had a chance to eat potato dishes in a dream, and wait for a lucrative job offer if you happened to cook them personally.

Dreamed of spoiled and rotting root crops? The image indicates the collapse of hopes, the end of a joyful and happy life streak, a return to which will not be available very soon.

What does potato mean - interpretation according to Vanga

The dream book of the blind fortuneteller as a whole describes potato dreams in a positive way. Had a chance to eat potatoes - to soon fill the wallet. Planting - for future well-being, and digging - for brilliant career prospects.

Had a dream about blooming potato bushes not yet dug? They predict good news. The dream interpretation also believes that the harvest collected and stored in the basement warns of unforeseen difficulties. Did you start cooking a delicious potato dish in your sleep? In reality, difficulties will be resolved and debts will be returned.

Potato - Modern dream book

A popular modern dream book is sure that if you dreamed about potatoes, then you should prepare for unexpected events.

In a dream, eating potatoes means that your bosses will very soon notice your diligence and diligence, the reward will be career advancement, a bonus or an increase in wages.

Sowing potato works, seen in a dream, predict pleasant changes. The dream interpretation guarantees a new position or a marriage proposal from a loved one.

Why dream of a spoiled, sick and rotting root crop? The image does not bode well. Enjoy the happy moments, because it is quite possible that they will not last long.

Why dream of potatoes according to Hasse's dream book

Famous for her psychic abilities and skills to penetrate into other people's dreams, Miss Hasse claims that planting potatoes in a dream speaks of good endeavors, and digging it up - about receiving a long-awaited income.

Had a big harvest of vegetables packed in bags? The dream book suggests that you don't even have to worry about financial issues in the near future, everything in this regard will be fine and cloudless.

If you had a chance to peel potatoes in a dream, then your work will not be appreciated. Washing it, says that because of your own honesty, you will not see income, but your conscience will be clear.

Plant, collect, peel potatoes in a dream?

Did you dream about the process of planting potatoes? This is a good sign that in reality things will turn out in the best way. You will be able to achieve your goal in your personal life and in business.

Why dream of planting potatoes in your own garden? The event heralds the receipt of a lucrative offer. When it finally arrives, you can safely drop your fears and, without looking at the circumstances, get involved in the proposed case.

A large potato dug in a dream suggests that such a desired increase in wages is not far off. You don't even have to "fight" for him, just in this way the leader will decide to motivate you for further victories and work achievements.

Why dream of harvesting potatoes for Universal dream book? The reward you deserve is coming soon. Figuratively speaking, having worked superbly, you can count on a big harvest.

Had a dream of digging large, clean and uncontaminated root crops from the ground? You are guaranteed the success of absolutely any undertaking.

If in the morning you opened your eyes and remembered that you had to peel potatoes in a dream, then most likely this indicates that with all the desire to get to the bottom of the truth in the question you are interested in, it will not work. Another interpretation of such a dream says that you may have to change your opinion about a person for the worse.

Fried, boiled, raw potatoes in a dream

Happened to see in a dream raw, only dug up potatoes? This is a good sign predicting that a new source of income will be found. Perhaps initially they will not be so significant, but every day your financial wealth will grow by leaps and bounds.

The dishes that you cook from your favorite root vegetable in a dream also matter. Dreamed of fragrant fried potatoes? It portends some important event, perhaps it's time for you to start moral preparation for it.

Why do boiled potatoes dream? He warns of profit, as well as improving relationships with loved ones. According to Aesop's dream book, the process of boiling potatoes speaks of the arrival of guests from afar, meet them with all possible cordiality and hospitality.

Dream interpretation - a lot of potatoes

Why dream of potatoes piled in a large pile? This is a sure sign of a great deal that awaits you in the near future. Your further material well-being will depend on whether you accept it or not. Planting a large volume of potatoes is a close fulfillment of cherished desires.

Why else do potatoes dream - dream options

  • Potatoes in the ground indicate a misconception about their surroundings. Try not to be superficial and not judge people hotly.
  • Rotten potatoes are not a good omen. Probably, you are facing hard times and large waste.
  • Dreamed of a potato field? The reward for the work done will be very generous.
  • Potatoes in the garden, planted in even rows on well-groomed beds, portends the successful implementation of your plans and ideas.
  • The process of frying potatoes in a pan - a visit awaits you from a person who you are not very happy to see.
  • Sorting potatoes - you need to do a little pleasant, but important and necessary work.
  • Washed potatoes are a good omen, events happening around you have a positive color.
  • Jacket potatoes - set the table, guests are coming to you.
  • Mushroom Potatoes - Your planned party is likely to cost more than you planned.

Sometimes we have vivid, unusual and memorable dreams. But they are also completely unremarkable, which are difficult to remember. In any case, most night dreams carry hidden messages. To reveal them secret meaning, you can look into the dream book. Potatoes, for example, are the most common vegetable. However, seen in a dream, she foreshadows interesting events and experiences in the future. To more accurately find out the meaning of such a vision, you need to try to remember all its details, even insignificant ones. Then the interpretation will be complete and true.

Why do potatoes usually dream?

A potato seen in a dream is usually a good and good omen. It portends success, luck and pleasant unexpected surprises. However, much depends on the details, even small ones. Remembering them, you can safely pick up a dream book. Potatoes are usually dreamed of before any significant events. For example, buying these vegetables promises either a romantic offer or a new job. And selling potatoes means getting rid of unwanted guests.

If in a dream a person peels tubers, then in reality he will soon be freed from someone else's negative influence. However, the potatoes must be fresh - rotten does not bode well. Seeing spoiled tubers in a dream, it is better to try to complete all matters before the black stripe begins.

As the culinary dream book foreshadows, potatoes during flowering symbolize joyful romantic experiences. Relationships will give pleasant emotions and surprises. And if the flowers have already fallen, then it is worth waiting for a change. Relationships will reach a new level.

A potato bush seen in a dream is help in solving a difficult issue. Perhaps it is worth digging a little deeper and the answer will be found.

There are also very funny dreams and their interpretations. So, throwing potatoes when sorting out the relationship - to quarrels and in reality, and possibly even fights. The sleeper should be more restrained and circumspect in order to avoid problems in relations with others.

Digging potatoes in a dream is good luck

The actions of a person during a night's rest are of great importance. In order not to forget or miss anything, it is better to immediately look into the dream book. Digging potatoes, for example, is a great success. Such a dream promises good luck in all matters, and also financial well-being... And if others are digging potatoes, then loved ones will be caring and helpful in relation to the sleeping person. Also, picking root crops promises pleasant changes in your personal life. According to the culinary dream book, digging potatoes is a romantic acquaintance.

And if a person dreamed that he was stealing tubers from someone else's garden, then perhaps he is tormented by a feeling of envy of more successful acquaintances or dissatisfaction with his financial situation. It is better to get rid of this feeling, since it will not bring anything good.

Planting potatoes - interpretation

What else can you find out by looking at the dream book? Planting potatoes - to fulfill desires and harmony in your personal life. If an unmarried man saw such a dream, then now is the right time to meet his soul mate. The family created at this time will be strong and happy. And if an unmarried woman dreamed of this, then she will soon be made a marriage proposal.

And planting potatoes is a pleasant entertainment in a cheerful company. Also, this dream promises very pleasant business prospects.

Raw or cooked?

An important role is also played by what kind of potatoes were seen. For example, boiled boiled portends the arrival of guests from afar. It is better to prepare for this event in advance and treat the visitors with delicious dishes. Puree is a sign that soon you will have to make some important decision regarding the field of business and finance.

According to the modern dream book, raw potatoes are an omen of unexpected and pleasant news. And when fried, this vegetable promises joy and fun with friends. Such a dream promises a girl a marriage proposal. And, as the dream book foretells, fried potatoes can be a harbinger of good new work.

Peeling potatoes - to a new acquaintance, which at first seems successful, but later disappointing. Cooking a dish from this vegetable is a pleasant hassle associated with close relatives. Also, this vision can mean getting a new lucrative position. And if a person dreamed that he was eating potatoes, guests should be expected. There is another similar interpretation. So, if the dreamer eats boiled potatoes with his hands, in life he will be successful in a new business and an incredible income.

Big or small?

The size of the tubers is also of great importance. As the dream book says, raw potatoes, and besides, small ones, symbolize tears and a lack of funds. We'll have to save until the best times come. It also means that others will soon notice any flaw in the dreamer. A large and fresh potatoes on the contrary, it portends wealth and prosperity. Therefore, the size of the tubers must be taken into account when interpreting.

Color is also important. White potatoes are a harbinger of a stable financial situation. And pink tubers promise a lot of pleasant excitement and worries.

Why do you dream of a lot of potatoes?

Also, when interpreting sleep, you need to remember the number of tubers. So, for example, a bucket or a bag of potatoes usually promises cash receipts, and quite solid ones. And if there is a lot of it, for example, a whole field (or an unusually high yield), then the meaning of this dream is multiplied several times. However, this only applies to good potatoes.

But the tedious work on the field, seen in a dream, does not bode well in reality. Perhaps hard work or even malaise lies ahead.

You can see that dreams about potatoes are different, and each of them has its own meaning. Therefore, you should not rely on any one dream book in search of a clue. Potatoes, although they are not distinguished by sophistication and originality, can pleasantly surprise, since in most cases the interpretations are favorable. And even if it is not so, then you should not rely entirely on the dream book, but rather treat reading such a collection as pleasant entertainment.

buy potatoes in a dream

When this vegetable is present in a dream, it will not bring anything pleasant. There will be some troubles, and buying potatoes - you yourself will create these troubles for yourself. But do not be upset if you buy large and beautiful potatoes, then the troubles will not be very unpleasant. But if the potatoes are a chock, then it is worth working hard to solve all the problems.

buy potatoes in a dream what is it for

Seeing potatoes in a dream means the imminent accomplishment of the long-awaited event. There are prospects ahead. If you buy potatoes, therefore, good events are in your hands.

buy potatoes from a dream book

Choose potatoes in the market (store) - choose from the options offered by the possibilities.

buy potatoes in a dream

Seeing potatoes in a dream is a prosperous future in which there will be no need. Buying good potatoes is taking the right step for future well-being; to acquire rotten potatoes - you should hurry up in choosing, if you don't have time, trouble awaits.

buy potatoes from a dream book

Seeing potatoes in large quantities promises income. Buying potatoes - expect unexpected guests.

To see large potatoes is profit, small ones are a need. Buying - the appearance of trouble.

why dream of buying potatoes

Seeing potatoes in a dream is a foreshadowing of events. And what kind of events depends on the type of potato. Buying a beautiful and large vegetable - the upcoming events will lead to great success, and if small or rotten tubers, then expect failure.

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