How to attract financial well-being. How to attract luck and good luck in your life? Talismans for good luck and money Home plants

This article will not be stories about brooms and pies with cabbage, as well as a word about magical rituals. Today I will tell you how it is quite real and really effectively you can attract money, using only my thoughts.

Important! Attracting money in your life, it is very important to understand what you will do with them further. Otherwise it may turn out like my reader, who did not believe until the latter that

Read more about how to increase income using the strength of thought See in the video

No. 1. Imagination

If you want to pull money to yourself, you can not do without imagination.

This is what the most famous author says on this account, who wrote about the attraction of money by the power of thought, Napoleon Hill in the book "Think and Rich":

The desire is very important, but it is only an impulse, fleeting thought. Often it is foggy and ephemery.

In itself, it is shameless and not worth nothing - until it is transformed into its physical equivalent.

In order to turn the desire of money in the money itself, you will need imagination.

Imagine daily those material benefits that you want to buy for the money that came, imagine a new lifestyle, imagine how you spend money or how they lie on your bank account ...

For the development of imagination will help.

# 2. Visualization

If you are a permanent reader of my blog, you already know that the visualization is the main tool for the fulfillment of desires. I want to note that money is not an exception, the visualization needs to be used if you want to pull money to yourself.

How to properly visualize money?

Step one: Decide with the amount of money you want to get 1, 2, 3 weeks (this should not be your salary, it must be additional money from the source in advance).

Step second: Mentally fold the desired amount from those bills that you most often use in your daily life.

Step Three: Mentally recalculate this stack. Look at bills in your hands.

Step four: Look around at the moment when you have money in your hands. Where are you? Maybe at home in the hallway, and maybe in my bedroom? That is, it should be the place where you actually have to recalculate your money.

Pitch Fifth: Fix this script in your memory. You are standing in this place (or sit as you feel more convenient), you have the amount of money in your hands, you recalculate it. A bundle of money consists of those bills that you know how well, checks in a stack can be different. You can perfectly imagine their size in your hands and their color. Perfectly see new ones or shabby. You also see, where did you come from and where they hid them.

Step Six: Add emotions to the script. Your feelings from recalculating this money must be strictly positive. This is your money and you do not need to give them anywhere. They are yours.

Step seventh: Think where you need to spend this money right today. Perhaps you need to pay some payments, you may need to buy products or clothing. Perhaps you need to give duty and finally feel relief and freedom. And maybe you want to make a gift to your family.

Terms of implementation of all seven steps are:

  1. You must be calm and relaxed when performing practice.
  2. You must repeat the practice in the morning and in the evening every day without skips until this money comes to you.

№ 3. Affirmations for money

Old good way of affirmation no one canceled. It is definitely effective and at the same time very simple.

In order for affirmations to help you attach money to yourself, they need to repeat very often, not less than 100 times per day. For example, I love to do it when I go anywhere.

My favorite affirmations for money:

I am rich.

Money goes to me easily and high stream.

The more I spend, the more earn.

I enjoy making money, I am a buzz, I like it.

Money brings me pleasure.

Money pleased me.

I have a lot of money.

Money is always with me and make my life comfortable and happy.

Money comes to me from the most unexpected sources.

I deserve big amounts of money.

Money love me.

№ 5. Stop save and infringe

In my opinion, in order to really attach money to me, you need to forget about savings. Save - it means to show the universe that you have little money. Save - it means to feel in a situation where you do not have money.

In short, it is definitely bad. And I do not need to say that the rich is the most economical.

Remember your inner feeling in the chest, when you choose in the store two products, one tastier, but more expensive, the second worse, but cheaper. Is it nice to buy the one that is cheaper and at the same time catch inside the feeling of your worthlessness, poverty and lack of money?

If you want to pull money to yourself and do it all the time, choose the product that would choose a rich and financial independent person! During this purchase, tell me:

I can afford it!

And with pride and feeling that you have a lot of money to pay for the purchase.

To attract money to me, it is necessary to remove such phrases from your lexicon as:

No money

Even if this is the answer to the request of your children to buy another toy ...

Stop whining and complain about the fact that you have small income. The fact that you have little money to blame only you yourself. No one else, nor your employer, nor your customers, nor the government, nor the industry.

In any industry, in any state and in any profession there are people who earn very well. And there are those who barely reduce the ends meet, despite the fact that they are in equivalent conditions with the first. Do you know why?

It's all about your thoughts!

I can not afford it

On the advice of the kiosaki, we change this phrase to the question "How can I afford it?".

№ 7. We put money goals

You always have, in any time period, there must be a clearly prescribed digit, the amount of money you would like to have per month.

If you do not have such a goal, I urgently write down.

If you want me to teach you to execute cash wishes, register on

On this I finish an article about seven ways to pull money. Use, apply today and of course write in the comments what ways you use yourself.

Hello, dear readers! With you Denis Kudarin, one of the authors of the business journal

Many people think that attracting good luck and money in their lives is connected with Feng Shui, magic money, prayers and rituals. How to attract good luck and what is the secret of wealth? - Let me tell my vision of this question.

Talking with friends and spending their own experiments, I found out what really works and what is the "Magic Magic".

From the article you will learn:

  • Why most people are unhappy and poor?
  • What ways to attract good luck and money in the house exist?
  • Does the techniques "Fen Shui" work and how to use them?
  • What rules of money exist and how do they work?

If you really want to change your life, fill it with sufficient and good luck, then you got exactly at. Go!

  1. Why are some people are lucky and richer others - the opinion of scientists
  2. Attracting good luck and money - change internal installations
  3. How to attract good luck and money - 7 simple secrets of wealth
    • Secret 2. Reading prayers for money - a special new method
    • Secret 3. Implementation of the Technique "Feng Shui" to attract money
  4. Real stories of people and opinions of experts on attracting good luck and money in their lives
  5. Conclusion

1. Why some people are lucky and richer others - the opinion of scientists

Perhaps there is no such person who would not be interested in the question "How to attract good luck and money?". Financial independence gives a person internal freedom and allows you to do what he really likes.

But far from all people manage to make money for themselves to teach them in hand: one has to work hard and at the same time bare ends meet, others make dubious investments in risky projects and go. Perhaps, therefore, many believe that rich and successful are born, and do not become.

But I will try to refute this statement and tell you how to attract good luck or quickly earn a lot of money.

Psychology experts argue that most of the events occurring in our life takes the beginning of our head - from subconscious images, beliefs and delusions. Not that these events were programmed from outside: Rather, they occur precisely because we want this internally. Or, on the contrary, do not want.

I will give a simple example:

Many people want to attract money and good luck to his home, but inside the part of people are convinced that being rich is either bad or embarrassing or scary and troublesome.

If you are thinking and talking about bringing money, but in the depths of the soul you feel the feeling of guilt for the possible wealth or fear of him, then this will not lead to anything good. Consciously you will strive for welfare and wealth, and subconsciously you will avoid it. And since the subconsciousness most often trimbs the top, the money will simply flow from you to other people.

But it is only part of the problem. Attracting money and good luck in your life - a whole science, to study which you need to spend a significant amount of time and time. Thousands of people have an economic education and a sober view of financial independence, but only units manage quickly and without much difficulty to receive a stable and decent income.

Almost all people reflect on how to become rich, to achieve independence and live without working, and having a passive income, that is, such an income that does not directly depends on your daily activities, for example from the delivery of real estate for rent. And again, only a limited circle of persons manage to do it.

If a person knows how to properly manage cash flows and attract the energy of wealth, any undertaking will bring to him profit.

Funny experiment

Special tests were conducted by scientists, which allowed to identify the characteristic personalities of lucky and unsuccessful people. It turned out that the main difference between successful personalities is calm and confidence in any situation.

Voltage and anxiety - features peculiar to losers. They simply do not notice the happy chances that life offers them, thinking at this moment about the friend - how they are all bad, as they are lucky, as they have little money and no matter how well, if there were a lot of money.

Supporting inclination in thoughts and words, constant search for the reasons for their own failures, reflections instead of actions - all this is blocks on the way to financial well-being.

2. Attracting good luck and money - change internal installations

Magic money really works if we do everything right. Personally, I repeatedly managed to make sure that as soon as you start changing myself, the world around him magically. Paradoxically, our objective reality is a projection of subjective reality.

In other words, we are really doing our destiny!

So what needs to be done to attract good luck and money? Let's decompose everything on the shelves.

Simple money attracting:

  1. Change your attitude towards money. First of all, you should change your attitude towards money. If you are constantly told that you work for a penny, spend all your strength "for these damn money," it will only push finance from you. Money as an energy substance requires attention, respect and careful relationship, not curses;
  2. Thank money for their presence in your life. Be grateful for any amount of money in your life, and you will see how the situation will begin to change in the direction of improvement. Stop talking out loud and mentally the following phrases: "I can never allow himself to afford" (with respect to expensive goods, cars, travel and everything else), "no money", "I never earn so much." Such phrases are linguistic programming in its pure form. It is better to use reverse verbal structures: "I will buy this car (this house, this yacht)" or "I have enough money for it";
  3. Communicate with successful and rich people. At the same time, avoid the negative and envy to someone else's well-being. If wealth causes you evil thoughts, it will become a block on the way to your own enrichment. Learn to appreciate your hard work. If you do not satisfy the payment of your work, boldly go from the current work - respect your time and your life, for it is invaluable. Getting less than you deserve, you are not moving towards wealth, but move away from it. Even if you have to drastically change the scope of activity and lifestyle - no need to be afraid of difficulties: your financial future is in your hands;
  4. Love and respember yourself. Try not to limit your life financially. Reasonable spending on your own whim will raise your self-esteem and add confidence. If you want this particular laptop, but at the same time you think that such a thing you can not afford, just buy it - "break bad karma";
  5. Work on yourself. If you spend your time to increase the financial well-being of other people, get rich will not work. Start working on your own pocket and an account in the bank: let initial revenues will not be too large, the main thing is to start moving in the right direction. Fortunately, now there is plenty of opportunities for this: you can start your business from scratch, or stop going to the office, but to become free and in this will help you on the Internet.

By changing your attitude to your time, work, to money, banks, successful and rich people, you will calculate the energy paths to attract finances, and money will fly to you.

Stop envy and talk about the earnings of others: Think of your well-being.

the main idea

No rituals, mantras and prayers will not help, until you understand the main money rule: only he depends on our thoughts, emotions, actions!

And nothing else.

This is the most important idea and the most key, and all other techniques and techniques described below are only an addition to it.

3. How to attract good luck and money - 7 ordinary secrets of wealth

So, now let's turn to specific techniques and secrets. Immediately I will say that the "secrets" of wealth needs not just to know: it is necessary to be able to use them in practice. Even if you agree with all the advice and recommendations, but continue to lie on the couch and look at the ceiling in anticipation of a miracle, nothing will change: Be sure to act!

Secret 1. Using the Gold Rules of Money

If you believe in the metaphysics of money, then the money will surely believe in you.

The main rule of money is to take them with gratitude and joy!

By changing the attitude to finance on a positive, you will attract the energy of well-being and prosperity in your life. Decide to become a financial independent person right now and start changing your life and your thoughts right from this second.

Think of your own purposes - about what you want to achieve in life. Best of all, if you make a specific plan and start inexorably move towards your goal. I assure you that if you do everything right, you will notice how the goal itself is approaching you.

Secret 2. Reading prayers for money - a special new method

Prayer for attracting money and good luck is a way to address the highest forces for help and instructions. Although religion advises people to think more often about the soul, it does not mean that a person needs to be poor and hungry. On the contrary, poverty and financial problems distract from the right thoughts. Internal harmony is impossible without harmony of external and vice versa.

I wrote here that this is a special new method. It differs from all the standard the fact that it is worth praying not only asking for money from the saints, but also to keep the right way of life from the point of view of generally accepted norms of morality and morality. By the way, despondency, and therefore the inaction (tape) is the real sin.

The Orthodox Church knows many prayers that will help a person to gain material well-being. Some of the most famous prayers for monetary success - the prayer of Seraphim of Sarovsky, the prayer of the Virgin Mary, thankful prayer, the prayers of Christ, who pronounce believers in financial difficulties.

In order not to clutter the article with the texts of a prayer for money, I collected the most famous of them and packed in Word document.

Prayers for money.docch (download)

Regular utterance of such prayers with sincere gratitude will help you not only improve the financial situation, but also gives the impetus to the general personal growth.

Secret 3. Implementation of Feng Shui technician to attract money

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese doctrine of harmony.

In the east, Feng Shui is considered full-fledged science. According to this teaching, welfare, success and health depends on the correct energy of Qi energy in the world and the inner world of man. Externally, this concerns the interior of our dwelling (office), and internally - thoughts in the head.

For example, it is impossible to be located on the bed while sleeping face to the door - it will disperse positive energy. You should not put the mirror in front of the bed: if the sleep is reflected in the mirror, this also breaks harmonious energy streams.

All windows in the house (office) should be clean so that happiness and good luck often looked into your home. It is also not recommended to clutter the door passage. Another symbol of material well-being is water. Well, if there is aquarium in the apartment or office (and better is a small decorative fountain).

It should be easily taken out of the house trash and old things, air the rooms and make cleaning. Well, if the room always smells like fruit, which are considered in the east symbol of prosperity and abundance. You can take advantage of aromatic lamps and candles. Another faithful way to attract good luck is to start a money tree (another plant name is a lot of penalcock) and do not forget to care for it.

Secret 4. Conducting rites for good luck and money

Ritals and rituals can actually help solve a monetary issue. There are many rituals that help develop the right attitude towards money and improving financial well-being:

  1. More often remember the expression "Money Love Account" and consider money. This will teach the right attitude towards;
  2. Be sure to keep at home at least small cash savings. Feng Shui experts advise to store several coins or bills in the refrigerator;
  3. You do not always need to take, you need sometimes to give. Donate a certain amount for charity - for starters, help the throat on the street. If you give from a clean heart, such spending will definitely return to you by Storm;
  4. Do not boast with your sufficiency, but do not complain about poverty;
  5. Any activity aimed at obtaining money, start only on the growing moon;
  6. Fold money in the wallet one way: "face" to you;
  7. If the wallet is old and boiled, buy a new one - do it, again, on the growing moon;
  8. You should take money with your left hand, but to give right.

Now that you can not do, not to scare away good luck:

  • it is impossible to fit the crumbs with a hand of hand;
  • walk with torn buttons and broken pockets;
  • hold your wallet empty and give money through the threshold.

Secret 5. Wearing cash talismans and amulets

The most famous talismans to attract money and good luck on Feng Shui:

  1. Toad with a coin in the mouth. According to the legend, Buddha himself caught the greedy and evil toad and, wanting to punish her, forced her secret to penetrate the dwellings of people and stretch gold coins from mouth;
  2. Elephant. This is a talisman for material protection. Feng Shui supporters advise you to purchase such a figurine to businessmen and all people whose activities are related to money risks. Before making an important decision on a financial plan, a trunk of an elephant should be stroked;
  3. Three Chinese coins with holes knitted with red thread. One of the most popular wealth symbols: such a talisman should be stored in a wallet or purse.

Talismans are the material side of attracting money. According to the doctrine of money, the correct thoughts are even more important than the magic figures and the harmonious location of the furniture.

Feng Shui advises to get rid of negative thoughts and think only about good.

Similar attracts like this!

The correct thoughts will attract the right people into your life and contribute to the emergence of favorable well-being and health of situations.

Secret 6. Using cash mantras

Mantra is a linguistic design that has a positive effect on energy in the universe and within you.

There are words that are able to turn cash flow into the direction you need. Mantras came from Buddhism, where they are considered a real psychological tool.

Mantra is similar to prayer, however, has a slightly different orientation. Since there are no personalized deities in Buddhism, the energy flow when reading the mantra is directed directly into the universe.

The most famous monetary mantra sounds as follows:

Om Lakshmi Viganshrie Kamala Dhayrigan Swaha.

Repeat magic words need every day every morning for a month. Some of my friends who are fond of Buddhism claim that it was Mantras who helped them to gain material and family well-being.

Secret 7. Communication with successful and rich people

The greater and more often you will communicate with rich and successful people, the richer you will become ourselves.

If you consider yourself poor and unfortunate, to begin with change the circle of communication. Stop complain about your life with other unhappy people and look for among the friends of those who are worse than you.

Make exactly the opposite - start communicating with lucky and materially safe people.

I can assure you - you will feel the difference very soon. Positive people will change the direction of your thoughts and change the flow of energy around you.

Suddenly, for themselves, you will become more confident and calm, and your attitude towards money will change for the better. Gradually, blocks and barriers between you and cash flows will disappear and your earnings will grow noticeably.

4. Real stories of people and opinions experts on attracting good luck and money in their lives

Personally, I know several real stories about how people drastically changed their financial status.

The most indicative of them is the history of my school friend Viktor N.

At school and at the institute, he did not shine special success and studied rather mediocre. A few years after the end of the university, he also did not fit. Victor had to perform heavy, low-paid work and spend his time, can be said to be wasted.

The situation has changed when he changed the circle of communication. At work, he sometimes had to communicate with people successful in financial plan, and gradually he acquired the necessary acquaintances, communications and experience. At some point, Victor decided that he had time to change his life.

He asked his new acquaintances just to send it to the right direction. He was given a new position with a perspective of career growth. With the change of circle of communication changed and his attitude to life. Seven years later, Victor owns several restaurants and cafes in the city where I live, and gets six-digit monthly profits.

5. Conclusion

Now you know that wealth and successiness are not congenital, but acquired qualities. It is not necessary to be born the son of the Bank's director or the owner of a large corporation.

Much more interesting to achieve everything yourself, from scratch. Only in this case you will be in inner harmony and in Lada with yourself.

All the technique described above will help you attract good luck and money in the house, but remember that they are auxiliary tools.

Only our way of thinking and real actions are able to make you a wealthy and successful person.

Work on yourself and so you realize the most bold dreams!

In today's article, I want to tell about my favorite ways to attract good luck and desired.

For many years I work with people, working on myself personally, and now I can say with confidence that if you want to become lucky if you want your desires to come true, as a magic wand, then you need positive thinking to be not temporary work Over yourself, and the style of your life. To achieve this, you will have to work a lot over your subconscious programs. Then the moment will come when you can feel easily and feel happy and successful even in difficult times.

I can say about myself that now I am a very happy person: I live where I dreamed of all my life, they surround me and love wonderful people, I have a favorite thing, and most importantly - you are, my dear readers. Everyone who with the help of Vishbuk has become happier or received the desired changes in life, inspire and inspire me. Previously, I was considered a nutty optimist, and now more and more people share my vital position. It's funny that if suddenly I want to hurt and slow down on the right track, people and signs appear, which immediately lead me to the feeling.

Most recently happened such a case. We drove our bulldog to the doctor, and I asked him a question: "I worry about the baby, can she move parental disease and how to progress." To which the veterinarian answered me so strictly: "Thoughts are material!" I am dumbfounded in surprise))! And my husband laughed for a long time, because I usually say so.

The universe reminds of itself and does not allow it to slip into improper thoughts, but it is important to listen to it. No matter what diseases I did not think at all. I have the most healthy bulldog in the world.

Let us turn to the attraction of good luck.

Method number 1. Speak people compliments

How often do you tell people compliments? Or how do you love them?

How often do you want a good lucky day to others? I will say on my own experience, the more you do it, the more you get: beauty, love, good luck and success. Just do it is necessary from the pure heart, sincerely.

Every day I wish something good dozens of people. Somehow suppose such an experiment: all sellers, drivers, guards, hairdressers, doctors, waiters, cooks, customers, all, with whom I have met during the day, I wished good luck and success. At first they looked at me somehow strange, people were not accustomed to such. But I didn't care. A month later, I began to notice that my deeds go to the mountain, there were new opportunities, there were several successful meetings. A month later, I began to receive from the surrounding mass of compliments, my well-being was even better, more energy appeared. Those. All that I sincerely wanted people to happen in my life. The more I wanted success and good luck, the more good luck and success came to my life. The more I wished health, the sooner my well-being improved.

Try and you, because it is so easy to say to someone a good word, sincerely wish to man what I myself would have to have. Sometimes your attention is capable of changing the day of a person, give him joy, and then the mechanism of magical energy will start, which give, then get!

Method number 2. Favorite music

Every day I definitely listen to your favorite music, which is the one that translates me to the wave of good luck and success. Under the energetic music, I wipe the slide of my desires in my head, while setting up for a good day, good news and pleasant events. When there are failures, I listen to music and mentally dissolve them. Once, listening to his favorite song, I imagined myself the winner of the lottery. And imagine, won! The amount was insignificant, but the desire was fulfilled.

Find your favorite songs, music that pleases you, and listen to her every morning, imagine at this moment, as you dance from happiness, you got the desired, imagine yourself successful, rich, healthy. Now you will see, after a month of such a daily practice, there will be the first results.

Method number 3. Look for proof of your luck

Look for proof of your good luck. Give yourself an installation "within 24 hours I want to get a sign that I am a lucky person." And signs will go. You can treat a cup of coffee, give a chocolate chocolate, will be given a place, make a compliment, will give a gift, you will get a premium, you will find money, anything can happen, but you need to notice.

Try! It works.

Method number 4. Draw the desired

I always draw and make pictures of my desires. I am not an artist, but drawing my desire, thinking out every detail, every little thing. In the process of drawing, the energy on its embodiment is already distinguished. For me, this is a great way to implement dreams. I also make pictures in Photoshop, pick up everything to the smallest details, sometimes to drafting a picture of one desire a few days. It is important that everything happens as realistic as possible. Similar pictures I install on the screensaver of your favorite gadgets.

So I was realized by my car, trips, favorite dresses, apartment, and many more desires.

Method number 5. Desire in the book of desires and flashmob

At myWishBook in my favorite book, a lot of my desires are stored. All of them are executed, I'm sure, thanks to the powerful energy of this site.

We have repeatedly talked about what great strength our thoughts have if we all send them to a single bed. We get a lot of letters, and many of my friends and acquaintances that go to the project say that desires come true because it has its own special magic energy. Visbuk comes with faith and hope for happy changes in life. Someone inspires a positive attitude and receives a charge for good luck and success, someone wants to know how to fulfill their desires, change outwardly, become beautiful, rich, beloved, healthy.

We all pursue one goal - change your life for the better. Sometimes we read feedback and they themselves are surprised by the happy results of the participants.

We recently spent flashmob on the site, tried to raise the ruble exchange rate. After that, I accidentally stumbled upon an article, where it is said that the dollar fell and the ruble firmly strengthened his position. I looked at the course at the time of mailing - the dollar really fell since then.

And this means, friends that our joint efforts were not in vain, and our thoughts are able to work wonders.

I see every day, how something comes true, if a whole company of people directs its thoughts to it. Even with Katyusi, we often make general desires together and concentrate on their execution, and you know it works!

Therefore, today I offer you a new flash mob. I am sure, he will also bring his results.

We will attract wealth and success! To participate in Flashmob, place the next post in our accounts in our accounts: "I get richer and more successfully with the site".

Let's send all your thoughts on wealth, success and abundance. The more we will, the faster the law of attraction will be valid, because our common thoughts are a huge force.

I wish you good luck and fulfillment of desires!

Your Svetlana Kuleshova.

The life of each person consists of white and black stripes - yes, sometimes we are lucky, but not always. And sometimes there is a long solid, black strip in which a series of problems and failures literally pursues us. In these cases, we often love to say: "The trouble does not come alone!". What to do in such a situation? How to attract good luck? Questions are complex, requiring a detailed analysis of the situation that happened, but quite solved! And today in our article you will learn the steps that you should repeat to change your destiny, making it a share of good luck and luck. So, let's begin.

10 steps that will attract good luck and money

Step 1: Deep Situation Analysis.
At first it is necessary to carry out a deep analysis of the current situation. Independently appreciate whether everything is really bad in fact and there are no light strips in your life (some failures). After all, thinking, sometimes you understand that life is quite diverse, but there is a series of failures, but it consists of problems that do not even cost your attention, not to mention the experiences. It is also worth comparing the number of failures and happy moments, since most of us do not even notice the happiness, which is near, perceiving it, as proper.

If the failures exceed the number of happy moments, and you fall into depression even more, now try to find the cause of your constant failures. The fact is that in our world nothing happens just like that. Perhaps you offended someone strongly, perhaps a unworthy act. Life is a series of events that has a property to return: heated, offended, committed an unworthy act - wait for the return. Yes, maybe the so-called "revenge" will not come so quickly, but it will return, believe me.

From this analysis, you must withdraw two main life lessons:

  1. Hello to notice in life not only bad moments, but also good!

  2. Low deeds have a property return and sometimes even with a big power of revenge!

These rules will not help to correct the situation that has already developed, however, it is thanks to them, you will no longer get into a similar string of life failure!

Step 2: Obstacles do not exist!
Now let's go to more specific actions and begin with axioms that says: "Before luck, you do not need to put obstacles!". Let's figure out what obstacle we can install:

  • Absolutely not to believe in the happy outcome of events. This is one of the most serious mistakes of people. Good luck is very difficult to break through your barrier of thoughts that do not give to change fate. And here there are two types of people, some can say that, most likely they will not work out anything, but in the soul sincere, believe in a miracle. For such people, nothing is not lost, and good luck may well slip, through these empty, but unpleasant to good luck. The second type of people - categorical pessimists who possess so powerful negative energy that everything in their lives will occur badly and is quite difficult.

  • Listen relatives and friends who say that it does not work out anything. Another barrier created for good luck. You can not imagine what a strong influence on you the words of relatives and loved ones, they strongly influence your destiny, and not only in the usual sense, but also in spiritual. Try not to listen to those people who say you or your business is doomed at the collapse. Skip their phrases "past ears", translate the conversation to another channel or just ask to silence. Do not give the opportunity to third parties, and even more so native people - to make your destiny. And in the future, communicate with them - as little as possible, for your safety.

  • Afraid to act. Fear is a strong weapon that acts at good luck as a mirror, on a sunbeam, that is, completely reflects from myself. In addition, there are thoughts that nothing will happen in the end all this leads us to the first item. However, now the fear is a catalyst, which means any thoughts about failure - will only increase. It is enough to stop afraid to be afraid - distracted. Look at an interesting movie, sleep or deal with work capable of completely distracting you from what is happening. These time intervals will be enough for good luck to break through to you.

  • Complaint for good luck. Another error! Remember for life - good luck never tolerates complaints! It is very difficult for her to fight your thoughts that she constantly comes not in time or at all of her meaning there is no meaning in life. Do not dare to create such obstacles for it!

  • Do not help good luck! Another point so that luck is accomplished and came to your home or business - she needs to help it. How to do it, we will tell below.

Step 3: The Law of Attraction.
After you have conducted a detailed analysis of your destiny, they made the appropriate conclusions and removed all obstacles - you can begin to attract good luck and money. Let's start with the most basic rule: "The Law of Attraction." Its essence is that everything in our life is attracted and the law of attraction is valid: the items fall, since the law of attraction of the Earth acts, the waves are created due to the attraction of the moon, etc. etc. However, few people thought about the fact that our thoughts also have the strength of attraction. It works like this: if you believe in your big financial opportunities, then in the near future you will get it. If you are constantly concentrated on failure, you will be waiting for constant losses and problems. Everything is simple.

After all, everyone heard such a simple phrase - thoughts are material. And indeed it is! They make our universe change in such a way as desired for you. However, there are nuances here:

  • It is impossible to rearrange to believe in the conceived.

  • It should be borne in mind that only there are time intervals, which means pardonize.

  • Faith should be so strong that you should seriously behave as if conceived is not a dream, but a realistic plan.

  • Required sometimes can take some other forms. For example, the desire to buy a car can be counted in front of you, as an opportunity to get a highly paid job with such a salary, which would allow you to do.

For the universe there are no problems in quantitatively, that is, it is absolutely the same you want to earn $ 1,000 per month or a million. Everything depends on you directly. If you really believe that you will have a salary to consist of one million dollars and will be.

In addition, in the "Law of Attraction", there is another important item - you should not just want to buy a car, and no matter what how much it will cost and how to look. You need to know before the smallest things about your new car, which will be color, it will look, what will be inside, as you will sit down on it, how to turn on the ignition, etc. These detailed thoughts will help strengthen the attraction of the universe, and can also give you exactly what you want.

Vera should be unshakable, that is, not easy, perceive this advice as a joke, namely, to believe in good luck with all the soul, so strong that you can not even imagine your life in a different way. In other words, you must experience emotions from your imagination. Just thoughts and fantasies, without an emotional component, do not contain such a lot of attraction, as I would like.

Step 4: The right attitude.
This step is a certain continuation of the previous one. He says like this: the reconfiguration of the emotions can change not just today, but also a lifetime. For example: I did not notice how often there are situations when you wake up in the morning in a bad mood, and in the same format it takes all day (something does not work in work, late for transport, fall on rudeness with other people, etc. ). And it is only worth rebuilding your emotions on a positive way (laugh at a joke, think about something good, meet a long time) and how the day immediately changes its direction - everything is still being established and the end of the day becomes just wonderful.

To do this, try to start the morning from a good mood, do not pay for unpleasant circumstances any attention, more often smile around and yourself in the mirror, think about something positive and you will not even notice how everything in life will begin to improve. And this will be connected not only with business, but also with love relationships and even health.

The attitude directly depends on the senses that the person is experiencing. What they are positive, the better. If we look at the poor, then they often focusing, absolutely disappointed in life and do not completely believe in their success. Therefore, they are always like that and remain poor and dying. Rich is the complete opposite, they are funny, confident, optimistic and speak only about increasing money and improving life. That is why the poor is poorly, and the rich is still rich.

Understand, even if you have nothing now in life, imagine that it is not so - you are rich, successful and happy. Think over everything to the smallest detail, feel all the joy and happiness from the presence of such goods, believe that you will have all this in the near future. And the universe must be rebuilt under your condition of the soul, and will do everything that it depends on it: it will become exactly the same as your inner mood and materializes, according to your desire.

His thoughts and their feelings - you actually create your life, so control them, do not let yourself be in panic or even anxiety. Be the latest optimists in this life, and everything will be fine with you. Treat difficulties, not as obstacles, but how to get a new experience and the opportunity to change something in your life for the better.

All the tips described above were obtained from tens of scientists who believe and know about the law of attraction!

Step 5: Things bringing good luck.
Our online magazine editors site found five effective things that can bring good luck, family well-being, and most importantly save you from a series of problems. These things are:

  1. Money Tree. It can be purchased in any flower shop. Correct him correctly. This plant will be able to enrich your home and attract wealth into it.

  2. American cichlids - This is a type of aquarium fish that are capable of attracting the owner to their owner an immeasurable amount of good luck and happiness.

  3. Horseshoe. An element that is known in almost any family. It is very universal: you can buy both the usual (real) horseshoe in the blacksmith and the jewelry. You can wear with you on the chain, but you can hang over the entrance doors. The owners of the car recommend hanging the horseshoe into the car, it besides good luck and money, protect the owner from the accident and other accidents on the road.

  4. Chinese coins. The teachings of Feng Shui say that Chinese coins bring wealth and material benefits. They need to have three pieces and tied with a bright red ribbon (in the middle of each coin there are square holes). However, they require a certain attitude towards themselves: the coins should not be forgotten, receiving material benefits, they need to be thanked for good luck.

  5. Stones turquoise. This item has a fairly powerful force that is capable of not so much to attract good luck, how much to remove the wave of failures and problems, both in the family and at work. In addition, the stone will help destroy negative energy if it was sent to you. Turzu should also be worn to those who, in addition to monetary goods, want to gain family happiness and love.

That's all the steps that can change your life and attract good luck. Use our advice and never forget about them, because only in this case you can build your life interesting, fun, and most importantly without serious problems in it. Be optimists !!.

How to attract good luck and money in your life at home? How can we all sometimes lack a little good luck! And it seems that everything is in it. It is from the favor of capricious Mrs. Good luck, our successes and welfare depend on. IN different times And in different countries, people tried to arrange fortune to themselves. Their efforts resulted in the form of various rites, conspiracies, and even exercises that people trust and in our time.

First of all, to attract good luck and luck in your life, you need to program yourself on well-being. Thoughts are materialized - everyone knows about it. And use such a property is 100%. This is called "thought form." Presented more often what you dream. Only very careful.

For example: one of my friend was very dissatisfied with the inattention and irritantness of his spouse. And repeatedly painted the next picture: she lies in bed, and her husband brings breakfast to her. Romantic, is it not true?

But only his thoughts soon materialized several in a different way - she broke her leg, was forced to lie in bed for a month. Husband, naturally, nothing remained, how to wear her breakfast, lunch and dinner. Therefore, the main law of thinking is well thought, before something to make something. Influenced by a person alone, it is impossible to influence the human strength, it is possible to influence the circumstances. If your goal, for example, is interesting, monetary work in a good team, then this task is just for thinking.

Rules for attracting good luck and luck

In order to get the desired result, it suffices to comply with some simple rules:

Feng Shui receptions to attract good luck

They will help to establish a situation in specifically the field of life Certain receptions of Feng Shui. With the help of small manipulations in the apartment, the energy of good luck will flow into your home river.

The apartment should not be clusters of unnecessary things. Clean your home from the rubble. old or unloved clothes and shoes that you do not carry cosmetics and creams with an expired shelf life, piles of old magazines and newspapers, uninteresting photos, jars and containers for products without covers, broken children's toys, unnecessary gifts and other things that no one Come benefit. Do not strive to throw everything in one day. Mind over your home in a little, for example, you can devote only half an hour, but every weekend.

Amulets to attract good luck on Feng Shui

Feng Shui invites us to accommodate some items-symbols in the apartment in certain zones. Luck and accumulating well-being in the house. Mentally break your apartment on 8 zones, respectively, the parties of the world. Each party will be responsible for a certain sphere of your life. To revive this or that sphere, put several talismans in the appropriate zone "for good luck".

For example, if you have financial difficulties. Place your apartment "Monetary" tree in the south-east. A small aquarium with goldfish or room fountain. As well as any valuable items: expensive vase, figurines, rare coins, antiques.

Just do not overdo it with talismans, otherwise the effect will turn out to be exactly the opposite: too large fountain (not the size of the room) can "wash" your money, and the zone overloaded with symbols will simply stop passing through itself.

In the southwest, in the zone of love and marriage, in no case should there be portraits and photographs of dead people, as well as lonely objects. Candlesticks, lamps - everything should be two pieces, and dolls and other figures will surely let the men and women.

For well-being in the family and the health of people close to you, it is enough to "revive" the eastern part of your apartment with flowers, just need to care for them. One very important rule. Do not rearrange immediately in all zones. Make updates at least with a daily break.

There are still various magical rituals and conspiracies to attract success. They often combine the laws of Feng Shui and thoughtformers, and often acquire religious color.

It is believed that with their desires it is necessary to go to the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker - it is not only a patronage of sailors and travelers, but also helps in the performance of a cherished dream. You can, by the way, ask for help in attracting good luck to St. Nicholas and at home: for this, before the Icon of the Wonderworker, light the candle and, reading the prayer, forty times to repeat your desire. Only a desire (remember thinking) must contain the end result: if you want to marry, and say, "I want to marry", and not "I want a beautiful groom."

Magic rituals and rites for the fulfillment of dreams

Another magic ritual For the execution of dreams and attracting good luck - "Magnetic desire".

  • Take two small candles (green - for the desire associated with money, red - for love, blue - for the performance of another dream), a red silk ribbon, a white sheet of paper.
  • Light candles, write your desire on paper. Wrap in a sheet with the desire of a magnet and tie the silk ribbon.
  • Try to do everything without hurrying, well thinking every step, clearly imagining your dream - during this time, the candles should burn.
  • The magnet with the desire to wear is always with me before the fulfillment of the conceived.

If you want to correct your financial position and attract the luck in monetary issues, resort to the next active method.

  • In the bank, put in an equal proportion to the handful of peas (you can beans or lentils), tea, coffee beans. Stir everything in the middle of the mixture to place the iron coin (2.5 or 10 rubles).
  • Exit mentally or out loud: "I am grateful to accept from the universe prosperity and well-being. I attract money and good luck as a magnet. "
  • Then close the can with a lid and put it in a secluded place in the south-east of your apartment.

Of course, none of the listed ways and rituals will make it so that money starts in your wallet by itself, and the beloved person suddenly made a proposal of hands and hearts.

But after the ritual to attract money, you can suddenly come with a good offer for new work or new customers will appear. After guessing "for love", who knows, maybe, will suddenly receive an invitation for a holiday, where you will meet your narrowed (if you go, of course). Consider that fate stretches you a lottery ticket, and erase the protective layer from it or not - you decide only.

Mantras to attract luck and good luck

Mantra is a special combination of sounds, which, with its pronunciation, is able to help a person in any aspects of his life. The aggregate mantra, or, as they call them the Vedas, are revelations of God and are used for human spiritual development. The use of mantras is very effective in attracting luck and good luck in affairs.

There are many mantras helping in various aspects of human life. These include: strong mantras to attract money, wealth, love, success, good luck, etc. For better effect, they are pronounced out loud, or by chance. In order to learn how to sing the mantra correctly, they can be heard on the Internet in someone else's performance. But remember that the miraculous power of Mantras began to work for you, it is you who must enter the resonance with the universe forces, and this will require your voice.

How to correctly read strong mantras to quickly attract money

Mantras need to be pronounced at sunrise in a quiet peace. Buddhist mantras to attract money, wealth and material well-being are necessarily read according to lunar calendarWhen the growing moon is 108 times. In order not to be distracted with the score, use rosary with 180 beads.

Before reading the mantra, it is necessary to meditate, reflect on how you dispose of what opportunities you may appear and how your life will change with the arrival of material well-being. Listen to how to read the mantra to attract money on the Internet, in various designs. Choose the most suitable option for you.

In order to even more attract money, with the help of a mantra, water can be charged. If you have such a charged water, it, absorbed into your body, will give you my energy. For a ritual, you need to learn by heart any mantra, open the window, turn your hands with palms up to the moon and quietly rush to the mantra. Next, set a decanter with water so that the light from the moon fell and on you and on it. Feel like the moonlight permeates and feeds you. The duration of the ritual is 5-10 minutes.

The texts of the strongest mantras to attract money, good luck and luck in their lives

  1. Mantra of wealth, money, success, good luck and luck, pacifying and fulfilling desires.
    Om Lakshmi Vigan Sri Kamala Dharigan Swaha
  2. Mantra Ganesh.
    Om Gam Ganapatatai Namaha
  3. Mantra of success in any commercial affairs.
    Om Sri Ganeshaia Machha
  4. Mantra of cleansing karma, good luck and protection against all kinds of misfortunes.
    Ohm bhur bhuwah swash tat swees jam buggro
    Devasya Dchimakhi Dhyo Yo Nah Prachodayat
  5. Madra.
    Om Mani Padme Hum
  6. Universal mantra to attract money.
    AUM NAMO Dhanadaya Swaha
  7. Mantra to obtain and preserve wealth.
    AUM Kriya A-C-A-U-Saa Hrrim
  8. Mantras for well-being, prosperity and attracting good luck in affairs.
    AUUM CHRYM SRIM Klim Bloom Calicunda Danda Svina Siddhyim
    Jagadvasam Aanaya Aanaya Swaha

Prayers to attract luck and good luck

Since ancient times, the prayers helped a person to find peace and peace. Praying, by referring to the highest strength, as if shifting problems and responsibility for them to stronger shoulders. And indeed, as a result, many difficult issues are allowed by themselves, and problems lose their severity.

How it works

Such prayer conspiracies for good luck are arranged in such a way that they act as a lever that switches you with bad luck. It is important after reading to be absolutely confident that now everything will develop for you in the best possible way. It works this method of attracting good luck to knowlessly, and even the most difficult situations are gradually allowed by themselves.

Applying these prayers day after day, you change the world around yourself and attract good luck, luck and success in matters in your life and the lives of people close to you. You yourself can decide, pronounce prayer out loud or about yourself, the main thing is to be sure that everything will work out. We wish you around the clock luck and daily luck.

Morning prayer for good luck

In the people, it has long been assumed that how to meet a new day, so you will spend it. Effective morning prayer will help to attract good luck and raise the mood for as many as 24 hours. Indeed, in fact, many people familiar to many: what mood you will be, it will go all day.

There are many reasons why we can feel bad, and the emotional attitude also contributes a disharmony into our plans until the evening. But still we ourselves build our lives, and sometimes even a few phrases can change the mood and attract success.

Prayer for good luck for the morning reading is one of those chopsticks that make wonders daily and make us happier. Applying it every day, you will feel the tide of strength, and the smile on the face will appear more and more.

Immediately after you woke up, read this prayer. You can pray for out loud or about yourself, you can do as convenient for you.

To begin, smile, fold your palms together and say the prayer text: "The Most Holy Birthday, thank you for a new day. You are the Mother of God, please, protect me from evil and attack everyone, from people of violent and envious. And direct me on the path true, the path of joy and happiness. Help me in all my endeavors, through people of good and clean. I went my love and blessing. Amen".

This prayer needs to be repeated three times before getting out of the house or even take in maturity.

Features of the prayer of attraction of good luck

This prayer begins to act from the first day. The most important condition is the following: you must sincerely believe that say. If you read the prayer mechanically, as many say, "for a tick", then nothing will work.

While reading, it is necessary to completely give up the process and listen only to your body and inner voice. If you think that you are late because of this reading or what business you need to have time to do in the day, then nothing will work again. Be at the moment here and now.

The Mother of God helps only those who really want this and all the soul asks for help. After all, it will also be not pleasant for you when the interlocutor when communicating only prevents what he listens to, and he thinks his own. So in communication with higher patrons there should be a complete concentration on the actual and words.

In essence, prayer is similar to action on affirmation. These are the same allegations only aimed at the highest forces. Affirmations work more on our subconscious, but are also one of effective ways Make life more lucky. Therefore, believing in God, do not stop believing in yourself. Love yourself, trust the universe and good luck will accompany you.

Video: Strong prayer for good luck, success and well-being

Prayers for good luck for every day

Tired of gray weekdays? Tired of the fact that in your life nothing happens? We will tell you about prayers for every day that will help make your days more successful and happy.

Our whole life consists of a series of accidents. Oddly enough, our mood and success sometimes depend on the smallest things that we sometimes do not even suspect. For example, you are trying to impress the boss, and instead he makes you a remark about the stain on the blouse left by gel handle. Such minor troubles have the property to accumulate and deliver us great inconvenience.

Prayer for success in the coming business

If you have some complicated business, or a serious deal should take place at work, such a prayer will help you attract good luck to your side. You need to read her text three times before an important meeting:

"Hear me, my angel is a patron. Your kindness and care accompanied me throughout my life. And now I need your help. Please help me .... (hereinafter voiced their request). How you are soaring in heaven, and I live on earth, so my business is exactly and okay. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer for good luck and luck in trifles for every day

There are such people who have all in their hands argue: things are done, they all have time, luck and luck in all matters accompanies them, it turns out everything perfectly. And someone is constantly late, forgets his belongings in public transport or be sad over the burnt dinner. Yes, you never know what can spoil the mood for a whole day?

If from the morning your day did not fit, go to the mirror and, looking into my eyes, say the following: "The ocean has a shepherd with a ram. On the harmonica, he plays and all my adversity takes. I'm happy to get, I share with all joy! Amen"

These words need to repeat seven times, without interrupting the visual contact. After you finish, be sure to smile to your reflection. This is a very effective method of attracting good luck in affairs for every day.

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